Ultimate Electric Pressure Washer: Expert Guide

greenworks 3000 psi pressure washer

Electric pressure washers are becoming extremely popular – and we know exactly why. Compared to their gas-powered counterparts, electric pressure washers are cheaper, easier to maintain, and do the job well for most homeowners. 

But with buying gas powered pressure washers, you know what you are going to get. The specifications make sense, you know how they work, they’re reliable, and are generally more powerful. So how do you figure out what to look for in an electric pressure washer?

Bottom Line: Today, I’ll break down exactly what I look for in an electric pressure washer and highlight some of my favorites that I have personally used and reviewed. My personal favorite is the Greenworks Pro 3000 PSI pressure washer that I have reviewed extensively on my YouTube channel.

Let’s get started:

My experience with electric pressure washers

I’ve used a ton of electric pressure washers. While I’ve traditionally been a gas guy and used a nice Simpson pressure washer or others with Honda engines, I’ve transitioned to electric. Over the years, I’ve gotten my hands on some of the most popular electric pressure washers. While some have absolutely sucked, others have performance indistinguishable from gas, except much, much better user experience.

I’ve personally reviewed a handful of pressure washers over on my Youtube channel if you don’t believe me!

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

PSI stands for pound force per square inch, and represents the force of the water against whatever surface you are washing. GPM stands for gallons per minute, and tells you how much water volume is coming out of the nozzle.

PSI and GPM work hand in hand. Having a high PSI means you have a laser beam of power. The range in GPM tells you how wide the laser beam will be. So high PSI and low GPM means a super small beam. High PSI and high GPM means a big freaking cannon of water.

As you can see, both of these are important in order to achieve the maximum cleaning capacity of your pressure washer. Choose a pressure washer with a high enough PSI and GPM to accomplish your cleaning goals. Usually a PSI between 2000-3000 is perfect for homeowners, whereas anything above that is great for commercial use.

Different nozzle types on electric pressure washers

Most electric pressure washers come with four or five nozzles that all have different uses. Here are some of the common nozzles you might see on your pressure washer:

  • A 0 degree, or turbo, pressure washer nozzle – this concentrates the spraying force over the smallest area and is the most intense and powerful.
  • A 15 degree nozzle – this is great for a nice combination of power and a little bit of spraying width. 15 degree nozzles are awesome for concrete or stripping paint off of your deck.
  • A 25 degree nozzle – this adds a bit more surface area and is awesome for cleaning things at a distance, like second floor windows or other hard to reach places.
  • A 40 degree nozzle – the widest spray, great for pressure washing a car or other more sensitive areas where you don’t want to risk damaging the surface.

Some other attachments you might see include pressure washer surface cleaners, extension wands, or soap nozzles.

Brushless motors on electric pressure washers

One must have for electric pressure washers is a brushless motor. Brushless motors are an innovation in the electric motor world that produce less friction when running. Less friction means that the motor runs cooler, it lasts longer, is more durable, and more efficient.

Basically, brushless motors are the GOAT in electric pressure washers. Brushed electric motors are more prone to burning out due to the internal friction, especially with the frequent starting and stopping. 

One word of caution – many electric pressure washers do NOT have brushless motors. Getting one with a brushless motor is EXTREMELY important. Easily the most valuable thing you can get in a pressure washer.

Typical price range of electric pressure washers

Most good electric pressure washers range about $300-$400. If you are getting a powerful electric pressure washer with a brushless motor and good components, then you get what you pay for.

Of course there are HUNDREDS of cheap electric pressure washers for sale on places like Amazon, but I would stay away from those. Some common complaints I’ve heard are that the connection ports are plastic-y and really cheap. Others just plain stop working or have their motors burn out after about an hour of use. You’ll see a lot of these for sale in the $100-$200 range and frequently on sale. 

Let me break down the best ones you SHOULD be looking for.

Best electric pressure washers I’ve used

I’ve had the pleasure of using a ton of electric pressure washers and can give you my recommendation for my absolute favorites. After testing these extensively, it really gave me a solid sense of what features are most desirable in an electric pressure washer. Let’s get started with my top pick.

Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer

The Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer is a VERY solid pressure washer. I got it, tested it extensively, and posted a review of it on my Youtube channel.

Not only does it look cool, but it is easily the best electric pressure washer I’ve ever used. Here are a few features that made me obsessed with it:

  • One of the highest PSI electric pressure washers on the market
  • A brushless motor that comes with a ten (10) year warranty. That is a crazy warranty and lets you know just how well this is constructed.
  • Really easy to store and wheel around. The wheels are huge and are never-flat, so you don’t have to worry about filling them up with air.
  • It comes with a ton of nozzles, including a turbo nozzle, that all store super conveniently on a little dashboard.
  • A high quality hose and a really good waterproof extension cord both come included in the purchase.

This thing did a great job cleaning off my deck and even concrete pavers in my backyard. I was impressed. It is also for sale on Amazon for a really good price.

Sun Joe SPX3500 Electric Pressure Washer

I knock the Sun Joe in some of my other posts, but mostly because the predecessor to the SPX3500 was the extremely popular SPX3000. But the SPX3500 is named as the best Sun Joe pressure washer for a few reasons. 

For starters, it has the things I recommend in all my electric lawn tools: a brushless motor. This was missing from some of the older Sun Joe pressure washers and is a massive step up from the SPX3000. But it is truly like the people at Sun Joe went and read all the negative Amazon reviews that they got on their other pressure washers and immediately implemented the changes into this pressure washer.

This not only includes the brushless motor, but a huge error in the hose connection port that now solidifies the connection with metal instead of cheap plastic. It also includes a much sturdier design that prevents the pressure washer from falling over when the hose gets pulled or the extension cord reaches the end of its slack. 

But the best part is that this pressure washer comes in at a crazy good price. Right now it’s on Amazon for super cheap, which is something they kept from their earlier models.

Ryobi 3000 PSI electric pressure washer

Similarly to the Greenworks pressure washer listed above, this Ryobi electric pressure washer is a great option. It has a ton of power, has a sweet brushless motor, and comes with all the bells and whistles. The reason this one is a little lower on the list is two-fold.

First, the price on this pressure washer is a bit higher than the other two. Second, my neighbor owns this pressure washer and it is rotting in his garage right now because one of the O-rings is busted and he hasn’t gotten a replacement. 

This is definitely just an anecdote but has concerned me enough to avoid buying one for myself.

I do think this is still a great option and it can be found at Home Depot for a better price.

Why we review electric pressure washers

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Common questions about electric pressure washers

What PSI is good for electric pressure washers?

A good electric pressure washer PSI is in the 2000-2500 PSI range. This is enough pressure to handle most household jobs but still be lightweight and inexpensive.

How good are electric pressure washers?

Electric pressure washers are great for home use, but not great for commercial use.

What is the most powerful home pressure washer?

The most powerful home pressure washer I have used is the Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer.

How much PSI do I need to clean my deck?

Deck cleaning can be done using a pressure washer with about 2000 PSI. This is enough power to not strip the paint, but ensure a good clean.

How much does an electric pressure washer cost?

Electric pressure washers range from about $50 to $350 depending on the PSI and build quality of the machine.

What are the most popular electric pressure washer brands?

The most popular electric pressure washer brands include Ryobi, Greenworks, and Sun Joe.

Sun Joe vs Greenworks Electric Pressure Washers

Sun Joe vs Greenworks pressure washers is like comparing Toyota and Honda. Both brands of pressure washers are known for being extremely popular, easy to use, and affordable. I like the Greenworks pressure washer because it is slightly higher quality.

If you haven’t read some of our other posts about Sun Joe Pressure Washers, you may know that the best selling Sun Joe pressure washer of all time is their SPX3000. But it actually isn’t their best one. The SPX 4600 is actually their most powerful and expensive pressure washer, which is a great comparison to the Greenworks PRO 2300 PSI Brushless pressure washer.

Bottom Line: You can grab the Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer from Greenworks website directly or from Amazon for a great price.

Jump ahead:

Sun Joe vs Greenworks: Best Electric Pressure Washer Comparison

I think by now we understand a few things: Sun Joe and Greenworks make great products, but have a significant range of power and cost. That’s why we need to compare their top dogs and evaluate their power, durability, and extra features. There’s a reason these two are top sellers – they are the best analog to gas-powered pressure washers.

Let’s start with power!

The Greenworks pressure washer provides more power than Sun Joe

When it comes to looking at power on a pressure washer, there are two main components I look at: PSI and GPM. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of the pressure. It sounds simple, but it gets more complex because GPM is also in the mix. GPM stands for gallons per minute, and measures how much water is coming out, or how wide the stream is. The nozzle tip then can pare that down to zero degrees, forty degrees, or anywhere in between to help focus the stream to accomplish your job.

It looks really nice.

It’s similar to blowers that have MPH (speed) and CFM (area). You ideally want a combination of both PSI and GPM to have an efficient tool.

The Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer puts out 2,300 PSI of pressure at 2.3 GPM. This is not only pretty powerful, but also a much larger GPM than most other pressure washers. On the other hand, the Sun Joe SPX4600 puts out 3000 PSI at 1.3 GPM. 

That’s a big difference.

What’s more is that Greenworks is rating their PSI at the consistent running pressure of the tool. Sun Joe is rating theirs at the initial pull of the trigger, when the PSI build up is the highest. In reality, the Sun Joe pressure washer rates at 2,300 PSI as well. Is that false advertising? Maybe.

The 3000 PSI pressure washer has even MORE power.

So when it comes to power, the Greenworks pressure washer and the Sun Joe pressure washer actually put out the exact same PSI when they’re fully running. The main differentiator is that the Greenworks pressure washer has an additional 1.0 GPM of flow, making it the far more effective and efficient pressure washer.

Don’t be fooled – the winner of this competition is the Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer.

Want to see how Greenworks and Ryobi pressure washers compare?

The Greenworks is a more durable pressure washer

Durability in pressure washers is more than just the motor. While motors are important, it’s also necessary to look at fittings, hose types, and overall construction. One of the most popular pressure washers, the Sun Joe SPX3000 has a plastic fitting for the output hose, which is known to crack and has likely cost the company millions in returns. 

The nozzle that people hate on the SPX3000.

Starting with motors, the most important thing to have is a brushless motor. To be clear, both the Sun Joe and Greenworks pressure washers have brushless motors. Brushless motors are cooler running, provide more torque, and overall are more durable. So this is a great start.

One differentiator on the Greenworks pressure washer when compared to the Sun Joe is the fact that its brushless motor, coined “TruBrushless” comes with a 10 year warranty. Folks, that is EXTREMELY compelling. You basically won’t have to worry about the motor….EVER. The Sun Joe only has a 2 year warranty.

Otherwise, both have metal fittings for hose output connection and both have sturdy metal bases that allow for them to not tip over when the hose gets pulled (believe me, it’s common). 

Sturdy construction helps this one.

The last thing I will say about this Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer is that it is PWMA certified, which means the Pressure Washer Manufacturer Association has taken it apart and certified all of its specifications as legit. Sadly, Sun Joe’s SPX4600 may not pass that test.

Winner: Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer.

Both pressure washers have similar usability features

Once you’ve checked the boxes on both power and durability, the last part is checking out what kind of “nice-to-haves” each of these pressure washers have. 

Has a lot to like!

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the SPX4600’s features:

  • Onboard detergent tank for soap, up to a full gallon
  • Total stop system that preserves energy
  • 34 inch wand, 20 foot hose, 35 foot power cord
  • 5 nozzles (including a soap nozzle)

Let’s compare that to the Greenworks 2300 PSI:

  • Onboard detergent tank
  • 25 foot hose, 35 foot power cord
  • 5 nozzles, including a soap and a turbo nozzle

They both have on board nozzle holder that allows you to store them and they both have big big back wheels that make transporting it easy.

Winner: It’s a tie!

The Greenworks pressure washer is less expensive

The Sun Joe SPX4600 comes in at $359 (when not on sale) whereas the Greenworks 2300 PSI comes in at $329 when not on sale.

Currently you can get the Greenworks on Amazon or on the Greenworks website. It tends to go on sale frequently, so make sure to keep checking the price.

The Sun Joe SPX4600 is also available on Amazon for an ever-changing price, but can be found on Sun Joe’s website as well.

It’s tough to compare the two when their prices swing wildly, but at its MSRP the Greenworks is the more affordable of the two.

Winner: Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer

Greenworks vs Sun Joe Pressure Washer: Winner

This one was not what we expected when we started doing our research. At first glance, the Sun Joe pressure washer appears to be the better option. But after applying some of the knowledge we’ve gained over the past few years and looking closer, the true winner is the Greenworks 2300 PSI TruBrushless Pressure Washer. 

It has more power, an insane warranty, and a better price with all the same bells and whistles. You can grab it today on Amazon and keep it going under warranty for the next 10 years.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we test our products.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What features to look for in a pressure washer

Honda pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.

Nozzles Matter

  • When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  
  • The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
  • Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!
The bare wand without nozzles attached.

Soap tank availability

  • Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.
  • I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.
Soap canisters.

Wheels on pressure washers

  • Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
  • Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.
  • If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.

Hose types

  • There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
  • Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.

5 Powerful Electric Pressure Washers That Rival Gas

Electric pressure washers are on the rise because they have two underrated qualities: they are quiet and they are super easy to start. My favorite electric pressure washer is the Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer because it is extremely durable and provides a LOT of power.

You’re going to sacrifice a bit of power when it comes to these, but how much power do you need? For most homeowners, electric pressure washers are going to be more than enough power. 

I’ll explain more later, but my electric pressure washers are the second most satisfying tool on the planet. My sister-in-law bought one and finds excuses to use it. She is about as girly-girl as they come and she is constantly on the search for grime to blast away outdoors. 

But pressure washers are hard to compare. They all look the same, they have a ton of acronyms, and they cost a nice chunk of change. 

So today, we are going to break down what to look for in a pressure washer and give you the 5 best electric pressure washers in 2024.

We’ve reviewed all of these at length and even recorded videos of us using several of them on our YouTube channel.

Let’s get started. 

How I tested these electric pressure washers

I tested these electric pressure washers by checking out a few things. Obviously the PSI and GPM matter as well as the other technical specifications, but it’s also important to measure performance, bells and whistles (like number of nozzles and soap tanks), and portability.

I am using this pressure meter to test the claims!

With each of these, I did an actual test of the pressure (not the advertised test) and a similar test for gallons per minute using a 5 gallon bucket. It was a labor of love doing all this testing, but it helped me help you.

Seriously Powerful Electric Pressure Washers

Whereas most folks make you scroll down to the bottom to see the number one choice, I like to start at the top to not waste any of your time. I also think the number one choice is the absolute best, so you may not even need to scroll further. 

Here we go!

Updated Number One: Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer

The Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer is a VERY solid pressure washer. I got it, tested it extensively, and posted a review of it on my Youtube channel.

Not only does it look cool, but it is easily the best electric pressure washer I’ve ever used. Here are a few features that made me obsessed with it:

  • One of the highest PSI electric pressure washers on the market
  • A brushless motor that comes with a ten (10) year warranty. That is a crazy warranty and lets you know just how well this is constructed.
  • Really easy to store and wheel around. The wheels are huge and are never-flat, so you don’t have to worry about filling them up with air.
  • It comes with a ton of nozzles, including a turbo nozzle, that all store super conveniently on a little dashboard.
  • A high quality hose and a really good waterproof extension cord both come included in the purchase.

This thing did a great job cleaning off my deck and even concrete pavers in my backyard. I was impressed. It is also for sale on Amazon for a really good price.

1b. Ryobi 3000 PSI Electric Pressure Washer

We wrote about this Ryobi 3000 PSI electric pressure washer (which also ranked #1) on list of Ryobi Pressure Washer ranking. When I opened this post I said that electric pressure washers often exchange power for convenience and ease of use. The Ryobi 3000 PSI electric pressure washer does both.

We bought this one for our giveaway winner.

Yep – 3000 PSI is right up there with the Dewalt gas pressure washers and a whole bunch of others. This means you can likely take it beyond some household applications, such as spraying off graffiti or stripping paint off a fence. You can also tone it down to be used for washing a car or pressure washing your driveway.

While this has a really strong PSI, it is a little light on the GPM. Again, this means that you’ll have a strong stream but not quite the widest spray or most efficient surface.

But hey, it’s electric and this is about as good as it gets.

Here’s what I love about Ryobi’s 3000 PSI pressure washer BESIDES the power:

  • A push-button start
  • Never-flat tires that allow you to easily stroll it around a job site
  • A brushless motor
  • A big soap tank
  • BUILT IN NOZZLES on the tip of the sprayer, a cool treat

It’s easily one of the most powerful electric pressure washers on the market and the most powerful on today’s ranking. It’s extremely dynamic which is why we gave it such high marks.

It is a bit on the pricier side at about $450 and can be found at Home Depot.

2. Sun Joe SPX3500 2300 Max Psi Brushless Induction Electric Pressure Washer

Sun Joe is a slightly lesser known brand which is an offshoot of Snow Joe (and they also have Aqua Joe). They have one of the most popular pressure washers ever made and the top-seller on Amazon (also #5 on our list), the Sun Joe SPX3000. 

Definitely a cooler color scheme

The Sun Joe SPX3500 is basically the culmination of all the feedback received about the SPX3000. They went back and made it slightly more powerful, easier to carry around, more durable, and fixed a common problem – the hose connector. It used to be plastic and now it is brass on the 3500.

At 1.5 GPM, this is going to be more efficient at household jobs than the Ryobi, but won’t be able to deliver quite the same pressure.

Here’s what else we like about the SPX3500:

  • A solid 2300 PSI
  • The addition of a brushless motor
  • Black color – better looking
  • The ability to add a bunch of attachments
  • 1.5 GPM for an efficient job

Many people overlook the 3500 because it isn’t as popular as the 3000, but it went ahead and fixed all the complaints and is the superior option. 

Let me be clear – this is not the most powerful pressure washer in the world and doesn’t claim to be. But as far as electric pressure washers go, this one does a heck of a job.

You can grab it on Amazon for an extremely low price and I think that’s the only place you can get it.

3. Greenworks pro-2300 Max PSI 14 Amp brushless electric pressure washer

Greenworks is a great brand. They spend a lot of time making sure their claims are true and that their products hold up well. They nailed it with their PRO series 2300 PSI pressure washer. This  thing is sweet and the only reason I ranked it number three and not number two is that it is a bit more expensive than the Sun Joe.


Here’s what I love about this one:

  • Extremely sturdy – often underrated feature but it’s got a sturdy base and won’t topple over when you’re at the end of the hose
  • It has a brushless motor with water pressure-sensing technology that makes sure you have a consistent amount of pressure
  • It has a 25 foot hose and a 35 foot electrical cord which means you can go further than most
  • The power cord has an inline GFCI (little box with buttons), meaning you can plug it into just about any outlet without it getting in the way
  • It’s got a 2.3 GPM flow rate, which is extremely efficient. This means it is virtually the same pressure as the Sun Joe above, but at a much more efficient rate. Is it worth the extra money? I can be convinced by a good sale…

We’ve spoken with the guys at Greenworks who oversee pressure washers and they’re legit. They definitely know what they’re talking about. We’ve done a compilation of the Greenworks pressure washers, and this one is still number one – even when we compared it to the Sun Joe SPX4600.

If you’re looking for quality, this one is going to be your best bet. Just be prepared to pay a premium (which most of us will).

It’s available on their website or from Amazon for a moderate price, but still lower than most gas washers.

4. Worx Hydroshot Power Washer

While the Worx Hydroshot isn’t your classic pressure washer, I had to put this in the top five because it is so dang cool.

The Hydroshot is a battery-powered power washer that is totally portable. All you need is a body of water or a bucket and you’re good to go. It comes with this cool hose attachment that you can toss into a lake and use to wash off your bike, paddle board, or camping equipment.

You can also toss it in a bucket and wash off your kids shoes or your dog before getting back into the car. It’s like a high powered water gun designed to clean things.

Not your grandpa’s pressure washer.

Heck – you can even connect it to your pool and do some patio chair cleaning. The cool part about this is that it has a rotating nozzle on the end that can go from gentle spray to intense stream. 

These are really handy and if you’re an outdoor junkie, they are probably one of the coolest gifts you can buy.

You can grab it on Amazon for a great price (right now its like 40% off).

5. Sun Joe SPX3000 2030 Max PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5-Amp Electric High Pressure Washer

Yep, we still put the Sun Joe SPX3000 on this list because it is so dang popular. One of the best selling pressure washers of all time, they’re in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of garages across the country. 

We like the SPX3000 because it is super simple to use, provides decent power, and is dirt cheap.

We made a full Youtube video about the SPX3000 and even compared it to the next best seller on Amazon. It was quite the battle.

Just a classic.

But the SPX3000 is great for toting around your yard and cleaning off fences, windows, cars, mailboxes – whatever. It is the small-to-medium sized homeowner’s dream. I wouldn’t take it to any work site, but for about 80% of Americans, this is the perfect combination of price, power, and ease of use. 

The great soap canisters.

We love that this has a soap tank and a bunch of detachable nozzles that make it extremely flexible and great for anything light duty.

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our weekends.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in a pressure washer

You gotta know what to look for on these pressure washers. Some of these pressure washers look identical, but have small, nuanced differences that you need to keep an eye on.

Pressure washer nozzles

When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  

The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.

Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!

Soap tanks on a pressure washer

Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.

I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels are important

Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.

Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.

Pressure washer hose types

There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.

Portability and weight

Even if this has the drawback of making the unit less powerful, a portable, smaller pressure washer will be a better choice if you have to move around or carry the unit with you. Most of us do this, especially if you are doing the exterior of your house.

Totally depends on the job you are trying to do.

Pressure washer motor type

We are looking for brushless motors as they are more reliable, more powerful, and have a much longer life. 

Not interested in buying? Try renting a pressure washer.

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

GPM stands for gallons per minute. GPM measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.

Here’s how it looks on the real deal.

If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.

For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.

Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.

So what’s a good PSI for a pressure washer?

It depends on the job you want to do. For heavy duty jobs, you will need 3000 PSI pressure or higher. This is for things like stripping graffiti and is not as common for homeowners, unless you have teenagers.

Anything under 1000 PSI is going to be pretty weak, but still has a place – like cleaning the mud off of a dirt bike or washing down a surf board.

Between 1000 and 3000 PSI is the sweet spot for most homeowners. This will provide a decent amount of pressure to do things like cleaning windows, cars, driveways, patios, decks, etc. Obviously the higher up you go, the stronger job you can do. And per our lesson above, the more GPM, the faster you can get the job done.

Best Electric Pressure Washers: Parting Thoughts

As long as you’re getting an electric pressure washer with a good motor that is easy to use and delivers the power you want, then you’re going to get a good piece of equipment. There are definitely more than 5 good electric pressure washers on the market, but the ones that made this list are ones we’ve found to be both reliable, popular, and affordable.

Is gas more your thing? Check out the Honda GCV pressure washer series.

How And Why I Dethatch My Lawn Yearly

Dethatching is one of those things I had never heard of before I owned a home. In fact, I didn’t even know what thatch was.

But once my lawn went from green to yellow after a few years of the same old fertilizer and aeration treatment, I started to get confused.

Why was I getting worse results after doing the same thing year after year?

That’s when I found out about dethatching – and more importantly – electric dethatchers.

Why you should let your soil breath

Lawn thatch is basically a bunch of old, dead grass and weeds that takes a while to decompose. The way that I realized I had too much thatch in my lawn was when I took my six month old daughter into the yard. She started clawing at the ground and pulling dead grass out of nowhere. 

Thatch from our yard.

While she is an inexpensive dethatcher, there are child labor laws that prevent me from cutting her loose on the whole lawn (kidding).

Anyways, lawn thatch can essentially waterboard your lawn – blocking sunlight and nutrients from getting to the soil and choking your grass to death. 

In small quantities however, thatch can have insulator-type qualities. Think of it like you think of mulch. Mulch has great protective qualities for keeping weeds at bay. Too much mulch that isn’t replenished starts to decay and become harmful to surrounding plants. 

So…what should you do about it?

How it works

Dethatching is the removal of thatch from the top surface of your soil. When dethatchers remove thatch from the surface of your lawn, it opens up the lawn and allows it to breathe. 

A couple weeks after dethatching and overseeding.

I know you may think this doesn’t make a difference, but you would be surprised to see how much thatch comes out of your lawn.

Ever used one of those things that cleans out your ears? The amount of wax that comes out is crazy and changes you forever.

The same thing is true of dethatchers. Whenever I use one, it makes me feel like I have been holding my breath for years and finally get to breathe.

When to dethatch – Fall or Spring?

Hopefully you won’t have to wait as long as I did to realize what was going on in the yard. It’s actually pretty easy to tell when you need to dethatch your lawn:

My neighbor DEFINITELY dethatched this year.
  1. You can wait and slowly watch your lawn die (not recommended)
  2. Your lawn retains water well after you think it should have evaporated
  3. You notice more weeds and/or mushrooms in your lawn
  4. The lawn is becoming unseasonably yellow
  5. Your lawn looks like it has male pattern baldness

If you’re not sure or are feeling paranoid, feel free to go out and dig a nice little cross section of your lawn. You’ll be able to see how deep the thatch goes. 

If you have a decent layer built up in your yard and you see more than a quarter inch or so on top of the soil, it is time to dethatch.

We wrote a great long post about the best time to aerate and overseed your lawn as well.

The difference between dethatching and aerating

Dethatching and aerating are commonly mixed-up lawn care processes. Both involve removing things from your lawn and you really do them in tandem.

But dethatchers are simply focused on the top layer of soil in your lawn. They are helpful to allow nutrients, sun and water reach the top of the soil, but are really skin-deep. Dethatchers do not get into the soil themselves.

Using a core aerator after dethatching.

On the other hand, aerators pull up chunks of soil that almost look like dog turds. This allows for the soil to open up, become less compact, and essentially mix together. The aeration process pulls plugs from the soil to the top of the lawn.

Don’t freak out! These are soil plugs from aerating.

 Both are done around the same time of the year in this order.

  1. Scalp your lawn and get the grass super short, being sure to bag it.
  2. Dethatch your lawn thoroughly, being sure to get all the thatch off the surface
  3. Use a core aerator on your lawn to pull up plugs
  4. Overseed
  5. Water (2x/week for 50 minutes on each area)
  6. Enjoy!

Types of dethatchers

The O.G. lawn dethatcher is a lawn dethatching rake. Which looks like a normal rake but is more intense. 

Not an ancient torture device, but a manual dethatcher.

This rake can help pull up all of the thatch and works well.

But it is a back destroyer. It’s like shoveling for snow except the snow is all ice and your shovel is made of plastic. 

You can make the process WAY faster, remove more thatch, and not be bed-ridden for the next week by using an electric dethatcher.

Electric dethatchers work by basically looking and operating like a push mower, but underneath there are small tines that dig up the thatch and bring it to the surface of your yard. Electric dethatchers are some of the most satisfying tools on the planet and are addictive.

Most electric dethatchers are corded electric tools, but newer battery-powered dethatchers are coming into the market. These aren’t super common tools right now, but I imagine most folks will have an electric dethatcher in the next few years.

Recommended electric lawn dethatchers

We at The Lawn Review have had the distinct pleasure of using lawn dethatchers ourselves. 

We’ve written extensively about the Sun Joe corded electric dethatcher and used it in our ultimate fall lawn care routine YouTube video

We also reviewed it in a single long-form YouTube video if you want to learn more.

Basically, the Sun Joe dethatcher is an affordable electric dethatcher that works really well. I believe they recently released a battery powered lawn dethatcher, which we haven’t used but are interested in trying.

The Sun Joe electric dethatcher we used.

You can find the corded Sun Joe dethatcher on Amazon as well as the new cordless Sun Joe dethatcher.

Greenworks also has a corded electric dethatcher. We liked this one as well, but didn’t love that it came without a collection bag. It is a great budget-friendly electric dethatcher, so I highly recommend it as well. You can get the Greenworks electric dethatcher on Amazon for a great price.

Kobalt electric dethatcher.

Frequently Asked Questions

We get these all the time from people considering dethatching their lawn. This will be an ongoing list collection, so if you have any questions, feel free to let us know.

What is lawn thatch?

Lawn thatch is a layer of dead and decomposing grass between your soil and grass blades. It is okay in small quantities but can also prevent your lawn from thriving.

What is lawn dethatching?

Lawn dethatching is the process of removing dead grass stuck to your soil in order for your lawn to receive better nutrients.

What’s the difference between dethatching and aerating?

Dethatching is the process of removing dead grass from your soil, whereas aerating pulls soil from the ground on top of your lawn. Both are important parts of your lawn care cycle.

What’s the difference between a dethatcher and a scarifier?

Dethatchers and scarifiers often work together to pull up thatch from your grass. Scarifiers are blades that cut up and loosen thatch while dethatchers physically pull it from the grass.

How often should I dethatch my lawn?

Totally depends on your environment. For folks that get a lot of snow, I recommend dethatching yearly to pull up all the grass that got killed underneath the snow.

For others in drier climates, once every few years might be enough. I know that I like to do it every year as part of my fall lawn care routine with cool season grass.

When is the best time to dethatch my lawn?

For those with cool season grass, early fall is the best time. For warm season grass, early spring.

What is better, aerating or dethatching?

Both are used in combination to prepare your lawn for overseeding.

Why we started this site

We started The Lawn Review out of frustration. We couldn’t find clarity around what type of products were actually good and reliable. All the fertilizers we tried didn’t work. We ended up with a dying lawn, wasted time, and wasted money.

We take this stuff seriously!

So we started buying and reviewing lawn tools and figuring out which ones were the best. And now we’ve moved onto actually keeping that grass nice and healthy all year around. 

We’ve spent thousands of hours building this content for people just like you and me – normal p

Ryobi vs Sun Joe Pressure Washers: Side-by-side Comparison

Ryobi and Sun Joe pressure washers are both electric, light duty tools that are extremely popular. When comparing the two, I liked the Sun Joe SPX3000 – but still think you can do better by grabbing the Sun Joe SPX3500.

So today we have decided to compare the Ryobi 2300 PSI 1.2 GPM Electric Pressure Washer (Home Depot’s best seller) to the Sun Joe SPX3000 (Amazon’s best seller).

If you are looking for a pressure washer for use around the house, then you have undoubtedly stumbled upon both of these in your quest.

Ryobi vs Sun Joe Pressure Washer: A Breakdown

Now that we know what to look for in a pressure washer, we can apply some scrutiny to both the Sun Joe SPX3000 and the Ryobi 2300 PSI Electric pressure washers. Beware, it could get ugly.

We do compile a list of the some nice, inexpensive Sun Joe pressure washers and the some equally nice electric Ryobi pressure washers if you are looking for something else.

Ryobi and Sun Joe have similar PSI and power

The Sun Joe SPX3000 is not called the SPX3000 because of its PSI. In fact, the SPX3000 only has 2030 PSI. Do not be confused by this. 

The Ryobi 2300 PSI pressure washer has…..2300 PSI. True to the name. 

Actually looks more powerful, but has about the same

Obviously 2300 PSI is greater than 2030 PSI. This is actually not that big of a difference when it comes to the type of work you’ll be doing. When you actually get into the 3000 PSI range is when you can start talking about graffiti removal, concrete removal, etc. Anywhere in the 2000s is going to be household type of work.

Advantage: It’s a tie!

Ryobi has better nozzles than Sun Joe’s pressure washers

Now that we have pinpointed nozzles as an important feature, let’s see how the Sun Joe SPX3000 and the Ryobi 2300 PSI electric pressure washers stack up.

The Sun Joe SPX3000 comes with five quick-connect nozzles. They say quick connect because you can simply slide them on and off with a cool little contraption on the side of the nozzle. The SPX3000 has 0, 15, 25, and 40 degree tips plus a soap spray tip. 

The Ryobi  2300 PSI electric pressure washer comes with the same tips as the SPX3000, but with an additional “turbo nozzle”. The turbo nozzle provides essentially the same exact power as the 0 degree nozzle, but over a much wider area. 

Here you can see that the Turbo is the same as 0 degree, except wider.

The key benefit provided by this turbo nozzle on the Ryobi pressure washer is for those that are wanting to blast away dirt from larger areas. This turbo nozzle is ideal for cleaning off a sidewalk or a driveway. The 0 degree nozzle has the same power, but can only cover a small area because of how narrow the stream is. 

Advantage: Ryobi 2300 PSI electric pressure washer.

Ryobi has better wheels on their pressure washer

Okay so both of these pressure washers have wheels. Most do. But there’s a big difference between a horse and buggy and a Ferrari.

The SPX3000 from Mr. Joe has a big set of wheels on the back, basically making it function  like a dolly. Tilt outback and move it. Actually, this thing sort of looks like a vacuum anyways so maybe that’s a better comparison. The wheels on this are what I would consider “dinky”. 

Yeah, I said it. They are plastic, not very functional, and don’t adapt well to not a completely smooth surface. All of this negativity to basically say this could topple over relatively easily. And that’s actually one of the most frequent complaints this product receives.

On the other hand, the Ryobi 2300 PSI has two big rubber wheels that allow for easy transport. One thing I love about the design of the Ryobi 2300 PSI is that it has a metal bar that extends down from the front and makes it extremely sturdy. I grabbed the top and gave it a nice rock side-to-side and it didn’t budge. Good stuff. 

Big wheels keep on turnin’….

Advantage: Ryobi 2300 PSI electric pressure washer.

Sun Joe’s SPX3000 is easier to use than Ryobi

Usability and feel are extremely important when it comes to using a pressure washer. You will become best buds with this tool because you will hold it for HOURS. So you better like how it feels. 

Candidly, most pressure washer wands are the exact same. Same trigger, mostly plastic body with a metal barrel. Not a big distinction between these two as the nozzles on both are quick-connect.

Both have a 25 ft hose so will take you the exact same distance. Both have similar entry points for the hose on both the machine and the wand. 

These two pressure washers from the wand up are about the exact same. 

The only real differences in usability are the difference in cord length and in weight. The cord on the Ryobi 2300 PSI is about 5 feet longer than the Sun Joe. A modest extension that is slightly better.

The SPX3000 weighs only 31 lbs whereas the Ryobi 2300 PSI is about 49 lbs. That makes a big difference for a lot of people. 

Only weighs 31lbs – can’t get much better than that.

Advantage: Slight advantage to Sun Joe SPX3000 here.

Neither pressure washer is reliable

Let’s get straight to it: both of these pressure washers have had some complaints about reliability. One I have personally experienced and the other I’ve only heard.

My neighbor has the Ryobi 2300 PSI and it collects dust in his garage. Why? Well – the o-ring around the hose nozzle broke off, so it leaks out a ton of the pressure and is now useless. He plans on buying a new one. 

The SPX 3000 I haven’t had any issues with. BUT there are a lot of complaints about the plastic portion that connects the entry hose to the body of the pressure washer having significant leaks. 

This claim is backed up by the creation of the SPX3500, which is the exact same as the SPX3000 but with a metal connection piece. Hmmmmmm…….

Anyways, I hate to do this again but..

Advantage: Nobody.

The Sun Joe SPX3000 is less expensive than the Ryobi pressure washer

The SPX3000 retails around $200 but can often be found for around $170, which is a good deal.

The Ryobi 2300 PSI pressure washer comes in a lot higher at your local Home Depot (check price here because it changes often).

Do I need to do one of those advantage things here, or is it clear?

Advantage: Sun Joe SPX3000 pressure washer

Overall Comparison: Ryobi 2300 PSI vs Sun Joe SPX3000

A few things I like about the Sun Joe SPX3000: it’s lightweight, affordable, and just about as powerful as the Ryobi 2300 PSI.

What I like about  the Ryobi 2300 PSI: sturdier, more powerful, and has an additional nozzle?

Which one would I pick? 

Y’all are going to hate me for this, but I would actually go with the newer, not as popular version of the SPX3000, the Sun Joe SPX3500.

Bet you didn’t expect to see this, huh?

It costs slightly more than the SPX3000, is as powerful as the Ryobi 2300 PSI and has fixed the hose leakage issue and is a bit sturdier.

You can grab the SPX3500 on Amazon for a killer price.

We did a full review of the SPX3500 electric pressure washer here.

We also did a SPX3000 vs SPX3001 pressure washer comparison here.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Our methods are unusual.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

We also compared a Sun Joe and Greenworks pressure washer.

What to look for in a pressure washer

You gotta know what to look for on these Mr Joe’s bad boys! Each one looks basically the same, has a complex acronym name, and comes in a similar color.

Nozzles Matter

When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  

The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.

Soap tank

Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank – equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.

I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels on pressure washers

Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.

Hose types

There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.


Even if this has the drawback of making the unit less powerful, a portable, smaller pressure washer will be a better choice if you have to move around or carry the unit with you. Most of us do this, especially if you are doing the exterior of your house.

Totally depends on the job you are trying to do.

Don’t want to buy? Check out renting a pressure washer instead.

7 Inexpensive Sun Joe Pressure Washers (+ My Favorite)

The best Sun Joe pressure washer is the Sun Joe SPX3500 electric pressure washer. This Sun Joe pressure washer has improved the faulty points found in their famous SPX3000, including a metal hose connector and a new brushless motor.

SPOILER*** Our top choice is the Sun Joe SPX3500 – the best combination of durability and power from Sun Joe.

Check out our full comparison of the Sun Joe SPX3000 to the slightly upgraded SPX3001 post here if you are deciding between other Sun Joe pressure washers.

Looking at other pressure washers? Greenworks has a great selection of electric pressure washers as well.

The 7 Best Sun Joe SPX–series pressure washers

Let’s get started with Sun Joe’s best pressure washers!

7. Sun Joe SPX1000 1450 PSI 1.45 GPM 11.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer, Green

What can only be assumed to be the first Sun Joe pressure washer (hence 1000), this pressure washer has a lot to like.

Stylish boots tho.

While it is smaller and less powerful than many of its counterparts, it is also nearly pocket sized. At less than two feet tall and a foot wide, this machine is not meant to blast away dirt. 

The SPX1000 1450 PSI pressure washer was designed for light cleaning. Think cars, windows, siding, and other surfaces that won’t get clean from a garden hose alone.

Some folks even use this for produce! It has a 21 ft long hose and will shred dirt at 1450 PSI. 

The lightest pressure washer of the bunch, don’t expect to be clearing driveways. But if you are looking for light-duty pressure washing – this is your best bet.

You can grab this pressure washer from Sun Joe’s website or from Amazon, which should be a comparable price.

6. Sun Joe SPX4000-PRO 2030 Max PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer, w/Turbo Head Spray Nozzle

The Sun Joe SPX4000 is a huge step up from the SPX1000 in terms of power.

Consider this – you can still do the same amount of pressure that the SPX1000 does, or you can increase it by 50%. Talk about some serious versatility.

Takes up a lot of space but is sturdy.

The SPX4000 has a few bells and whistles that make it pretty sophisticated. The first is that this bad boy has a 54 fluid ounce tank that allows you to add detergent (bleach and water or soap) to the spray. These are great for cars (soap) or super dirty things (bleach). 

The SPX4000 pressure washer also has a quick-connect turbo head spray nozzle that cleans 40% faster than a standard nozzle. That’s a lot of percentages!

This one also has 4 other quick connect spray tips to solve a variety of problems. The ultimate showman, the SPX4000 can be a lover or a fighter  – you choose. 

The last comment I will make about this pressure washer is that it is dang sturdy. It comes with some legs so will not topple over like some of the others (more on that later).

If you want versatility and sturdiness, this pressure washer can be yours from the Sun Joe website or from Amazon for a great price.

5. Sun Joe SPX3200 GO ANYWHERE Electric Pressure Washer, 14.5-Amp, 1.76 GPM 2030 PSI (Max)

The Sun Joe SPX3200 is impressive. Consider all the things I said were great in a pressure  washer. It is mind-boggling how all of  those can fit into one small, odd looking box. 

But it does in the SPX3200. The dang pressure washer has wheels and you can pull it around.

Pressure on wheels.

Oh, and the power is on par with much larger pressure washers. This is the ideal pressure washer for anything you would clean on your driveway. 

Having an on-the-go pressure washer takes all the hassle out of pressure washing and constantly having to readjust, get more slack, and move the washer. Simply pull on the hose and get this thing to move over a couple of feet to keep going. 

A smaller detergent tank but still the 5 nozzle system found across Sun Joe’s pressure washers, this one has it all. 

And it’s on sale for a heck of a good price right now on Amazon.

4. Sun Joe SPX4600 3000 PSI MAX 1.30 GPM High Performance Electric Pressure Washer

The Sun Joe SPX4600 does not play around. This pressure washer is one of the highest performing pressure washers that Sun Joe has. 


We are talking insane PSI levels – up to 3000 PSI. This is on par with many gas-powered pressure washers. With a 34-inch extension wand, 20 ft long hose, and a 35 ft power cord – this thing is meant for serious jobs.

Whereas some of the other Sun Joe pressure washers are for light-duty activities like windows or produce, this one could absolutely clean the grime off of your driveway with ease. 

This one also has a large detergent tank sitting right up front with the quick connect spray tips that accompany all Sun Joe pressure washers. 

The thing I love about this pressure washer is that it is extremely sturdy and bottom heavy, but still has wheels. It won’t topple over with some tension, but it also has a ton of maneuverability for easy relocation. We compared the SPX4600 to the Greenworks 2300 PSI pressure washer as well.

The Sun Joe SPX 4600 is a beast and should be treated as such. It’s currently on sale at Amazon, but can also be purchased from Sun Joe’s website.

3. Sun Joe SPX3001 2030 PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5 AMP Electric Pressure Washer with Hose Reel, Green

The big brother to the SPX3000, the Sun Joe SPX3001 has a hose reel on the top that differentiates it from its little brother.

The hose reel can be a game changer.

While it has all the same specifications as the SPX3000, it has this convenient hose reel at the top that can bring the hose back in for you instead of schlepping it all together yourself.

The hose reel is a double edged sword in my opinion. It is super convenient for clean up and makes storage easy, but it also makes the SPX3001 top-heavy compared to the other Sun Joe pressure washers. 


I also wish some of these earlier SPX3000 series pressure washers had brushless motors, but sadly they do not.

The SPX3001 is a big step up from some of the others and is definitely a great choice, but the top heaviness kicked it back to number 3 for me.

You can grab the SPX3001 for sale on Amazon or you can grab it from Sun Joe directly.

2. Sun Joe SPX3000 2030 Max PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5-Amp Electric High Pressure Washer

I know everyone thought that this would be #1, but it is not. Close, though. 

The SPX3000 has an absolutely insane amount of positive reviews on Amazon and is the top selling pressure washer of all time. Convincing.

The classic best-seller.

Here are the positives:

  • Decent pressure
  • 5 quick connect spray nozzles including a soap nozzle
  • Nice detergent tank
  • Lightweight
  • Inexpensive

There are a few things that ding the SPX3000 – namely the hose connection point. It seems totally hit or miss on if this happens, but some seem to have connection problems where the hose is plugged in. This area is plastic and seems to either break or not completely seal the hose off, causing leakage.

This one is great and likely won’t break on you, but I think the SPX3500 has the necessary upgrades to prevent these.

We do a deep dive into the SPX3000 in this in-depth review and accompanying YouTube review.

You can join the 45k other Sun Joe SPX3000 lovers by grabbing this one on Amazon or at the Sun Joe website.

1. Sun Joe SPX3500 2300 Max Psi 1.48 GPM Brushless Induction Electric Pressure Washer

Alright, y’all – we are here! This one is easily the coolest looking Sun Joe Pressure washer, but that is not why I ranked it #1.

Based pressure washer.

The Sun Joe SPX3500 2300 Max PSI pressure washer is a powerful pressure washer that is a slightly souped up version of the other SPX3000s. It has more power, a brushless motor, and a nice big detergent tank.

The brushless motor is why I ranked this Sun Joe Pressure washer number one for home use. Brushless motors last significantly longer and outperform traditional motors. 

Another huge differentiator in the SPX3500 is the brass hose connector. After hearing feedback from thousands of people on the SPX3000, Sun Joe realized having a plastic hose connector simply would not cut it. There were complaints of leakage around the fitting, which is not great for an electric pressure washer.

The SPX3500 pressure washer from Sun Joe is the best one they have – hands down.  An evolution of the SPX3000 – it fixes all the issues and complaints with one of the hottest selling pressure washers ever.

You can have one shipped to your home today for a great price from Amazon or you can check it out on Sun Joe’s site.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in a pressure washer

You gotta know what to look for on these Mr Joe’s bad boys! Each one looks basically the same, has a complex acronym name, and comes in a similar color.

Nozzles Matter

When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  

The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.

Soap tank

Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank – equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.

I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.

Wheels on pressure washers

Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.

Hose types

There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.


Even if this has the drawback of making the unit less powerful, a portable, smaller pressure washer will be a better choice if you have to move around or carry the unit with you. Most of us do this, especially if you are doing the exterior of your house.

Totally depends on the job you are trying to do.

Pressure washers: Gas vs. Electric

Gas pressure washers have been around forever and probably aren’t going anywhere – but electric pressure washers are on the up and up like all the other lawn tools.

Electricity and water! What can go wrong?

The maintenance and cost of gas pressure washers are greater, including things like air filter changes, spark plugs, and more. Gas pressures are also insanely loud. However, electric washers simply have a power source and a button and are far quieter.

I like buttons.

5 Best Sun Joe Garden Tillers (+ My Favorite)

The best Sun Joe Garden Tiller is the TJ604E because of the extremely ergonomic handles and the wide tilling area. Sun Joe makes some really great corded electric garden tillers. One thing I love about Sun Joe is that they are extremely affordable and provide pretty good power.

I’m serious – this thing has some serious power that I was not expecting, especially for an electric tool. 

Bottom Line: Our pick is the Sun Joe TJ604E Garden Tiller, but you can’t go wrong with any of these.

(P.S. You are going to need a good extension cord, we recommend this one)

What we will cover:

Best Sun Joe Electric Garden Tiller and Cultivators: Features

Here are our rankings of the five best Sun Joe Garden Tillers – most of which can be found on Amazon. Sun Joe has five models of Garden Tillers (all in their Sun Joe TJ600 line). I’ll actually rank these in order of ease of use for you.

5. Sun Joe TJ602E Garden Tiller

This is the middle-weight of the group. The middle child, if you will, because it seeks attention. It has a handle that differs from the other Sun Joe Garden Tillers. 

This is unfortunately what ranks it at the bottom. The handlebars on this Tiller are horizontal, and not parallel to the motor. This makes handling it and digging the garden tiller into the ground very difficult. 

C’mon middle child!

4.  Sun Joe TJ600E Garden Tiller

This garden tiller barely made it past the last spot, but ultimately jumped the TJ602E. Their base model, the weakest, smallest and cheapest, does not have a wheel. 

The other tillers all have a wheel in the middle to help guide it. The Sun Joe TJ600E does not, so any depth you want to reach needs to be done by your gut instinct. Same with steering in a straight line. 

Just make sure not to have any drinks before you start. 

Better, but still weak.

3. Sun Joe TJ601E Garden Tiller

The second smallest in the Sun Joe Garden Tiller line, it actually has decent wheel adjustments, with 7 positions. Might not be needed, but wow. 

This one is also relatively weak, albeit a step up from both the TJ600E and the TJ602E when it comes to usability. It also has 6 blades, beating out the others as well. It cannot hold a candle to the other two, though.

I can work with that

2. Sun Joe TJ603E Garden Tiller and Cultivator

Now we are talking. This one has great handle width, in line with where you would have the most force applied directly downwards. It also has the most power, which makes steering actually easier once it digs into the dirt.

It also has six steel tilling blades and a 16 inch cultivating width. This thing means business.

Now we’re talking.

Top Pick: Sun Joe TJ604E Garden Tiller

I can’t not pick this one. It has all of the things you are looking for, and appears identical to the one above. It does have a slightly more powerful motor, which allows for more direction when digging. 

The best.

One caveat is that ALL of these products have Instant Start capability (aka push-to-start) as long as they are plugged in. 

They also all come with a folding handle, making storage much more simple. 

Comparing Power Among Sun Joe Tillers

When it comes to power, there are three things that are important to look at. The Amps of the motor and the cultivating width and depth.

Obviously more Amps mean more power output from the electric motor. cultivating width means how wide of a lane you are tilling and cultivating depth means how deep you can go when tilling. 

That being said, I’m going to break it down real easy for you in the table below. Again, ranked from least powerful to most powerful. 

CategorySun Joe TJ600ESun Joe TJ602ESun Joe TJ601ESun Joe TJ603ESun Joe TJ604E
Amps6.5 A9 A8 A12 A13.5 A
Cultivating width14 in.18 in.12 in.16 in.16 in.
Cultivating Depth7 in7 in8 in 8 in8 in
Power Ranking54321

As you can see from the table, cultivating depth is pretty consistent among tillers. Cultivating width varies widely (pun intended yet again). Power output also can range by over 2x. 

Cost comparison: Sun Joe Electric Garden Tillers

If none of those numbers in the power table made sense to you, don’t fret. I know something that will definitely make cents (I am on fire with puns today). 

Of course, I am talking dollars. These tend to speak the loudest. So I will qualitatively rank these by power and ease of use, while providing a link to the current cost on Amazon – which changes all the time.

We receive affiliate income from Amazon, so if you make a purchase after clicking the link, we make a small amount of commission (consider it a tip!). 

Let’s go:

CategorySun Joe TJ600ESun Joe TJ602ESun Joe TJ601ESun Joe TJ603ESun Joe TJ604E
PowerLeast powerfulPretty powerfulNot very powerfulSecond most powerfulMost powerful
Ease of UseDifficultVery easyEasySecond easiest.Easiest
CostCheck priceCheck priceCheck priceCheck priceCheck price

So which Sun Joe Electric Garden Tiller would you get for your garden?

Honestly, I am a sucker for power. The price on all of these is actually not bad at all either, even for the biggest and baddest.

If I am going to till my garden, I want to do it the right way, do it quickly, and move on to the next task.

For that reason, we at The Lawn Review would have to pick the Sun Joe TJ604E Garden Tiller. 

The belle of the ball.

Right now it is 20% off on Amazon, but can also be found in person at Home Depot and Lowes.

Check to see if the sale is still going on by following this link.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Our unusual testing methods.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Sun Joe product reputation

Sun Joe produces electric lawn and home care equipment. They are popular for their Sun Joe dethatcher (you wouldn’t believe how satisfying it is), and of course their pressure washer. You may have also seen their pressure washer, the SPX3000, on Amazon as well.

Their famous pressure washer.

Sun Joe absolutely dominates Amazon. They have found their market niche and it is in not-overly-powerful-electric lawn tools. Pretty narrow niche, but it is realllllly working for them. 

Sun Joe is the summer version of Snow Joe, the original company founded for electric snow removal equipment (like this Cordless Snow Shovel).

What to look for in a garden tiller

Listen, we all know why we till a garden. We want to turn the soil over and get ready for planting szn. 

But what makes a good garden tiller? What makes a good ELECTRIC garden tiller? Should I get a gas or electric garden tiller?

Questions that have been asked since the dawn of man (or woman).

Really it comes down to two things:

  1. Ease of use
    • Obviously you need something that is easy to use. It doesn’t need bells and whistles, it just needs to be able to move in a straight line without breaking your back. It is also important to make sure it is not spinning out and jostling up and down uncontrollably. Garden tillers need to be powerful, yet easily controlled. Otherwise you are just slinging dirt around.
  2. Power
    • A no brainer. There are very few, if any, things worse on God’s green earth than having a weak garden tool. You want the product to actually turn over God’s green earth, not just freeze at the surface and not get anything done. 

That’s it. Anything else is a nice-to-have, but these two things are the absolute requirements. So let’s see how the Sun Joe Garden Tiller(s) stack up.

5 Lawn Mowers fit for Townhouses and Tiny Homes

The best lawn mowers for townhouses are the ones that are easy to use, lightweight, and relatively low cost. The best mower for townhouses is the Black and Decker 3-in-1 mower, edger and trimmer because it is super light, cheap, and easy to store.

My small electric mower I tested as part of this review.

I wrote this post after doing HOURS of research for my parents. They recently downsized to a townhouse and got rid of everything (and I mean everything) when they made the move. This purge also included their lawn tractor and all their big gas-powered lawn tools.

Little did they know, they still had a small 20×20 yard in the back that needed to be mowed. Much to their (and my) dismay, they entered the lawn tool market once again.

I’ll summarize what we found:

The Top 5 Lawn Mowers for Townhouses

Now I know what you’re thinking – can’t you just do it all with a string trimmer? Well, maybe, but it will look like my 2-year old when he tried to cut his own hair. 

If you want it to look nice and respectable, then check out our list below:

5. Worx WG779 14 inch 40V Cordless Push Mower

I become a bigger and bigger Worx fan with each passing day. The Worx WG779 40V cordless mower is great for small yards. 14 inch mowers are almost perfect for townhouse backyards. I think this mower is a tad overkill for most townhouse yards, but a little too much is better than a little too little.

This mower has the bells and whistles you would expect from a normal lawn mower, with height adjustments, an intellicut torque system, a bag, and an onboard battery meter. 

This mower comes in at about 29 lbs, so not too heavy but also not the lightest. It is also super quiet and easy to use.

The mower comes in at anywhere between $200 and $300 and is often on sale on Amazon. We recommend checking the price to see if you are getting a good deal, which is anywhere under $275.  

Doesn’t look like a normal battery powered mower with its traditional black color.

4. Greenworks 10A 16-inch corded mower

The Greenworks 10A 16-inch corded mower is even larger than the Worx mower listed above and has a lot of the bells and whistles.

This mower also has a height adjustment, a bag, and easy storage options with foldable handles. This mower is definitely one of the bigger corded mowers on the market, with a 16-inch deck. The Greenworks 10A 16 inch mower is also slightly heavier and less “toy-like”. This is a great larger option for those looking to just use a traditional corded mower. 

I am a big fan of Greenworks’ products. They continually provide high quality tools and equipment that are just as powerful as their gas-powered counterparts. 

You can grab this mower on Amazon, where it is listed for less than it is on Greenworks’ own website. It is listed for a pretty ridiculous price right now – only $133. You get a lot of mower for not much money by grabbing this one today on Amazon.

Big and bad.

3. Sun Joe MJ401E Electric Lawn Mower

One thing I love about Amazon is that it has a renewed/refurbished store. If you are one of those who returns about 50% of your purchases to Amazon and wonder, “what happens to it?”, then here is your answer. It gets cleaned up and sold for a discount. 

That’s what is happening here with the MJ401E-RM. It is usually a little over our price point of $100, but can be purchased on the cheap if it is refurbished.

Although it has the appearance of a large tortoise, this is a nice electric mower that will be able to tackle a decent-sized job. Sun Joe is a great brand and this is a wonderful all-around mower. 

Things to love about the Sun Joe MJ401E-RM


  • Easier to push than a manual mower
  • Comes with a nice little bag
  • Lightweight, easy storage
  • No gas fumes
  • Easy to start


  • Corded, so requires an extension cord
  • Plastic decking which is less durable

This is honestly a great, great deal and can be found on Amazon for super cheap right now.

Looks turtle-y.

Looks like a turtle but totally rocks.  

2. Greenworks RM1400 Reel Lawn Mower

The next best (in my opinion) manual mower is the Greenworks 14-inch Reel Lawn Mower RM1400.

Nice little nostalgic mower!

Some things I like about the Greenworks RM1400:


  • Great company
  • Removable grass catching bag
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Plastic wheels
  • Not super sturdy handles
  • Narrower
  • Slightly more expensive than Sun Joe

Greenworks is a great brand and very well-trusted in this space. If you want to boogie outdoors and use this mower, you can find it on Amazon for a great price

1. Black + Decker 3-in-1 Corded Lawn mower, trimmer and edger (12-inch)

This has it all. I love the Black and Decker 3-in-1 because it just makes so much sense for townhouse owners. It was a total no-brainer when I showed it to my parents. 

The Black and Decker 3-in-1 has a 12-inch cutting deck, but behaves more like a trimmer than it does a mower. It has a string at the bottom, just like a trimmer, that is held flat to provide a consistent and clean cut, like a mower.

It is a weird hybrid that can easily convert to a nice string trimmer with edging capabilities.

Nice, easy tool for any sized townhouse.

This one checked the boxes for my parents. Super easy to store, lightweight (less than 10 lbs), has multiple functions, is the perfect size, requires only an extension cord and…..

I haven’t even mentioned the price. 

The Black and Decker 3-in-1 tool can be purchased on Amazon for a whopping $79. That is an insane deal considering what you are getting.

I recommend this product to anyone living in a townhouse with any sized yard. 

How we picked the perfect lawn mower for their townhouse

Well, we looked at a ton of lawn mowers. Most of them were too big, couldn’t be stored, and required gas. How are you supposed to transport a big ‘ole mower through your kitchen if you want to mow the backyard? 

We used the below criteria to find a good townhouse mower.

  1. Size
    • A few things we asked ourselves as we considered the appropriate size for a townhouse lawn mower. Is it light enough to carry? Is it narrow enough to allow for a close cut to the corners of our yard? Can it easily be stored in our garage, or better yet, our closet? Can we transport it home in our small car? 
    • All of these questions helped us narrow our focus and view it more as another household tool, like a vacuum. 
  2. Power source
    • We almost immediately crossed gas powered mowers off of our list and here is why. A gas can in the garage was another thing that needed storage. My parents’ townhouse also did not have backyard access from the road. So anything that  needs to go back there has to go through their kitchen. Did they really want gas to spill into their kitchen?
    • This left us with battery-powered and electric corded mowers. Two considerations for storage here as well. One requires an extension cord and the other requires a place to keep and charge the batteries. This is total personal preference, but an extension cord can also be used for other things that aren’t lawn-related.
  3. Cost
    • My parents were bummed enough to have to buy lawn equipment again, so cost was a big component to them. They wanted an inexpensive but reliable piece of equipment. 

Once I helped them walk through each of these components, we narrowed our list down to these five mowers.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Unusual testing methods.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

4 Best Lawn Mowers for Under $200: Expert Picks

Cheap lawn mowers are the staple for every new homeowner that doesn’t really care about their lawn, but needs to keep it short. Luckily, you don’t have to drop $600 for a crazy nice mower.

Mowers are relatively simple machines – they require blades that can spin and cut the grass. Heck – they don’t even need gas or batteries, some of them can just be powered by elbow grease. Before you break the bank trying to keep up with your neighbors (their grass is always greener), check out our list of mowers for under $200.

**Spoiler: we recommend the Sun Joe MJ401RE corded electric mower that can be found for mega sale here.**

Best lawn mowers for under $200

Remember those old push mowers with the spinning blades? Can you imagine using those? If you can’t, then you should try harder because this is your price range. You may spend a tad more and get one that plugs in.

Me buying a mower on Amazon.

American Lawn Mower Company 1204-14

If you ever got bored at your grandparents’ house and went surfing through their shed, you may have dusted off a manual reel mower. Yes, these used to be the dominant residential mowers back in the 40s and 50s, but times have changed – for some people.

The American Lawn Mower Company makes the classic reel mower still – and it is actually pretty popular. It has over 9k reviews on Amazon and comes in well below our $100 price point. 

When you think of inexpensive lawn mowers, you are thinking of a reel mower, of which we will review a few of today.

Check out the positives and negative of the American Lawn Mower Company 1204:


  • Quiet
  • Inexpensive
  • Adjustable height
  • Foam handles


  • Slightly smaller frame
  • Things can get stuck in the reel (true of any reel mower)

It is super popular on Amazon for a reason (I suspect nostalgia) and on sale for those interested.

The nostalgic, childhood favorite.

Sun Joe MJ500M

One of my personal favorites in this space is the Sun Joe MJ500M 16-inch manual reel mower.

Here are a few positives and negatives of the Sun Joe MJ500M


  • Reputable brand
  • Removable grass catching bag
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Price (can find super cheap used ones)
  • Decent width
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Plastic wheels
  • Wobbly handles

The good thing is that this is 100% emissions free :). And it has no battery or anything that can clutter up your garage. 

If you’re looking to save a quick buck and aren’t afraid to use a little bit of muscle, check it out for a super low price on Amazon – Sun Joe MJ500M.

Greenworks RM1400 Reel Lawn Mower

The next best (in my opinion) manual mower is the Greenworks 14-inch Reel Lawn Mower RM1400. This is almost identical to the Sun Joe MJ500M listed above, but is slightly more narrow. A more narrow blade width simply means you will have to do more passes in your yard. 

Some things I like about the Greenworks RM1400:


  • Great company
  • Removable grass catching bag
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Plastic wheels
  • Not super sturdy handles
  • Narrower
  • Slightly more expensive than Sun Joe

Greenworks is a great brand and very well-trusted in this space. If you want to boogie outdoors and use this mower, you can find it on Amazon for a great price.

Give your child the gift of upgraded nostalgia.

Sun Joe MJ401E-RM

One thing I love about Amazon is that it has a renewed/refurbished store. If you are one of those who returns about 50% of your purchases to Amazon and wonder, “what happens to it?”, then here is your answer. It gets cleaned up and sold for a discount. 

That’s what is happening here with the MJ401E-RM. It is usually a little over our price point of $100, but can be purchased on the cheap if it is refurbished.

Although it has the appearance of a large tortoise, this is a nice electric mower that will be able to tackle a decent-sized job. Sun Joe is a great brand and this is a wonderful all-around mower. 

Things to love about the Sun Joe MJ401E-RM


  • Easier to push than a manual mower
  • Comes with a nice little bag
  • Lightweight, easy storage
  • No gas fumes
  • Easy to start


  • Corded, so requires an extension cord
  • Plastic decking which is less durable

This is honestly a great, great deal and can be found on Amazon for super cheap right now.

Looks like a turtle but totally rocks.

Summary: Super cheap lawn mowers are still around

Well, there you have it folks. These are going to be the best bang for your buck and some of your only options if you are looking to save a buck. You can do a great job with any of these mowers, but if I had to pick one – I would probably go with the Sun Joe electric mower. The price point is just too good considering it isn’t a manual reel mower. 

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we test our tools.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Expectation setting

Before we start envisioning a crisp, cool afternoon while crafting a beautiful lawn, let’s check in with reality. When you buy an inexpensive mower, you are paying for the pieces, not the power. You are the power! So cross off self-propelled, riding mowers, or zero-turn mowers from your list. These mowers are going to be the dial-up of the lawn care world. 

The proper attire for mowing the lawn.

You are going to get a cheap piece of lawn equipment – and that is fine! You aren’t paying for a lot! But before you open up the wallet for just anyone, let’s find the one that is right for your needs.

Interested in what other tools cost? Check out our cost guide.

13 Best Electric Lawn Mowers for Small Yards

The best all-around electric mower for small yards is the EGO 56V 21 inch mower. It is a great size, very powerful, and can cut a small lawn for months on a single charge.

Electric mowers are one of the hottest items to buy because they tend to be cheaper, easier to store, and quieter than gas mowers.  First time home buyer? Recently downsized? Live in California? Sick of gas prices? Me too.

While there are a TON of electric mowers out there, some of them are crap and some of them are rip-offs. So, let’s cut through the noise as usual.

We’ve summed up our findings here:

Best electric mower for small yards: Ranked

There are so many options of electric mowers out there that it was tough to narrow it down. Luckily, I am a huge nerd about this stuff.

1. EGO Power+ LM2101 21 inch 56 V electric mower

Number one! The Ego Power+21 inch 56V mower is the one of the best electric mowers on the market. EGO makes a ton of different lawn tools and the mower is top of the line. EGO basically only makes electric lawn tools, so you know they have mastered the mower.

Yep we own this one as well.

One of the main benefits of this mower is the wide deck, meaning it has a decent cutting area with each pass you make. The larger the yard, the larger the cutting area.

21 inches is a perfect happy medium for small yards because it allows you to cover a good amount of ground while still being nimble.

This has all of the features you look for in an electric mower: a nice interoperable battery, easy to fold and store, durable, and powerful. Give it a look on Amazon (it is still kind of a secret)

2. Greenworks 80V 21 inch Cordless Push Lawn Mower

I like Greenworks’ mowers because they tend to be pretty thoughtfully made. Their Greenworks 21-inch mower with an 80v battery is definitely up there for me. As one of the more popular electric mowers on the market (almost 6,000 reviews). 

This mower has dual blades, allowing for a better cut and for finer mulching. This is pretty equivalent to a gas mower, except the electric version where you can’t really tell a difference. Greenworks also has some super powerful tools like their blowers where this battery can be super helpful. The Greenworks 80V 21 inch mower has a great quality cut and is super quiet.

Highly recommended and a nice kick-off to our top three.

This is one of the most popular ones sold on Amazon (with almost 6k reviews). Don’t believe us? Go check out the other reviews at Amazon.

We like Greenworks because of their distinguished high-quality products.

3. Makita XML03CM1 Brushless 18” lawn mower

Makita makes really high quality power tools and so when they release an under-the-radar electric Makita mower with surprising power , you know it is going to be good. This sucker comes with 4 batteries, a metal deck, and a brushless motor. Basically everything you could like about an electric mower, the Makita has. Compared to most other mowers, this has a significantly longer run time.

For those with smaller yards, the 18 inch metal deck is just about ideal.

Love it.

The fact that you won’t burn all your batteries means that you will have plenty of juice left for your other Makita tools. 

The Makita XML03CM1 is just about perfect. If you get it without all the batteries, its actually pretty dang affordable on Amazon.

4. Ryobi 40V Brushless 20 inch electric lawn mower

The Ryobi 40V series lawn mower is part of a 40V battery series that makes a ton of good tools that you can use, including blowers and weed eaters. You can also use the battery in this mower for those. That is the type of interoperability I’m talking about!

This also has a brushless motor, is super simple to use, but sadly has a plastic deck – which is keeping out of the top 3. This is one of the most popular electric mowers in the world, so if you do go ahead with this purchase: you are in good company.

It is another medium sized mower that will get just about any small to mid sized yard done easily. Great purchase here, IMO if you can get it from an online retailer and ship it.

Our favorite Ryobi.

5. Black and Decker 40V Max Cordless Lawn mower

While I’m not a huge fan of black and decker, this is basically a mirror of the Ryobi mower. They are virtually identical in every aspect. Black and Decker also has a yuuuuuuuge collection of tools that take a 40v battery. 

This mower is slightly more versatile in that it has a thing called EDGEMAX that allows you to mow super close to other surfaces, which is nice. Otherwise, this one is orange and black colored, which I tend to favor more than the neon green of Ryobi. 

This one is also for sale on Amazon, but the price is hidden, so go check it out for yourself.

I recommend this one to anybody with Black and Decker tools already.

Can’t go wrong with this one.

6. Toro Recycler 22in SmartStow 60V max mower

There are a lot of things to like about this mower. First of all, I love Toro and have reviewed a ton of their mowers. They are always dependable and do an incredible job. This isn’t number one on this list for a couple of reasons.

It’s pretty big – maybe bigger than you need for a teeny tiny yard, but good for a small-medium yard. Another thing that is working against the battery version of the Toro recycler is the lack of battery interoperability. There just aren’t enough popular tools that the Toro battery works with. As a standalone, this is still a great option, however.

7. Dewalt 21.5 in 20V Max push mower

I like the Dewalt 21.5 in 20V mower because it is so simple. Dewalt has a jillion tools that you can use the battery with. If you look at this product, it is the most standard looking lawn mower in the world, other than the fact that it is bright yellow. 

This thing is pretty sweet.

The Dewalt 21.5 in 20V mower has a brushless motor as well, making it longer lasting and quieter. It has a big metal deck as well, which means you won’t have rocks cutting through the deck and breaking it completely. It is a pricier electric mower (around $550), but I think you get what you pay for here. 

For our full review, check out this post on our experience with the all-new Dewalt 20V mower review.

8. Ryobi ONE+ HP 18V 16in cordless mower

This one has so much potential! It has all the bells and whistles that you would want in an electric mower, but has a plastic deck still. The Ryobi ONE series is pretty popular and has a good amount of tools in it, but not as many as the 40V series from Ryobi. 

This is one of the nicer looking, mid-sized electric mowers on the market. It comes with two batteries that can be used in a bevy of other tools. It overall is a great mower, but gets dinged by me for not being a part of the 40V series and having a plastic deck. Still a good purchase if you are someone that has existing Ryobi ONE+ 18V batteries. You can find it for a decent price on Amazon if you get the tool-only version (meaning you use your same battery).

9. Greenworks PRO 17 inch 48V battery mower

Now that we are in the top 10, our game has stepped up quite a bit. This is another great Greenworks mower with a 17 inch deck (slightly larger than the previous Greenworks corded mower). It comes with two 24v batteries which appear to work with a couple of other Greenworks products, but not all of them.

This one will last you significantly longer than the other mowers and be able to take on much more work. The Greenworks PRO 17 inch 48V battery mower also offers a brushless motor, which makes it last much longer and is overall much quieter. It does still have a plastic deck, which I absolutely despise – so it is staying in the back half of this list.

Right now, Greenworks is selling mowers for a great price on Amazon, giving you a really good deal heading into the mowing season.

10. Greenworks 10A 16-inch corded electric mower

Alright, if you are looking for a slight step up from the Sun Joe MJ401E (reviewed above), this is it. It is still powered by an extension cord but is a couple of inches bigger and has a few more customizable features. This one could definitely get you much further than the Sun Joe and actually has a mulching feature as well. 

Greenworks is a little better than Sun Joe as a brand in my opinion. They make heavier-duty mowers and blowers and focus just on yard tools. Sun Joe is an outgrowth of Snow Joe, which was the original brand that made things like snow shovels.

This one is slightly more expensive than the Sun Joe, but still a steal (lol). Right now, it’s on sale at Amazon for a really good price.

11. Sun Joe MJ401E Mow Joe 14 inch electric mower

While this mower does get a couple dings from me, its price makes up for it. The first ding is that its plastic and looks like a turtle. Everything is plastic and likely won’t last a super long time. It is also tiny and requires an extension cord. 14 inches is not a big mower. 

Some other good Sun Joe swag.

But here are a few things I do like. This is perfect from people who live in a townhome or condo and have a little bit of grass. It’s going to cut the grass fine, but it’s not going to handle tough terrain or tall weeds. If you’re looking for something super cheap and easy to use, this is basically a little yard vacuum.

This one is EXTREMELY affordable and can be shipped straight to your house from Amazon.

12. Worx Power Share 14 in 40V cordless mower 

I’ve actually grown to love WORX products, including their mulcher and electric edger

One benefit to this mower is that the two 20V batteries can be used on most of their other products.

It’s plastic all over and only cuts ⅛ acre per charge. If you do like the Worx series however, you can use these batteries with any of their tools – which can save you a lot of money. The price tag is also around $300, making it a decent deal.

As one of the more affordable options, grab this one today on Amazon.

13. Green Machine 62V Cordless electric mower

Using our ranking criteria, this one would actually rank decently. It is missing in a couple big areas, however. The Green Machine 62V Cordless Mower is a no-name brand (sorry), and has a 62V battery that is not usable with probably any equipment you own today. 

A few positives: it has a metal deck and looks pretty nice. It has a decently large cutting deck as well, at 22 inches. This puts it in the higher end of our list if you have a small-to-medium sized yard. This mower seems to sell exclusively at Home Depot and exclusively online – and you can grab it here.

Why we review electric lawn mowers

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. Always feel free to leave a comment or request a review using the form you see at the top of this page.

What to look for in an electric lawn mower

When looking to purchase an electric lawn mower, you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and marketing tactics. Totally forget them and focus on the things that impact you. Below are my recommendations:

  1. Brand quality. Quality is going to be super important here. Everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.
  2. Metal where it matters. Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.
  3. Battery interoperability. A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. Ryobi has this, so does Dewalt, and so do some of the Greenworks products. This will save you garage clutter and plug space.
  4. Self-propelled or not. I actually don’t like the self-propelled feature. It doesn’t help you that much and it drains battery – I would pass here. This is a marketing gimmick in my opinion.

Here is our full guide to buying an electric lawn mower – including some of the most common questions.

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