EGO Select Cut XP Lawn Mower Review (LM2150SP)

ego mower

The EGO Select Cut XP self-propelled mower is an absolute tank. EGO did it again – and this mower has all of the bells and whistles. 

If you have never heard of EGO, you’re missing out on a modern day cult. Everybody that has one of their lawn tools is obsessed and promises to never go back. Heck, we did a five-way head-to-head matchup with a bunch of mowers and the EGO flock came out in full force to represent. 

Bottom line: The EGO Select Cut XP is the cream of the crop when it comes to EGO mowers. It has powerful torque, a great self-propelled function, and is pretty durable. Psst….you can grab one of these for a really good price on Amazon instead of Lowes.

Let me break down my review of the EGO Select Cut XP – the model number LM2150SP or LM2156SP (whatever that means). I also compare the EGO Select Cut to the Stihl RMA battery mower.

Jump ahead:

My experience with EGO mowers

I’ve had the good fortune of using a few EGO mowers. They have a noticeable trait that makes them stick out: they are absolute tanks. They feel like a man’s mower. Bulkier, sturdier, more powerful – a self-propelled function that truly pulls you forward. 

I’ve gotten to use a few and compare them across a bunch of other electric mowers – probably well over a dozen now. EGO is always one of my favorites because of how popular they are. Needless to say, I’m experienced when it comes to using these. In fact, I walked one of them on the street in my neighborhood until it died. It was well over an hour – that’s dedication.

My favorite EGO mower is the new EGO LM2200SP mower that is incredible – read more here.

EGO LM2150SP Select Cut XP Electric Mower Review

The EGO LM2150SP has a lot to love. Let me do a rundown of my experience using this mower to help you see if you would want to snag one of these. I’ll start by breaking down the power.

Power and feel on the EGO LM2150 / LM2156 mower

The EGO LM2150SP Select Cut XP is one of the best analogs to gas-powered mowers that I have come across. For starters, it just feels like a gas powered mower despite looking nothing really like one. When EGO says Select Cut XP – they mean that this is their highest torque mower. At 8.3 lbs/ft – the EGO Select Cut XP puts out more torque than just about any normal residential gas mower. More than Honda’s lineup of push mowers for sure.

One thing I love about the LM2150SP is that the self-propelled function is super easy to use and control – even when in use. You simply roll up this little cylinder to toggle the self-propelled function’s speed. Something that stood out to me the first time I used EGO’s Touch Drive technology was how it truly pulls you forward, whereas others are a bit underwhelming and still require a good bit of pushing. 

Lastly, this mower has multiple blades. Two at a time will run on this bad boy, which means it will be tough to miss a blade of grass. The mower comes with three blades that can be swapped out depending on if you are bagging or mulching.

EGO 56V Battery performance

I put a ton of elbow grease and time into this series of tests. Like I mentioned earlier, I actually walked this mower around my neighborhood until it died to see how it compared to four other mowers. This isn’t the most scientific test in the world, but it does help you see how it is relative to other mowers (if you are shopping around). 

Once the battery was dead, I plugged it into the charger to see exactly how long it took for the 10 Ah battery to recharge. 

Here were my results:

  1. The EGO ran for an hour and thirty one minutes before dying – not bad!
  2. The 56V 10Ah battery took the least amount of time to fully recharge, compared to the other mowers – an hour and four minutes.

Battery time will vary wildly depending on many factors, like the load you are cutting – but is entirely dependent on the amp-hours (Ah) of your battery. The more Ah, the more run time. If you are grabbing this mower, make sure you have some higher Ah batteries to ensure it runs as long as you need. Mine came with 10.0 Ah, but I have smaller EGO batteries as well that fit into the 765 CFM blower and their Multi-Head tool.

EGO Mower Durability

One thing I dislike about the EGO, and most EGO mowers in general, is that they have plastic cutting decks. Traditional gas push mowers have metal decks – it is just the name of the game for heavy duty lawn mowing.

The LM2150SP from EGO is no different. A plastic cutting deck – I really prefer metal decks. I haven’t had a bad experience (yet) with these decks, but am always worried about cracking, chipping or otherwise just breaking in half. 

To be fair, I’ve read hundreds of Youtube comments from folks who have their EGO mowers for 8+ years without the slightest damage to the plastic cutting deck. Otherwise, I haven’t heard or experienced any issues with durability. These things are built like tanks and will only leave you worrying about changing the batteries every 5-7 years.

Value and cost of the EGO mower

The EGO Select Cut XP (LM2150SP) comes in at around $450 for the tool-only version on Amazon, where I found it for the lowest price. That means if you already own the battery and don’t need an extra, you can get it for an absurd steal.

If you want to get it with huge batteries and a turbocharger (the LM2156SP version), you’re going to pay a lot more but can grab it on Amazon nonetheless.

My recommendation: EGO Select Cut XP Self-propelled

The EGO Select Cut XP is a really, really good mower. In fact, it has changed the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of skeptics who now are obsessed with it (me included). It has some pretty fancy functionality, is way more durable than I thought, is powerful as all-get-out, and if you get it tool-only, is a heck of a price.

All-in-all, this one gets the TLR stamp of approval. If you’re going with EGO and have money to spend, this is probably the top of the line option and will definitely turn your neighbors’ heads.

5 Battery Mowers with Durable Metal Cutting Decks

My favorite battery powered mower with a metal cutting deck is EGO’s new aluminum deck mower. I’ve used this battery powered mower extensively and it is easily the best value for the money. I also made a full YouTube review video highlighting the top battery mowers here.

Battery-powered mowers with metal cutting decks simply provide too many benefits and have the best comparison to their gas-powered counterparts. I love them for a lot of reasons, which I will get to – and have also used dozens of battery powered mowers. You can grab the number one choice, the Greenworks 80V mower here.

So here are my favorite battery mowers with metal decks:

  1. EGO 56V LM2200SP Walk-Behind Mower
  2. Greenworks Pro 80V Battery Powered Mower
  3. Milwaukee M18 18V Battery Powered Mower
  4. Dewalt 20V Max Self Propelled Mower
  5. Toro 60V Recycler Battery Mower

Honorable mention, but a little expensive: Stihl RMA 510 V battery powered mower.

5 Sweet Electric Mowers with Metal Decks

Alright y’all – let me start with my very top choice. I’ve been reluctant to name this electric mower brand number one because I had an initially rocky experience, but after using dozens of others AFTER this one, it turned out to actually be the best for the price.

1.) EGO 56V LM2200SP 22-Inch Walk Behind Mower

Folks this new mower from EGO – the LM2200SP – is the best electric mower on planet Earth. It is the newest EGO mower and has a nice 22-inch aluminum cutting deck that makes it the most durable EGO mower. The LM2200SP also comes with Touch Drive technology and Select Cut (two blades). Touch Drive technology is simply an easy way to control the speed of the self-propelled mower.

Aluminum rules.

We don’t just sort mowers by the best seller and then regurgitate the specifications to you. We are actually going to break down exactly why this one is our absolute favorite. 

If I could draw up the perfect lawn mower in a lab, this one would be darn near close. It has all of my favorite things including:

The only EGO mower with a metal deck – which rockets it up the list in my opinion. Metal decks are way more durable, temperature resistant, and provide a little more weight to keep the mower balanced. 

  • Of course it has the brushless motor and 56V battery system with a massive 10 Ah battery
  • Easy push button start that gets you going
  • Folds in half for storing in the winter or tight spaces around the garage or shed
  • A top run time at over an hour! (70 minutes)
  • More powerful than the average gas push mower at 11.1 lbs of torque

This mower is incredible and easily gives any mower – gas or electric – a run for their money. You can check the price here on Amazon.

2.) Greenworks Pro 80V Brushless Electric Mower

I love the Greenworks Pro 80V electric mower, although I didn’t always. The first one I purchased had some sort of error that made it difficult to learn. But I swapped it out and had a great experience with the replacement. 

Greenworks makes this mower with a nice 21 inch steel cutting deck that looks and feels like a gas-powered push mower. A few other things I like about this mower:

  • A really nice dashboard that shows you battery life and allows you to toggle the speed of the self-propelled function
  • A brushless motor
  • It also has a turbo button that allows you to amp up the power (literally) to take on thicker grass
  • Great battery life
  • An 80V battery lineup that can also accommodate their 80V blower

This one has really grown one me, to the point of it being my go-to every weekend mower. Yeah, that’s right. I own 11 push mowers and this is the one I grab every time.

You can grab yours on Amazon for a great price or get it at your local Costco if you’re a member.

3) Milwaukee M18 Battery Powered Mower

Honestly, the Milwaukee M18 mower is the best battery powered lawn mower I’ve ever used. 

It has everything I look for in a mower: a steel deck, really great battery life, batteries that can be used across hundreds of tools, supreme power, and all the bells and whistles. I got to use it extensively when I did a full review of it on Youtube.

My favorite thing about this mower is that it is built solid as a rock. It is heavier than most electric mowers on the market, which I actually like. Some of the lighter electric mowers have a propensity to bounce around with every little divot in the grass. With the M18, you will have an experience extremely similar to a gas powered mower.

You’re probably wondering, “If he is so obsessed with this mower, then why is it not number one?”. And that would be a great question.

The only – and I mean ONLY – downside to the Milwaukee M18 mower is that it has a hefty price tag. If you don’t own the batteries already then you can expect to pay well over a grand for this bad boy. 

Don’t worry – it goes on sale from time to time at Home Depot if you want to check it out.

4.) Dewalt 20V Max 21.5 inch lawn mower

I gotta say, I love Dewalt. They make some great tools – from their sweet Dewalt weed eaters, their leaf blowers, and even their air compressors – all of which I’ve had the opportunity to review.

Their mower is really well built. They made it to mimic a gas-powered mower and it actually looks exactly like one. It has a lot to like, including:

  • A wide 21.5 inch steel deck which is right in the gas-powered range
  • Some nice functionality, like a self-propelled function and increased torque when you get to thicker patches of grass
  • Some cutting heights that give you a lot of range for short grass like Berumuda

But my favorite part is that it comes with two massive 12 Ah batteries. This gives you an absurd amount of run time. I’m talking well over an hour of run time.

Where most mowers fall short and die after about 30-45 mins, this one will lap them completely and get you on to your next task faster. The mower is dang sweet and comes in at a reasonable price point if you grab it at Home Depot online.

5.) Toro Recycler SmartStow Battery Mower

Toro’s 60V Recycler Mower has a lot of really great bells and whistles. Frankly, it has all the features I would want in a battery powered mower. It has:

  • A steel deck
  • A nice 6 Ah battery
  • This cool function that pulls air up so you can cut the grass better
  • Patented LawnVitamins mulching system
  • Personal Pace technology, which adjusts the speed of the mower on your ability to push the mower

But it also has a few downsides. For example, Toro doesn’t have a huge selection of battery tools. That means you don’t get the upside of buying a battery kit and using it across power tools and outdoor power equipment. 

I also felt like some of the features of this mower were a bit gimmicky. The “Vortex” air flow technology doesn’t really seem to do anything. The Personal Pace feature was kind of annoying and unsettling, and the batteries took FOREVER to charge.

This is a good option if you already own a Toro battery or are for some reason a Toro loyalist. Otherwise, there’s a reason it is number five on this list.

You can check the price at Home Depot here.

My experience with battery powered mowers with metal decks

When it comes to evaluating battery powered mowers, I’m VERY seasoned. For starters, I filmed a Youtube video of me testing out five of the most popular in a head-to-head matchup. On top of that, I’ve done countless other Youtube reviews of battery mowers. 

Given all this personal experience with electric mowers, I feel pretty confident that I can tell you exactly what you should be looking for in an electric mower. And most importantly – what to avoid. There is a lot of garbage and marketing gimmicks out there, so let me break down for you exactly what to look for.

What I look for in battery powered mowers

If you’re looking for a new battery powered mower (which you are), you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and people throwing acronyms at you. If you’re like me, you will tune them out.

Below are my recommendations:

Battery-powered mower brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

Some brands I trust off the top of my head are: Greenworks, Milwaukee, Makita, Toro, EGO, and Kobalt. SOME Ryobi mowers, although myself and others have had some problems with reliability. Brand quality matters, but it’s also important to look at the specs on each.

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Battery interoperability.

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. You’ll see a bunch of these brands that have battery lines that work with a ton of tools. Milwaukee, Makita, and Dewalt are all great options because you can use them for all lawn tools AND power tools – saving you a ton of money on extra batteries.

If you have more questions, check out our purchasing an electric lawn mowers, where we break this down into a lot more detail.

Self-propelled or not

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it.

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

3 EGO Mowers That Are Better Than Gas

EGO lawn mowers are the most popular battery powered mowers. Maybe not in terms of sales, but I’ve never heard of someone really disliking EGO’s mowers. The best EGO lawn mower is the new EGO LM2200SP mower with an aluminum cutting deck because it has a super strong build with all the premium bells and whistles.

Maybe I’m talking to the wrong people, but whenever we post a review with an EGO product in it on our Youtube channel, the EGO cult comes out in full force. The only downside to EGO lawn mowers is that there are a ton of different models and they all look and sound the same.

I created The Lawn Review to decipher that lingo and give you my opinion on the best EGO lawn mower on the market.

EGO Lawn Mowers: Better and stronger than gas (!)

I’ve had the chance to use multiple EGO mowers which makes me #blessed. But I’ve also used a ton of other electric mowers. Here are my favorite EGO lawn mowers.

1.) EGO Power+ LM2200SP Walk-behind mower

Folks this new mower from EGO – the LM2200SP – is the best electric mower on planet Earth. It is the newest EGO mower and has a nice 22-inch aluminum cutting deck that makes it the most durable EGO mower. The LM2200SP also comes with Touch Drive technology and Select Cut (two blades). Touch Drive technology is simply an easy way to control the speed of the self-propelled mower.

Aluminum rules.

We don’t just sort mowers by the best seller and then regurgitate the specifications to you. We are actually going to break down exactly why this one is our absolute favorite. 

If I could draw up the perfect lawn mower in a lab, this one would be darn near close. It has all of my favorite things including:

The only EGO mower with a metal deck – which rockets it up the list in my opinion. Metal decks are way more durable, temperature resistant, and provide a little more weight to keep the mower balanced. 

  • Of course it has the brushless motor and 56V battery system with a massive 10 Ah battery
  • Easy push button start that gets you going
  • Folds in half for storing in the winter or tight spaces around the garage or shed
  • A top run time at over an hour! (70 minutes)
  • More powerful than the average gas push mower at 11.1 lbs of torque

This mower is incredible and easily gives any mower – gas or electric – a run for their money. You can check the price here on Amazon.

2.) EGO Power+ LM2133 21-Inch Select Cut Lawn Mower

Next up on the list is the LM2133 mower from EGO. This one does have some bells and whistles, but doesn’t go too overboard. 

The LM2133 has all of the standard beautiful features in an EGO mower (56V battery, 21 inch deck, brushless motor), but also has some nice extras.

This EGO mower has the Select Cut functionality, which if you reference our dictionary above, would know that it has multiple cutting blades. The multiple blades help work together to finely mulch the grass, allowing you to move faster and make fewer passes in your yard. It also helps you avoid leaving any spare grass blades behind and having a rough looking lawn.

This one also has TouchDrive technology, allowing you to easily control the self-propelled function with the palm of your hand instead of with triggers. Not bad. You just swipe up on it and get it going – no need to stop or even press buttons. See how this function compares to the Stihl RMA 510 V mower.

You can grab this one on Amazon as well for a great price. If you want to boost the run time from 45 minutes to 65 minutes, get the tool-only version and buy a separate 7.5 Ah battery. This one comes with a 5.0 Ah battery that may not fully get you where you need to go.

3.) EGO POWER+ 21″ Select Cut XP Mower with Touch Drive LM2156SP

The LM2156SP is obviously the Cadillac of EGO mowers. It comes with every bell and whistle. The belle of the ball. But it comes with a price.

Here are some of the features that make this one COMPLETELY unbeatable:

  • Select Cut XP functionality means that this is the highest torque EGO mower on the planet 
  • It also has Touch Drive self-propelled functionality, making it the easiest to use and control
  • Longest run time at 75 minutes because it comes with 10.0 Ah batteries, basically double the Ah of their other mowers

So this is the most powerful, longest running, easiest to control EGO mower. It is truly probably the best battery powered mower available from a technical specification perspective. But it doesn’t have a steel deck, which makes me sad. 

You can buy this one from Amazon, where I found it for the best price.

What I look for in battery powered mowers

If you’re looking for a new battery powered mower (which you are), you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and people throwing acronyms at you. If you’re like me, you will tune them out.

Below are my recommendations:

Battery-powered mower brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

Some brands I trust off the top of my head are: Greenworks, Milwaukee, Makita, Toro, EGO, and Kobalt. SOME Ryobi mowers, although myself and others have had some problems with reliability. Brand quality matters, but it’s also important to look at the specs on each.

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Battery interoperability.

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. You’ll see a bunch of these brands that have battery lines that work with a ton of tools. Milwaukee, Makita, and Dewalt are all great options because you can use them for all lawn tools AND power tools – saving you a ton of money on extra batteries.

If you have more questions, check out our guide to electric lawn mowers, where we break this down into a lot more detail.

Self-propelled or not

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it

Common questions I get about EGO lawn mowers

Is EGO made in China?

Yep, sadly EGO manufactures their products in China. EGO is owned by the parent company Chervon which also makes FLEX and SKIL. They capitalize all their tool brands, I guess.

There are very few American made electric mower manufacturers despite it easily being the largest market. 

How long does an EGO mower last?

It depends! EGO mowers will last for quite a while as long as you take care of them. If you use these very often, you are more likely to burn through the parts. With standard use, I would imagine most EGO mowers will last a good 7-8 years before you will be too tempted to buy a newer model.

Is it okay to leave an EGO battery in the mower?

It is fine to leave the EGO mower battery inside the mower as long as you don’t have kids running around your garage trying to fire up mowers. It is a safety hazard to leave it fully loaded.

Is it okay to leave an EGO battery on the charger?

You typically don’t want to leave batteries on the charger beyond when they are charged, but I’ve done it forever and never had a problem. Some people will read this and get mad – I’ve had no problems.

How long will a 7.5 Ah EGO battery last?

It totally depends on how much grass you are mowing but I’d say a typical mow with a 7.5 Ah battery will last you about 50 minutes.

My experience with EGO lawn products

I’ve used a ton of EGO products. My favorite thing about them is that they are really high quality and all use the same 56V battery. Some other brands have 40V, 18V, and others across all of their tools that limit the ability to share batteries and chargers among tools. It also costs more money having to buy different battery types.

I have extensively reviewed some of EGOs blowers, their weed eaters, the amazing multi-tool power head they have, and more.

They all slap.

Breaking down EGO’s vocabulary

EGO has a bunch of homegrown vocabulary, much like us Southerners. The downside is that it makes it difficult to differentiate the products because they have so many random names attached. Here is our translation guide for their EGO lawn mowers:

Power+ naming

Power+ just references EGO’s battery powered line of tools. Basically everything of theirs is Power+. It’s their standard naming convention and basically EGO’s last name. 

Self-propelled function on EGO lawn mowers

The self-propelled function is an optional function you can use to move the mower forward using a trigger on the handle. It is really nice for moving the mower over banks and hills or for adding some additional power to a thick cut of grass. The downside is that it can drain your battery – use carefully!

EGO Touch Drive Explained

Touch Drive is a function that allows you to more easily control the self-propelled function. Whereas self-propelled EGO lawn mowers without touch drive use a squeeze trigger, Touch Drive mowers have a trigger inside the handle that allows you to use your palm to initiate the self-propelled function, then a speed dial to adjust how quickly it moves.

EGO Peak Power mower Explained

Peak power allows you to combine any two EGO batteries to operate the mower (saving you money if you already own one).

EGO Select Cut mower Definition

Select Cut refers to more than one mower blade on the bottom of the mower.

EGO Select Cut XP mower Definition

Select Cut XP is a designation given to the highest torque Select Cut option that EGO offers.

EGO Speed IQ mower definition

Speed IQ is a tool that automatically adjusts the speed of the self-propelled function based off of the terrain. It will slow down to make sure thicker areas get fully cut and speed up over areas that you may have already passed or aren’t as resistant.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Makita 18V LXT 21 inch Mower Review + Video

Makita’s 21 inch 36V LXT brushless mower is a beauty to look at. They make awesome power tools, some really good lawn tools, and amazing mowers….right? I was underwhelmed with this Makita mower.

I got my hands on the new Makita 36V LXT mower and put it to the absolute test. In fact, over on our Youtube channel this mower was the MOST requested mower review we’ve ever done. Tons of folks were leaving comments on our other mower videos asking about this Makita LXT mower because it looks sweet, is a decent price, and is front and center at just about every Home Depot in the country.

Let me give you my honest thoughts on a number of categories.

The Makita 36V (18 x 2) Brushless Electric Mower Review

I went and grabbed the Makita mower from my local Home Depot. Many people think I get these things sent for free. I do not. So you can trust my experience on this one as the old wallet took a big hit.

Set-up and starting the Makita LXT mower

Unlike most electric mowers these days that have a super easy set-up process that doesn’t involve any tools, the Makita LXT had a few tools I had to use to get it all assembled. While it wasn’t overall difficult to assemble, it did take about twice the time as some of the other mowers I assembled. In fact, I did a 5-way head-to-head electric mower challenge and this one was the longest set-up.

Starting the mower is a little bit complex, too. I appreciate the safety aspects, but it was pretty cumbersome to get started. You press down the red button on the right side of the mower, then pull the handle bar down which engages the blade, then pull another bar over to get the self-propelled function. 

Using the Dashboard on the Makita LXT electric mower

One thing I really liked about the Makita mower is that it comes with a little dashboard panel near the handles. It has a battery light indicator that is super helpful compared to others, some of which make you take off the battery to check how much juice is left. It also has a lever that allows you to control how quickly the self-propelled function goes (ranging from turtle to rabbit).

Lastly there’s this little button that acts as a “quiet mode” which really doesn’t serve much of a purpose. It sends the RPMs down to a lower level, which basically makes the mower less effective. I don’t really get it.

The frame and body of the Makita LXT mower

One thing that this mower has that a lot of the competition doesn’t: a steel deck. So many electric mowers have plastic decks which I am not a huge fan of. I like the weight of a steel deck as well to help keep the mower on the straight and narrow.

One huge benefit of this is the single height adjustment. For folks that don’t know, they make mowers now that can be adjusted at one side of the mower to set the height for the whole mower. I only realized how great this was after having a mower that required it to be adjusted at each wheel separately. Such a nightmare. The heights range from 1.25 inches to 4 inches – great for bermuda or tall fescue. 

The wheels on this Makita mower are also a nice, solid six inches and don’t look or feel plastic-y like some other mowers out there. I also like that the battery housing holds four 5 Ah 18V batteries from Makita, which should get you a decent amount of time. When you want to switch between the first set of batteries to the second, you have to stop and switch a knob that indicates which batteries you want to draw from. Not unusual, but still kind of inefficient.

Battery run time and charge time tests on the Makita mower

Makita can claim whatever they want about the run-time of this mower. I am going to put it to the test to see what is real.

With this mower, I ran it in my yard with a timer to see exactly how long I could mow before the batteries died. With the first set of two batteries, I only got basically my front yard and part of my back – with 38 minutes and 29 seconds. With four batteries, you can probably get a full 80 minutes.

When it comes to charge time, it is also important to see how quickly you can reuse the batteries after a mow (or in the middle of it if they die). I popped two of these dead batteries on the charger and found that it took them about an hour and five minutes to charge (not 45 minutes like advertised).

Cost and value comparison for Makita LXT

The cost of the Makita LXT mower varies by size and batteries, but the one I got that came with two batteries and a 21 inch cutting deck cost about $689. Fully loaded with 4 batteries will run you about $789. 

You can grab any of these variations at Home Depot and adjust the price, where it often goes on sale.

Would I recommend the Makita 36V LXT mower?

This is a tough one. On paper, this is a fantastic mower. Steel deck, Makita’s great brand quality at places like Home Depot, a bunch of bells and whistles, and some great batteries.

But man – this thing was a disappointment when I actually used it. Not a great cut, some weird functions that didn’t make sense like the “quiet mode”, and a huge price tag. To be honest, I think you can do better with one of the best battery powered mowers we wrote about.

I WOULD recommend this mower to someone who already has some nice Makita 18V batteries that can save a ton of money by purchasing the tool-only version from Home Depot for a lower price.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

My experience with battery powered mowers

What I’m about to say may be extreme, but I think I may be the most experienced battery-powered mower reviewer (if that is a word) on the planet. I’ve used just about every battery mower on the market and consider myself a snob.

In fact, I own 11 mowers – which my wife of course loves (just kidding). Eight of them are battery powered push mowers and five of them are all 2023 models. It has been a weird year.

Anyways – I saved you the time of having to compare and contrast all the meaningless specifications and thought I could translate it into plain English.

Expert Guide For Buying a Hedge Trimmer

Hedge trimmers are great tools for keeping a crisp, clean looking lawn. My wife always calls it a well-manicured lawn and it is the standard that we keep for getting “curb appeal”.

Yeah…these will get the job done!

Keeping your yard and garden neat and tidy means regular maintenance. One essential task is trimming and shaping hedges and other shrubs and bushes. If you only have one or two plants, a manual trimmer or garden shears will work. But, for longer hedgerows, grouped shrubs, and other established plantings, a hedge trimmer will make trimming and maintenance easy.

My experience with electric hedge trimmers

Probably my favorite outdoor chore growing up was trimming the bushes. Picking up the leaves after was another story, but there is something so satisfying about shaping a bush into exactly the shape you want. I also like that there is a color-change aspect to trimming a bush as well, making it super satisfying.

Hedge trimmers that are older than I am and still work.

I’ve used a ton of corded electric hedge trimmers and a few cordless. I grew up constantly worrying about the extension cord getting cut in half or falling out. When I switched over to cordless, I had to worry about the weight distribution and running out of juice. 

Both are great options in my experience, but I want you to make up your own mind.

What Is a Hedge Trimmer?

This special tool has a blade that ranges from five to 26 inches long (like this Greenworks 60V hedge trimmer).This is the ideal length for cutting through shrub branches up to 3/4-inch thick. Hedge trimmers are powered by one of three sources; gas, electricity, or battery powered.The type of fuel that powers the trimmer will have an impact on how easy it is to use and how well it performs.

What Can I Do With a Hedge Trimmer?

As the name implies, a hedge trimmer is a tool for keeping hedges trimmed. However, that’s not all it can do. In fact, a hedge trimmer can help with a variety of garden chores. Just a few include:

  • Trim and shape bushes
  • Prune perennials and tall ornamental grasses,
  • Trimming ground cover
  • Cutting small little bushes
  • Cutting large, dry weeds and overgrowth
  • Pruning small trees and branches
  • Cutting debris and small sticks
  • Removing unwanted vines and other foliage

As you can see, a good hedge trimmer makes sense. In fact, we think it’s a pretty wise investment. But, before you get your credit card out, find out what to look for in a hedge trimmer.

Hedge Trimmer Features to Look For

If you’re in the market for a reliable new hedge trimmer, there are a few features you’ll want to take note of:

Weight and ease of use

The overall weight of your hedge trimmer fully fueled is a very important consideration. A gas hedge trimmer will weigh the most, battery-powered units are moderately heavy and electric plug-in hedge trimmers are the lightest.

Maneuverability is also a huge component as you want one that gives you flexibility, is two-sided, and can be used comfortably for a long period of time. For this reason, a good solid grip is really important.


Hedge trimmers come in single or double action. Single action means one blade moves while another is still. In a double action trimmer, both blades move. I prefer double action blades because you can go up and down a bush without having to restart at the top or move into a different position.

Safety Features  

All of your lawn and garden tools pose a threat if not handled properly. Look for a hedge trimmer with safety features such as a quick power-off button and blade guard. Blade guards are great for storage and some tools have guards near the handle that protect from stray brush flying back into your face if you are getting really into a bush.

Nice brush guard on this one.

Value for the Money

New lawn tools are fun, but they should also be practical. Get yourself a hedge trimmer that’s got all the power you need without spending a fortune. It is easy to find the best hedge trimmer on the market, but its another to find the absolute best hedge trimmer for the money. A lot goes into the value equation. For example, there’s a great WORX hedge trimmer that is corded electric that is absolutely phenomenal.

Different types of hedge trimmers explained

Hedge trimmers surprisingly don’t come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few notable types out there to understand. Let’s get into it.

Corded vs cordless vs gas hedge trimmers

I’ve done a full post that breaks down corded vs cordless hedge trimmers, but I’ll share my thoughts here.

I think corded hedge trimmers can be great since they are cheap, have unlimited run time (as long as you pay your bills) and seem to last forever.  The downside is that they have limitations with mobility and tend to become unplugged.

Cordless hedge trimmers are more expensive and have a fixed run time, but are way easier to operate without any limitations. They are great tools that can be bought for pretty cheap if you already own the batteries on another tool from the same lineup.

Gas hedge trimmers are more common for professional use, but I suppose could have some use around the house as well. The main downside to gas powered hedge trimmers is the maintenance schedule. 

Get Ready for More Beautiful Hedges, Bushes and Shrubs

Now that you’re a hedge trimming expert, you can confidently make the investment. You’ll have beautifully sculpted hedges, perfectly pruned bushes, and gorgeously shaped shrubs your neighbors will envy in no time.

Next thing you know, you’ll be shaping your bushes into various statues and looking quite exquisite.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Common questions about hedge trimmers

How much does a hedge trimmer cost?

A good hedge trimmer will cost anywhere from $100 to $300 depending on whether you get corded or cordless versions.

What size hedge trimmer do I need?

A great hedge trimmer size for home use is around 22 inches up to 26 inches.

What are the popular types of hedge trimmers?

Popular hedge trimmer types include corded, cordless, and gas powered hedge trimmers – with corded being the most popular.

How often should I oil my hedge trimmer?

I oil my hedge trimmer yearly, but only trim a few times per year. If you have a LOT of bushes, I would bump it up to about 2-3x per year.

What are some popular hedge trimmer brands?

Popular hedge trimmer brands include BLACK+DECKER, Dewalt, and Makita.

Corded vs Cordless Hedge Trimmers: Which Should You Use?

Corded and cordless hedge trimmers are great options for speeding through some dang brush. But both have trade-offs when compared to the other. Today, I want to break down which types of hedge trimmers I prefer, while carefully weighing the pros and cons of both.

Got hedges, shrubs, bushes, and trees that need to be trimmed and pruned? Clipping each branch manually just isn’t feasible, especially if you have a lot of landscaping plants. A power tool is the only way to get the job done in a reasonable time. Does the idea of a noisy, gas-powered hedge trimmer give you a headache? Are you worried about working too hard with a trimmer that’s bulky, heavy, and tiring?

You’re not alone. Let me break down what I look for in a hedge trimmer.

My experience with electric hedge trimmers

Probably my favorite outdoor chore growing up was trimming the bushes. Picking up the leaves after was another story, but there is something so satisfying about shaping a bush into exactly the shape you want. I also like that there is a color-change aspect to trimming a bush as well, making it super satisfying.

I’ve used a ton of corded electric hedge trimmers and a few cordless. I grew up constantly worrying about the extension cord getting cut in half or falling out. When I switched over to cordless, I had to worry about the weight distribution and running out of juice. 

Both are great options in my experience, but I want you to make up your own mind.

How do electric hedge trimmers compare to gas?

If you’ve primarily used gas-powered lawn and garden equipment, you may have concerns about using a battery powered tool. But, rest assured that these hedge trimmers can get the job done. The truth is, these tools are just as effective as their gas-guzzling cousins, but they offer several other advantages as well including:

  • Lighter Weight – Without a heavy motor and fuel, both corded and battery powered trimmers are relatively lightweight. That means you can work longer with less fatigue and strain on your body.
  • More Versatile – Because of their lighter weight, battery and electric hedge trimmers can get into places a gas trimmer may not be able to.
  • No Fumes – You won’t have to worry about dangerous exhaust and emissions.
  • Cleaner Refueling – Gas powered equipment can be messy to operate and store.
  • Cheaper Fuel – It costs much less to recharge a battery or plug in a hedge trimmer than a gas engine powered hedge trimmer.
  • Quieter Operation – One of the key advantages of electric and battery-powered equipment and tools is that they are much quieter than gas engines.
  • No maintenance – no oil or filter changes, no new spark plugs – just press the start button and you’re good to go

Corded electric hedge trimmers: Weighing pros and cons

Corded electric hedge trimmers are the old school electric lawn tool that I still use often today. Sort of like corded leaf blowers, these tools tend to be inexpensive while still packing a punch. Let me break it down right here:

Pros of corded electric hedge trimmers

Corded electric hedge trimmers have a lot to like. Here are my favorite things about them:

  1. They are less expensive than battery-powered hedge trimmers
  2. Corded hedge trimmers can run as long as you pay your utility bill
  3. They are super lightweight since they don’t have a battery
  4. For some reason, they last FOREVER. Like too long. I want a new one but my corded electric hedge trimmer from the 90s just won’t die.

Cons of corded electric hedge trimmers

While corded electric hedge trimmers have a lot of positives, they have one main negative. With the cord constantly providing tension to the entire unit, it can be difficult to control the trimmer. Most of these trimmers have a way to tie the cord into the back so that it doesn’t pull out of the back of the hedge trimmer, causing you to stop and plug it back in.

Despite these hooks, you can still pull the cord out from the wall which is even more frustrating. With corded hedge trimmers, you definitely will sacrifice a bit of control.

Cordless hedge trimmers: Benefits and downside explained

Cordless or battery-powered hedge trimmers are sweet tools – but just like corded hedge trimmers, they have some good and some bad. Let me explain.

Pros of cordless hedge trimmers

Cordless hedge trimmers have several benefits that make them absolutely bad-as-heck tools. I love using them and here’s why:

  1. They are super easy to control. No cord weighing you down means you have 360 degree control of whatever it is that you are trimming. 
  2. You can use the battery on a cordless hedge trimmer with other tools. That means you can save big by buying the tool only version of a hedge trimmer.
  3. Cordless hedge trimmers are quiet and require virtually no maintenance.

Cons of cordless hedge trimmers

Despite being beautiful and easy to control machines, they do have a few downsides such as:

  • Cordless hedge trimmers can be slightly heavier due to the batteries. They will weigh you down a bit compared to a corded hedge trimmer.
  • They’re often more expensive than their corded counterparts. Batteries cost money!
  • Cordless hedge trimmers don’t have infinite run time, you have to recharge the batteries. Fortunately with cordless trimmers, you have a decent amount of run time compared to a mower or other battery powered lawn tool.

Corded electric hedge trimmer: My recommendation

My favorite corded hedge trimmer is the Worx 24 inch 4.5A hedge trimmer. I was looking at a bunch of different hedge trimmers, but this one has some serious innovations that make it a beast. When you look at electric hedge trimmers, Black and Decker hedge trimmers seemingly dominate the market.

Here are a few things I like about the WORX corded electric hedge trimmer that led to me ranking it number one:

  • Perfect length at 24 inches
  • Dual action blades – this is standard on most hedge trimmers now and basically just means the blades move up and down in both directions, increasing efficiency
  • Extremely light at only seven pounds
  • Has an in-line motor – which basically means the motor is in line with the handle and not off to the side. This makes it basically feel like a big sword instead of a motor with some blades coming out.
  • Rotating cutting head – means you can rotate the entire set of blades sideways on either side, making it easy to handle when doing precision cutting. This is a unique feature to this hedge trimmer and is a big reason why it ranked number one.

Worx has some innovative tools out there despite not really being a household name. This is one I would definitely check out.

The whole thing is well under $100 and can be bought at Home Depot for an insane price. You can also buy it on Amazon, but it looks to be a little more expensive over there.

Top cordless electric hedge trimmer

My favorite battery hedge trimmer (in my opinion) is the Milwaukee M18 FUEL hedge trimmer. I like this one because it is super solid and has some really cool features. I’m not surprised to see a Milwaukee tool at the top because Milwaukee’s M18 mower is also a freaking beast.

This Makita is not bad, either!

Not only is it the perfect length at about 24 inches, but it has a ton of other great features:

  • Super low vibration and smooth handling
  • 3,400 movements per minutes (it moves quickly)
  • A brushless motor 
  • The REDLINK plus system that improves performance between the battery and motor
  • The ability to use the batteries with a TON of Milwaukee tools

It comes in at a decent price from Home Depot where it often goes on sale.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Check out our review of the corded Black and Decker HT2200 Hedge Trimmers!

Ultimate Electric Pressure Washer: Expert Guide

Electric pressure washers are becoming extremely popular – and we know exactly why. Compared to their gas-powered counterparts, electric pressure washers are cheaper, easier to maintain, and do the job well for most homeowners. 

But with buying gas powered pressure washers, you know what you are going to get. The specifications make sense, you know how they work, they’re reliable, and are generally more powerful. So how do you figure out what to look for in an electric pressure washer?

Bottom Line: Today, I’ll break down exactly what I look for in an electric pressure washer and highlight some of my favorites that I have personally used and reviewed. My personal favorite is the Greenworks Pro 3000 PSI pressure washer that I have reviewed extensively on my YouTube channel.

Let’s get started:

My experience with electric pressure washers

I’ve used a ton of electric pressure washers. While I’ve traditionally been a gas guy and used a nice Simpson pressure washer or others with Honda engines, I’ve transitioned to electric. Over the years, I’ve gotten my hands on some of the most popular electric pressure washers. While some have absolutely sucked, others have performance indistinguishable from gas, except much, much better user experience.

I’ve personally reviewed a handful of pressure washers over on my Youtube channel if you don’t believe me!

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

PSI stands for pound force per square inch, and represents the force of the water against whatever surface you are washing. GPM stands for gallons per minute, and tells you how much water volume is coming out of the nozzle.

PSI and GPM work hand in hand. Having a high PSI means you have a laser beam of power. The range in GPM tells you how wide the laser beam will be. So high PSI and low GPM means a super small beam. High PSI and high GPM means a big freaking cannon of water.

As you can see, both of these are important in order to achieve the maximum cleaning capacity of your pressure washer. Choose a pressure washer with a high enough PSI and GPM to accomplish your cleaning goals. Usually a PSI between 2000-3000 is perfect for homeowners, whereas anything above that is great for commercial use.

Different nozzle types on electric pressure washers

Most electric pressure washers come with four or five nozzles that all have different uses. Here are some of the common nozzles you might see on your pressure washer:

  • A 0 degree, or turbo, pressure washer nozzle – this concentrates the spraying force over the smallest area and is the most intense and powerful.
  • A 15 degree nozzle – this is great for a nice combination of power and a little bit of spraying width. 15 degree nozzles are awesome for concrete or stripping paint off of your deck.
  • A 25 degree nozzle – this adds a bit more surface area and is awesome for cleaning things at a distance, like second floor windows or other hard to reach places.
  • A 40 degree nozzle – the widest spray, great for pressure washing a car or other more sensitive areas where you don’t want to risk damaging the surface.

Some other attachments you might see include pressure washer surface cleaners, extension wands, or soap nozzles.

Brushless motors on electric pressure washers

One must have for electric pressure washers is a brushless motor. Brushless motors are an innovation in the electric motor world that produce less friction when running. Less friction means that the motor runs cooler, it lasts longer, is more durable, and more efficient.

Basically, brushless motors are the GOAT in electric pressure washers. Brushed electric motors are more prone to burning out due to the internal friction, especially with the frequent starting and stopping. 

One word of caution – many electric pressure washers do NOT have brushless motors. Getting one with a brushless motor is EXTREMELY important. Easily the most valuable thing you can get in a pressure washer.

Typical price range of electric pressure washers

Most good electric pressure washers range about $300-$400. If you are getting a powerful electric pressure washer with a brushless motor and good components, then you get what you pay for.

Of course there are HUNDREDS of cheap electric pressure washers for sale on places like Amazon, but I would stay away from those. Some common complaints I’ve heard are that the connection ports are plastic-y and really cheap. Others just plain stop working or have their motors burn out after about an hour of use. You’ll see a lot of these for sale in the $100-$200 range and frequently on sale. 

Let me break down the best ones you SHOULD be looking for.

Best electric pressure washers I’ve used

I’ve had the pleasure of using a ton of electric pressure washers and can give you my recommendation for my absolute favorites. After testing these extensively, it really gave me a solid sense of what features are most desirable in an electric pressure washer. Let’s get started with my top pick.

Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer

The Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer is a VERY solid pressure washer. I got it, tested it extensively, and posted a review of it on my Youtube channel.

Not only does it look cool, but it is easily the best electric pressure washer I’ve ever used. Here are a few features that made me obsessed with it:

  • One of the highest PSI electric pressure washers on the market
  • A brushless motor that comes with a ten (10) year warranty. That is a crazy warranty and lets you know just how well this is constructed.
  • Really easy to store and wheel around. The wheels are huge and are never-flat, so you don’t have to worry about filling them up with air.
  • It comes with a ton of nozzles, including a turbo nozzle, that all store super conveniently on a little dashboard.
  • A high quality hose and a really good waterproof extension cord both come included in the purchase.

This thing did a great job cleaning off my deck and even concrete pavers in my backyard. I was impressed. It is also for sale on Amazon for a really good price.

Sun Joe SPX3500 Electric Pressure Washer

I knock the Sun Joe in some of my other posts, but mostly because the predecessor to the SPX3500 was the extremely popular SPX3000. But the SPX3500 is named as the best Sun Joe pressure washer for a few reasons. 

For starters, it has the things I recommend in all my electric lawn tools: a brushless motor. This was missing from some of the older Sun Joe pressure washers and is a massive step up from the SPX3000. But it is truly like the people at Sun Joe went and read all the negative Amazon reviews that they got on their other pressure washers and immediately implemented the changes into this pressure washer.

This not only includes the brushless motor, but a huge error in the hose connection port that now solidifies the connection with metal instead of cheap plastic. It also includes a much sturdier design that prevents the pressure washer from falling over when the hose gets pulled or the extension cord reaches the end of its slack. 

But the best part is that this pressure washer comes in at a crazy good price. Right now it’s on Amazon for super cheap, which is something they kept from their earlier models.

Ryobi 3000 PSI electric pressure washer

Similarly to the Greenworks pressure washer listed above, this Ryobi electric pressure washer is a great option. It has a ton of power, has a sweet brushless motor, and comes with all the bells and whistles. The reason this one is a little lower on the list is two-fold.

First, the price on this pressure washer is a bit higher than the other two. Second, my neighbor owns this pressure washer and it is rotting in his garage right now because one of the O-rings is busted and he hasn’t gotten a replacement. 

This is definitely just an anecdote but has concerned me enough to avoid buying one for myself.

I do think this is still a great option and it can be found at Home Depot for a better price.

Why we review electric pressure washers

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Common questions about electric pressure washers

What PSI is good for electric pressure washers?

A good electric pressure washer PSI is in the 2000-2500 PSI range. This is enough pressure to handle most household jobs but still be lightweight and inexpensive.

How good are electric pressure washers?

Electric pressure washers are great for home use, but not great for commercial use.

What is the most powerful home pressure washer?

The most powerful home pressure washer I have used is the Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer.

How much PSI do I need to clean my deck?

Deck cleaning can be done using a pressure washer with about 2000 PSI. This is enough power to not strip the paint, but ensure a good clean.

How much does an electric pressure washer cost?

Electric pressure washers range from about $50 to $350 depending on the PSI and build quality of the machine.

What are the most popular electric pressure washer brands?

The most popular electric pressure washer brands include Ryobi, Greenworks, and Sun Joe.

Pressure Washer GPM vs PSI: Explained By Experts

PSI and GPM are two acronyms to know when it comes to buying a new pressure washer. Both are often used to express the power of the pressure washer, but as I found out the hard way, are very different measurements. 

A good pressure washer is an indispensable tool for your home, yard, and property. But, choosing the right machine for your needs can be a little confusing. That’s especially true when you’re faced with terms you may not be familiar with.

For example, every pressure washer you look at will have a GPM and PSI rating. These are specifications that determine your pressure washer’s power and capabilities. Understanding these two specs and how they affect your pressure washer’s performance is a key to success.

What Do GPM and PSI Mean on a Pressure Washer?

Pressure washers are designed to create a strong, steady stream of water for washing and cleaning. Both GPM and PSI are important factors to consider when buying and using one. Here’s a quick rundown of what each is and how they affect your power washer’s performance.

What Is GPM on a pressure washer?

Gallons Per Minute, or GPM is the volume of water that leaves your pressure washer. Generally, GPM ratings will range anywhere from 1.2 gallons per minute to 4 gallons per minute. If you’re a novice, or will only use your pressure washer occasionally for light cleaning, opt for a lower GPM to begin with. Higher GPM is more suitable for heavy-duty cleaning.

The higher the GPM, the more water that flows, meaning your cleaning jobs will go quicker because the water spreads farther. However, a lot of water over a large surface doesn’t have much cleaning power. For that, you need a higher PSI.

Gas pressure washers tend to have higher PSI and GPM than electric pressure washers.

What Is PSI on a Pressure Washer?

PSI, or pound-force per square inch, is the amount of cleaning pressure your machine is capable of producing. It’s the force of the water as it is pushed through the nozzle. You can adjust the PSI to ensure a proper cleaning and to avoid damage. For example, a high PSI but a low GPM, will produce a high amount of pressure over a fairly small area.

Which Is More Important, PSI or GPM on a pressure washer?

PSI and GPM work hand in hand. Having a high PSI means you have a laser beam of power. The range in GPM tells you how wide the laser beam will be. So high PSI and low GPM means a super small beam. High PSI and high GPM means a big freaking cannon of water.

As you can see, both of these are important in order to achieve the maximum cleaning capacity of your pressure washer. Choose a pressure washer with a high enough PSI and GPM to accomplish your cleaning goals. However, stay away from commercial pressure washers with a high PSI. This type of pressure washer will be tougher to operate due to the increased force of the water. An inexperienced user may find it to be very physically demanding, if not impossible to use safely and effectively.

A lot of these you won’t have to worry about accidentally buying because they are so darn expensive. I’d stick with a nice electric pressure washer that is incapable of getting out of hand.

What Are the Best PSI and GPM Settings?

When choosing a new power washer, you’ll want to look for one that provides enough power to achieve your goals. If you have fairly light duty cleaning you want to do occasionally, opt for a lower powered model. Big jobs to tackle? Choose a pressure washer with a higher GPM and PSI rating to get the job done fast and effectively.

No matter what you’re using your pressure washer for, or what its settings are, make sure you work safely. Wear safety goggles and other protective equipment and keep children and pets away from the machine.

 Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What features to look for in a pressure washer

Honda pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.

If you’re going electric – make sure to check out our ultimate guide to electric pressure washers.

Nozzles Matter

  • When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  
  • The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
  • Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!

Soap tank availability

  • Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.
  • I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels on pressure washers

  • Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
  • Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.
  • If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.

Hose types

  • There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
  • Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.

Pressure Washer Nozzle Tips: Explained

Pressure washer nozzle types vary significantly depending on the type of job you’re doing. They can range from a soft, light mist all the way to an intense, laser-like cannon that crushes paint.

The sun’s out and all that built up dirt and grime on your home, garage, sidewalks, driveway, and vehicles is highly visible. A pressure washer is a fast, effective way to clean all these surfaces, and more. Before you fire up your new DIY tool, there are a few things that you should know about the nozzles that came with it. Otherwise, you may damage your home, car, or you may even injure yourself or someone else. 

Pressure Washer Nozzle Type Basics

The nozzles are arguably the most important component of your pressure washer. As the water flows through the restricted opening of the nozzle its velocity increases. The force of the water hitting surfaces forces dirt and debris to be removed.The number of nozzles you’ll have to work with depends on the pressure washer manufacturer. Most of these come in quick-connect formats that allow you to quickly pop on and off different nozzles. 

Credit to Ryobi for this great explanation.

You can pop off the nozzles by pulling back on the tip of the spray gun and popping on the new nozzle. 

Follow these general guidelines for when to use each type of pressure washer nozzle:

0° Pressure Washer Nozzle (also called Turbo Nozzle)

This nozzle provides the highest pressure your unit can handle. It’s best for areas like concrete driveways, sidewalks, graffiti, or objects that are further  away. It’s also the ideal nozzle for cleaning stains from concrete and metal. Beware though, If you hold the nozzle too close for too long, you’ll carve a hole in your surface. This nozzle will also strip paint from wood surfaces and may even damage the wood itself, so use with caution.

The 0 degree nozzle funnels all of the PSI into the smallest area, giving maximum allowable pressure to whatever surface is unlucky enough to be on the receiving end. If you are going to clean a driveway, it may be better to use a pressure washer surface cleaner attachment instead of the 0 degree nozzle. 

15° Pressure Washer Nozzle

This is the best nozzle for removing tough stains like mold and mildew on fences and other structures made of PVC. Your 15° nozzle will produce a very strong spray, so don’t hold it in one area for too long. If you’re cleaning your siding, spray from a distance to ensure even coverage across the vinyl. Don’t use this nozzle for painted wood siding or trim unless you’re prepping it for painting because it will strip the paint off.

This nozzle is great for cleaning things like patio pavers. It delivers a ton of power still without taking quite as long as the 0 degree nozzle. 

25° Pressure Washer Nozzle

Beginner? The best place to start is with the green 25° nozzle If you’re going to clean your home’s siding, wood decks, concrete sidewalks, or even your driveway, this is the best nozzle for the job. In fact, it’s the right choice for cleaning just about everything around your home and garage including your yard and garden equipment and off-road vehicles.

My sister in law hates to get her hands dirty, but absolutely loves using her pressure washer. It is a mystery. Either way, she uses the 25 degree nozzle to wash off their garage door because it has a decent amount of power, a wider spray pattern, and won’t damage paint. 

40° Pressure washer Nozzle

.Got a delicate surface to clean like your home’s windows or your beautiful car? Grab the 40° nozzle. It gives you the widest spray pattern of all your nozzles. The wide spray and low pressure make it perfect for cleaning all your delicate surfaces without fear of damage. It’s also exceptional for rinsing off patio furniture, play equipment, and outdoor toys.

These nozzles are great for windows, too. I always get the window sales people coming to my house because my windows are really old, but boy do they stay clean when I have this thing knocking off all the pollen.

Specialty Nozzles

Your pressure washer may also have come with a variety of special nozzles. These may include a turbo nozzle for edge cleaning, a soap nozzle, or a foam cannon. Each of these nozzles are great “bonus” nozzles for your pressure washer that let you do parts of the job more quickly. Soap cannons and foam cannons are great for washing the car and give you the same substance as driving through the car wash (although less scary).

Time to Start Pressure Washing!

Now that you have an understanding of your power washer nozzles and their uses, it’s time to get busy. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s directions for the safe and proper use of your power washer and choose the appropriate nozzle for each job.

What features to look for in a pressure washer

Honda pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.

Nozzles Matter

  • When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  
  • The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
  • Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!

Soap tank availability

  • Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.
  • I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels on pressure washers

  • Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
  • Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.
  • If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.

Hose types

  • There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
  • Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

GPM stands for gallons per minute. GPM measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.

If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.

For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.

Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.

Which PSI is Best for Washing Cars: Expert Guide

Pressure washing your car is the sure fire way to get rid of all of the dirt. But the real value of pressure washing your car comes in around the rims. For a car, the ideal PSI for cleaning with a pressure washer is between 1000-2000 PSI.

I used to drive an old BMW 325i (2004). The brake dust on those bad boys is world-famous for collecting black dirt all around the rims. Doesn’t come off with the spray of a hose – this stuff requires a serious scrubbing. You could drive down to the local car wash to get it cleaned, but somehow, that’s just not good enough. 

You’d rather carefully clean it yourself so you know that it’s properly done. Rather than a bucket of soapy water and a garden hose, many people choose to use a pressure washer for this essential task. It’s a great idea, but it’s important that you choose a pressure washer with the appropriate PSI to avoid damaging your vehicle.

What Does PSI Have to Do With Washing My Car?

PSI or pounds per square inch, refers to the amount of force the water coming out of your pressure washer has. The higher the PSI, the more force behind the water.

If you’ve ever washed your vehicle using a garden hose and sprayer, you know that there’s very little force behind the water. It can’t really remove any of the dirt without a great deal of effort and time on your part. The reason is simple, there isn’t enough pressure (PSI) to create the force necessary for a good cleaning.

After reading that last bit, you may think that a high PSI is necessary to get all that dirt and grunge off your car, that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, if you use a machine with too high of a PSI, it can severely damage the paint or break your windows. That’s something you simply do not want, so you need to choose a machine with the appropriate PSI setting.

Can High PSI Really Damage My Vehicle?

Absolutely. If you’re using a heavy-duty pressure washer with a high PSI, it can be difficult to handle. You could easily lose control of the wand and damage your vehicle’s paint job. Hold the nozzle in one place for too long and you could dent the surface, remove the paint, or even blast a hole in one of your windows. You could also put yourself at risk of injury if the PSI is too much for you to handle.

So, What PSI Is Best for Washing My Car?

Clearly, a garden hose has way too little PSI, but a heavy duty pressure washer will produce way too much pressure. There is a happy medium, however. The best PSI rating for car washing with a pressure washer is somewhere between 1200 and 2200 PSI. This kind of force will easily remove caked on mud, road tar, and other dirt and grime from your vehicle, tires, and windows.

Look for a home-use pressure washer that delivers a moderate PSI to keep your vehicle clean and shiny this summer, but don’t stop there. You can also use it to clean your RV, boat, off-road vehicles, and more. Plus, it’ll come in handy for a variety of home cleaning projects that require a more delicate touch.

Best pressure washer for washing cars

My favorite pressure washer for washing cars is the light duty Greenworks 1600 PSI electric pressure washer. Greenworks makes a ton of good pressure washers – a ton of them we have reviewed and I still own a few.

The Greenworks 1600 PSI electric pressure washer is a little on the low end for pressure on a car, but it is definitely safe. One thing I love about this one is the size of the machine. A lot of the other electric pressure washers are tall and some even have hose reels on the top of them. 

The bad thing about taller pressure washers is that they can easily be tipped over. Not exactly what you want when you’re up close to your car trying to do some detailed cleaning work. These can easily tip over and scratch your car – something you can’t just wipe off.

The Greenworks 1600 PSI pressure washer also comes with a nice little soap cannon so you can add your own mixture to the outside of the car prior to a nice rinse. The best reason of all to grab this pressure washer is that it is currently on sale for under $100. You can grab it on Amazon where it frequently goes on sale.

What features to look for in a pressure washer

Honda pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.

Nozzles Matter

  • When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  
  • The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
  • Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!

Soap tank availability

  • Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.
  • I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels on pressure washers

  • Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
  • Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.
  • If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.

Hose types

  • There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
  • Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

GPM stands for gallons per minute. GPM measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.

If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.

For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.

Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

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