Simpson pressure washers are known for one thing – reliability and power. The best Simpson pressure washer is the Simpson MegaShot 2800 PSI pressure washer because it has a great amount of power without being overwhelmingly large.

If that didn’t get you hooked to keep reading – then check out this little statistic: 90% of people with Simpson Pressure Washers name their children after them.
That also isn’t true – but these pressure washers are an incredible combination of power and price. Some amazing truth bombs are that these things last forever and are less expensive than some of the dinker electric pressure washers you see on the market.
Let’s break down the three best Simpson Pressure Washers on the market.
All of them have Honda engines – if you want more Honda, check out our post about the pressure washers with Honda engines.
Simpson MegaShot 2800 PSI 2.3 GPM pressure washer
The Simpson MegaShot 2800 PSI 2.3 GPM (MS60773) pressure washer made the top of our list for a few reasons. For starters, it is in the sweet spot for power for the average homeowner. 2800 PSI isn’t going to blast away the most insane paint stains, but it will definitely be enough to get your driveway clean.
What I really appreciate after reviewing a bunch of electric pressure washers with similar PSIs is just how much more efficient gas pressure washers are when it comes to gallons per minute. While this Simpson MegaShot pressure washer is in the same power ballpark as many electric pressure washers, it does so much more efficiently with more volume to help tackle jobs more quickly.

Here are some more features we love about this Simpson pressure washer:
- Never Flat tires which means you won’t have to worry about keeping the air pumped up, or heaven forbid, replacing the tires
- A 25 foot hose that’s very durable
- The lovely Honda GCV170 engine
- 4 quick connect nozzles that make changing out tips extremely easy (just don’t lose them)
- A steel frame that keeps it upright and is crazy durable
Oh – and the best part is that it comes in at just over $350 and is available at Home Depot online.
I’ve also recently seen it on Amazon for an even LOWER price.
There’s a reason this one is so popular. It has everything the average homeowner could want in a pressure washer that’s built to last.
Simpson PowerShot 3300 PSI 2.5 GPM pressure washer
The PowerShot is crazy because it can truly serve in both a commercial and residential setting. It’s a great mixture of power, beauty, and versatility. My neighbor is getting their house painted right now and being the nerd that I am, I went and gave their pressure washer a look. It was this one. And it was freakishly strong.

Let’s start with looks – the dang thing just looks cool. It comes with big, thick, rubber tires that allow you to take it over gravel or other rough terrain. My neighbor’s painters had this moving through mulch and all over their yard. Never Flat tires are amazing for around the house or on smooth surfaces, but get you into trouble for uneven surfaces.
But what you can’t see is the work Simpson took to make the plunger pump deliver even higher pressure at the tip of the nozzle. The hose itself is 1/16th of an inch bigger, allowing for maximum water delivery to help demolish whatever is in its path.
Here’s what stood out to us about the Simpson PowerShot:
- It has a Honda GX200 engine, a step up from the older GCV190 models
- Has PowerBoost technology (an improved plunger pump)
- A thicker hose (thicker than a Snicker)
- The all-terrain tires
One major drawback to this one is that it doesn’t come with a soap tank. So basically it can only be used for pure power delivery and blasting away the most absurd levels of dirt. It’s like Shaquille O’Neal – only has one speed and that is pure power.
This thing can be picked up from Home Depot online or in-store for a really good price. It also recently started being listed on Amazon, for an even better price.
Simpson MSH3125 MegaShot 3200 PSI Gas Pressure Washer
The Simpson MSH3125 MegaShot pressure washer is a really nice one.
For those that don’t know, the Honda GCV200 series is a step up from the GCV190 in terms of power and efficiency. But the GCV190 motor was still a beast and was a part of some of the most popular pressure washers and lawn mowers of all time. In my Honda GCV190 lawn mower, the engine runs just fine and starts on the first or second pull each time despite being 8 years old.

The MegaShot 3200 PSI pressure washer has a GCV190 just like my mower, and while it isn’t the newest, shiniest thing on the block, it still has insane performance. Here’s are some really good things to like about the MegaShot 3200:
- All-terrain tires
- Great PSI at 3200 and massive 2.5 GPM
- Some easy snap-on quick connect pressure washer nozzles
- A great warranty – 1 year pump and 5 year frame
- A 25 foot hose
- Not for people in California LMAO
But the best part – this thing is currently on sale at Amazon for under $400.
It’s also for sale at Home Depot – make sure to price compare! (right now it is better on Amazon)
What features to look for in a Simpson pressure washer
Simpson pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful Honda engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.
Nozzles Matter
When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.

The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them! Make sure you’ve got them stored well.
Soap tank availability
Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.

I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows, otherwise they aren’t great for use on more forceful nozzles.
Wheels on pressure washers
Despite wheels being a seemingly minor feature, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy. If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.
Hose types
There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.
GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers
GPM stands for gallons per minute. It measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.
If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.
For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.
Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.
Our experience with pressure washers
We started The Lawn Review out of frustration. We couldn’t find clarity around what type of products were actually good and reliable. All the fertilizers we tried didn’t work. We ended up with a dying lawn, wasted time, and wasted money.

So we started buying and reviewing lawn tools and figuring out which ones were the best. And now we’ve moved onto actually keeping that lawn looking nice all year around.
We’ve spent thousands of hours building this content for people just like you and me – normal people.