Self-propelled vs Push Mowers: Which is better? (2024 Guide)

greenworks mower

Self propelled and push mowers are the two most common mowers for homeowners. I prefer using a self-propelled mower because it makes cutting much easier, but have always used a classic push mower.

Or at least that’s how it started for me. It was kind of mind boggling. But self propelled mowers and push mowers are pretty different. My opinion has always been that self-propelled mowers are a waste of money.

But recently, that opinion has changed in some circumstances and I’ll break down why. 

Jump ahead:

What does self-propelled mean on a mower?

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

An EGO Select Cut mower with self-propelled functionality.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it. Let’s break down some of the pros and cons.

Pros and cons self-propelled mowers

Self-propelled mowers have both pros and cons, especially when compared to push mowers. Let’s break down some things you may not have immediately thought about when comparing the two.

Pros of self-propelled mowers

I think most of the pros are obvious for self-propelled mowers – they simply move the dang machine. But here we are:

  • Self-propelled mowers can take a huge load off for elderly lawn care enthusiasts
  • They can reduce the load significantly for steep banks and hills
  • The lawn can be mowed more quickly
  • Great for smaller yards

Cons of self-propelled mowers

Self-propelled mowers are no doubt a luxury item for lawn lovers, but have some downsides that need to be considered:

  • They are more expensive, by a good amount (at least $100)
  • Self-propelled battery-powered mowers significantly reduce battery life
  • Self-propelled gas-powered mowers burn through gas more quickly
  • Can tear up grass if you aren’t careful
  • Don’t perform well in wet conditions

On this last point, I am speaking specifically about the wheels simply churning in your yard. I walked by my neighbor the other week who was mowing his lawn with a self propelled mower. Like a truck stuck in mud, the mower’s rear wheels just kind of spun in place as he pushed it forward.

Yikes. As he was moving forward, the wheels spun and started shredding spots in his grass. If it wasn’t totally emasculating for him, I would have jumped in and helped him. 

How long do self-propelled mowers last?

Self-propelled mowers that are battery-powered will typically see a 30-40% reduction in run time. So if you have a 60 minute run time with your battery-powered mower, you can expect to shave off at least 20 minutes.

The self-propelled function will help you get the job done more quickly, but burn battery in the process. I recommend self-propelled mowers for smaller yards (up to ⅓ acre) that don’t take too long to cut. This helps you get inside faster, use less force, and get the job done on a single charge.

If you have a gas-powered self-propelled mower, like the Toro TimeMaster 30  then you don’t have to worry about how long it will last. You just need to continue to top off the gas as needed. You’ll notice a decrease in fuel efficiency, but it might be worth it for you. 

Are self-propelled mowers hard to push?

In normal, dry conditions self-propelled mowers are not hard to push. In fact, they’re super easy and convenient.

If it is the slightest bit wet outside, then self-propelled mowers can be just as hard (if not harder) to push than traditional push mowers.

My trusty old push mower!

Most self-propelled mowers have a variable speed selector that lets you pick how quickly the mower moves forward. This can be toggled to help save battery life or address suboptimal, wetter conditions. 

Ryobi self-propelled vs push mower

I’m calling this section out for Ryobi specifically because I have experience using both their self-propelled and push mowers. If you’re comparing the two and noticing the $100 price difference, you may be wondering – what’s the difference?

The self-propelled version is nice, but unnecessary.

I have a strong opinion here – you should go with the push mower (the non-self-propelled one). Save the money. Here’s why: the Ryobi mowers are EXTREMELY light. So light that the self-propelled function isn’t needed at all. 

The Ryobi self-propelled mower seemed to make the mower almost tilt-back in response to the acceleration and made it harder to control. Since it is already so light, you almost want to apply some downward pressure to keep it on a straight path. 

3 Best Self-Propelled Battery-Powered Electric Lawn Mowers

The best self-propelled lawn mowers are the cream of the crop – the absolute premium lawn mowers manufactured today. This means that they are not great mowers only because they are self-propelled but great all-around mowers that happen to be self-propelled. Let’s dig in:

Greenworks 80V 21” Cordless Self-Propelled Lawn Mower

I’ve written about the Greenworks 80V self-propelled mower several times, mostly because it absolutely slaps. Here’s what I love about this mower:

  • Thick, steel deck that’s the perfect 21 inch size
  • Comes with a 5.0 Ah battery for up to a one hour runtime (without self-propelled)
  • Brushless motor (lasts way longer and provides way more torque)
  • 4 year warranty

It really has the perfect combination of power, durability, and ease of use. Lastly, it is definitely one of the most price competitive premium mowers on the market. If you already have the 80V battery, you can get the mower tool-only on Amazon for an absolutely jaw-dropping price.

Toro Recycler SmartStow 60V Battery Self-propelled Mower

This one probably isn’t at the top of most people’s lists, but I’m not most people. The Toro SmartStow battery mower is a self-propelled mower with some really cool features. 

One of my favorite features on the Toro self-propelled 60V mower is the vortex technology. It sounds fancy because it is. It is a ventilation system above the blades that pulls air in as you mow and causes the grass to stand up. It’s like the hair on the back of your neck sticking up when you do the first mow of the season. 

See those little air holes below the motor?

This is actually a really cool feature that allows you to get a more even, level cut. Toro makes some crazy good mowers and they took a lot of the same features and slapped a battery on there. This one is available at Home Depot for a great price.

EGO Power+ 56V Select Cut XP Self-propelled Mower

EGO’s Select Cut XP series is one heck of a mower. The Select Cut XP function means that it has two blades and the highest possible torque for any EGO mower. Here’s what I like about this mower:

This exact one!
  • Super easy to use Touch Drive technology that allows you to quickly adjust the self-propelled function while still mowing
  • 10 Ah batteries = 75 minute run time – this is best in class
  • Brushless motor of course
  • Over 3 MPH of self-propelled speed. It might run away from you
  • 5 year warranty

As I’ve referred to it in the past, this is the Cadillac of electric mowers. And just like a Cadillac, it’s pretty dang pricey (around $800-900).

Yeah, it’s definitely a premium product. 

So which is better, self-propelled or push mowers?

Self propelled mowers are better when it comes to convenience and ease of use. Push mowers are better priced and extend the run time of your mower.

I like self-propelled mowers for smaller yards that aren’t impacted by the decrease in run time, typically less than ⅓ of an acre. 

Most of this comes down to personal preference. The good thing about self-propelled mowers is that the functionality can be toggled on and off. You get the best of both worlds – as long as you’re willing to pay for it.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool testing seriously!

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

5 Inexpensive Troy Bilt Lawn Mowers That Last

The best Troy Bilt Lawn Mower is the Troy Bilt TB100 push mower – I should know, I have owned it for seven years.

What can get more patriotic than an American made lawn mower brand with Red and White colors?

The reason Troy Bilt mowers are so popular is the fact that they are relatively inexpensive and extremely reliable. This is coming from someone who has done minimal maintenance and maximum abuse to my first mower ever, the Troy Bilt TB160.

But Troy Bilt has a lot more to offer than cheap push mowers. They have a bunch of self-propelled mowers, lawn tractors and even some sweet zero-turn mowers.

So – let’s figure out the best in each category and take EVERYTHING into consideration. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Yeah…it is a lot. So we should probably get started.

The Best Troy Bilt Mowers for Every Job

Now that we know what we are looking for, let’s dig right in, starting with push mowers and finishing with zero turns.

Best Troy Bilt Push Mower: TB100

Guys I am super biased here but I actually think the low-end Troy Bilt TB100 is the best push mower. Why? Well I’ve owned it for over 5 years and it starts on the first try every time. I’ve pushed this thing through some extremely thick and wet grass and choked it dozens of times. I’ve even forgotten to do oil changes and the thing still runs just fine.

Trusty. Rusty.

The thing is, Honda has stopped making lawn mower engines, so Troy Bilt has switched over to Briggs & Stratton, another really high quality brand. The thing is a dang beast.

Here’s what I love about the Troy Bilt TB100:

  • Incredibly easy to start
  • Minimal maintenance (yearly oil change)
  • Super simple
  • Very inexpensive
  • Right-sized cutting deck at 21 inches

Yes, the TB100 can withstand the most abusive of owners. Honestly, it was the first mower I bought in my first home with my first yard. I assembled it right out of the box without any clue of what I was doing.

Basically, if you aren’t a lawn nerd like me and want a super easy and effortless mower on the cheap, this is one of best gas push mowers that you can buy. Sad that I can’t get the TB160, but this one is a really good alternative.

It’s available from Home Depot for a great price, but the price is always changing. Check it by clicking here.

Best Troy Bilt Walk-Behind Mower: TB230B XP

Yes, there’s a difference between walk-behind mowers and push mowers. They look the same and you sort of push both of them, but walk-behind mowers are easier. Walk behind mowers are self-propelled, meaning they creep forward and assist the push mower operator (you). 

Self-propelled mowers are pretty dang sweet, especially if you have steep banks and hills. It takes a surprising load off and is a great option for gas powered mowers because there is no battery to destroy.

Pretty dang sweet.

Anyways, Troy Bilt has also mastered this one with the TB230B XP. It is very similar to the TB100 in size, but has 15% more cutting power and a ton of other bells and whistles.

Here is what I love about the TB230B XP mower. 

  • Super easy to start “ReadyStart” system
  • Front wheel drive is the superior self-propelled mechanism
  • Bigger wheels than the other models
  • Hose adapter to wash out the deck

This honestly reminds me a lot of the Toro Recycler mower. They look the same and have a ton of the same features. Both are classic brands that have long dominated the residential lawn care space.

You can grab this one online at Home Depot and pick it up or ship it.

Best Troy Bilt Wide Area Mower: TBWC28T

Wide Area Mowers are essentially walk-behind mowers with a really big head. They are super wide, allowing for fewer passes in the yard. They’re perfect for residential professional landscapers who bounce from house to house for smaller yards.

Our HOA contracts with a company that mows a ton of people’s smaller lawns with a wide area mower. They’re super efficient for this very specific purpose. It’s essentially almost the width of a lawn tractor, but for areas that a lawn tractor would have a tough time navigating. 

Troy Bilt made an extremely aggressive looking wide area mower in the TBWC28T. It will absolutely destroy grass for any professional landscaper or with anyone with a medium sized yard that doesn’t want to store a lawn tractor. 

Here are some cool things about the Troy Bilt TBWC28T:

  • A 28 inch cutting deck – about 30% wider than the other mowers
  • This cool vacuum chute that launches grass clippings into a bag
  • Self-propelled
  • Speed adjustment lever

This thing is honestly for pros and the price reflects it. The other two mowers above are both under $500 and this one is nearly $1,400. Yikes.

Looks like a transformer.

But if you are cutting lawns as part of your job, this thing will get paid back in no time. Oh, and the 3 year warranty on these things is a great peace of mind. 

This thing is available online from Troy Bilt.

Best Troy Bilt Lawn Tractor: Pony 42 Riding Lawn Mower

I can hear Peyton Manning calling this one out from the line of Scrimmage. “Pony….42”. But seriously, this mower is pretty sweet. Lawn tractors are great for those of us with a larger yard. Sure, you can cut it with a push mower but it would take all afternoon. Even with a walk behind.

Lawn tractors are a great middle ground before you get to zero-turns, which are just freaks of nature.

Anyways, for most people’s yards and most people’s budgets, lawn tractors are perfect. Enter the Pony 42 Riding Lawn Mower from Troy Bilt. It has a pretty sweet 500cc engine (the push mowers were like 140cc for reference) and a 42 inch steel deck. The Pony 42 has enough power to get the job done without going overboard. It isn’t quite a zero-turn, but still has an 18-inch turning radius – not bad. 

She thinks my tractor’s sexy.

I chose this one over the Bronco for two reasons – the price and the availability. The Bronco 42 is a higher end version of this mower with more power. It is not really necessary for the average homeowner in my opinion, unless you are clearing some serious brush.

Here are a few things that stand out to me about this one:

  • Very affordable
  • Large cutting deck
  • Spacious seating / easy entry
  • Briggs & Stratton engine

The cool thing about these lawn tractors is that they are available with a ton of accessories that can add new features, like massive bagging systems and snow plows.

I compare this one to the legendary and iconic John Deere E100 as they are both barebones lawn tractors from reliable brands.

You can grab the Pony from Home Depot for an awesome price.

Best Troy Bilt Zero-Turn Mower: Mustang Z46 Zero-Turn Rider

It just sounds cool. But Troy Bilt nailed it with this one. Frankly, I don’t see a ton of these out and about and they are relatively hard to find, but they’re really well made. 

Zero turn mowers differ from lawn tractors in that they are faster and more nimble. They’re built for commercial use from professional landscapers. The reason I picked the Mustang Z46 is mostly because it has middle-of-the-pack power but a wide cutting deck. There’s no point in getting one of the Z42 models if the cutting size is the same as a residential lawn tractor. 

That being said, there’s a lot to like about this Mustang series mower:

  • A twin-cylinder Kohler engine. Kohler engines are in some of the most expensive, premium zero-turn mowers on the planet. It reminds me of the the massive Ariens IKON XD 52 zero-turn, a much bigger mower with a similar engine.
  • Anti-scalp wheels that are less abusive to the grass but still have crazy torque and speed
  • Hydrostatic transmission that makes driving and accelerating extremely smooth
  • Quality construction from thick aluminum
  • Built in Ohio, the heartland of America!

A few things I don’t love as compared to other zero turn mowers include no armrests and a manual crank-shaft cutting height. It’s the 21st century and we need luxury.

A serious machine.

But all-in-all, this is a really nice zero-turn mower that comes in at an amazing price at just over $3,000.

Yeah, that sounds like a lot but the value is pretty wild. 

The bigger, badder version of this one is on Home Depot for a higher price.

Summary: Troy Bilt Mowers for everyone

To close us out, you can’t go wrong with a Troy Bilt. They are super well known in the residential lawn care space and are really starting to carve out their presence in the larger zero-turn game. 

The engineering is there and if you have access to grab one of these, then I would put them right up at the top of the list with their competitors like Toro and Husqvarna.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What we look for in a lawn mower

There are a ton of different mowers we are checking out today, so I’ll give you the skinny on what I am evaluating in each.

Push / Walk-Behind Mowers

When I’m looking at a push mower I want to know a few things. First, I consider the build quality and the engine type. My TB160 has a Honda engine, which I love. I’m also looking at deck size and construction to see if it is sturdy and the right fit for the size of my lawn.

Then next I look to see if it has a self-propelled function and if it does, if it’s front wheel drive or rear wheel drive (it makes a difference). 

Lastly, I’ll look for other bells and whistles that set it apart from others. Mostly the starting function and a whole bevy of other options that can distinguish it with something fancy (if I want to spend more money). 

Lawn Tractors

With the dawn of zero turn mowers, electric riding mowers, and flying hovercraft mowers with drone weed whackers (only kidding), the classic lawn tractor is often overlooked.

The reality is that lawn tractors are great machines that still have a place in the modern lawn care garage. Lawn tractors are great for people with a half of an acre up to two acres. They are also fine for people with more than 2 acres with few obstacles to navigate.

The zero-turn mower craze is largely hyped up for the average homeowner by the admittedly cool features. The downside of these mowers is the massive price tag and difficulty with storage. 

Zero-turn mowers

A few things to look for in zero-turn mowers are blade size, transmission, accessory capabilities and cost. Blade size is important to keep consistent with the size of your lawn. Obviously longer blades are best for larger lawns, but begin to sacrifice a little bit of the agility afforded by a smaller blade. 

Transmission is also an important consideration for a zero-turn mower. Most zero turn mowers do not have manual transmissions, but have either automatic or hydrostatic transmissions. Automatic works just like an automatic car does with a gas pedal and belts. Hydrostatic transmissions use fluid to transfer their power to the blades and the rest of the engine.

Cost is generally of the utmost importance as well. Zero-turn mowers are expensive. In fact, you can buy an old Honda Civic for less than most zero turn mowers. 

4 Timeless Toro Lawn Mowers That Will Last Years

The best all-around Toro Mower is the classic Toro Recycler, followed by the Toro TimeCutter for zero-turn enthusiasts. Toro lawn mowers are the absolute classics of the lawn care world. The Tom Brady of lawn mowers. The classic muscle car, ‘69 Corvette of lawn mowers.


Go on a little drive this Sunday afternoon and tell me what you see. If you go through any neighborhood I guarantee you will see at least a few of these either being pushed around or stored in people’s garages.

So let’s get started. Click a link below to take you right to the section you are looking for:

The 4 Best Toro Mowers

Toro has historically been the market leader in lawn mowers. They’re well known to everyone, but have struggled to keep up with the changing landscape and the young brands (this is where my Tom Brady comparison comes in).  

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s highlight the amazing, well-known mowers they do have. 

The Best Toro Zero-Turn Mower: Toro TimeCutter SS4225

The Toro TimeCutter SS4225 is a zero-turn mower with a reputation for being top of the line. In fact, these are super popular among residential homeowners, but also with commercial landscapers. You RARELY see those two overlap as they are looking for different applications, but the TimeCutter SS4225 appeals to both.


Well not only does it have the comfort and affordability that attracts homeowners, but it also has the durability and power that landscapers are looking for. Sounds too good to be true? It isn’t.

My son trying out the Toro TimeCutter.

The Toro TimeCutter SS4225 boasts a 22.5 HP V-twin Toro engine (I think that is where the 225 in the name comes from) in addition to a 42 inch cutting deck (where the 42 comes from in the name). This is serious power. For comparison’s sake, a number of riding mowers come in at 16-18 horsepower. This is a huge step up. Even the Cub Cadet ZT1, a hot competitor, comes in at only 22hp.

The SS in SS4225 stands for SmartSpeed, which means that it allows you to slow down when making tight maneuvers so that you can make sharp, smooth cuts around garden beds. 

The nice new deck on the 2024 Toro TimeCutter.

Guys, I can’t highlight enough how well this zero-turn mower was engineered. There’s a reason it is one of the most popular zero-turn mowers on planet Earth. 

Quick summary of what I love about the TimeCutter:

  • Extremely comfortable
  • High horsepower, well-made engine
  • Hydrostatic transmission
  • Durability
  • Deck washout system + cup-holders

The Toro TimeCutter can actually be bought online from Home Depot – check the price and make up your mind!

Best Toro Mower for Medium-Sized Yards: Toro TimeMaster 30

If you ask anybody who has worked for a landscaping company what the best push mower is, the TimeMaster 30 is going to be on their list. 

The Toro TimeMaster 30 is a beast. It may be one of the higher end push mowers on the market, costing over $1,000 (thanks Biden!) but it is totally worth it.

The TimeMaster 30 has TWO blades on it across a 30 inch cutting deck! That size of a cutting deck on a push mower is competing with the cutting decks on riding lawn mowers and lawn tractors. Y’all….

Yeah…that’s a PUSH mower.

But the TimeMaster has a ton of bells and whistles as well. You can tell a true lawn pro designed this one. For example, it has a feature where if you let off the gas, the engine will keep running. Sounds small, but in reality it’s extremely helpful.  There’s nothing worse than mowing a lawn, having to stop to move a stick or rock, then going back to your mower to pull the cord until it starts again. That’s exact situation is what you avoid by using the TimeMaster 30.

Also can we revisit how massive the deck is on this? Most push mowers are between 18 and 24 inches. 30 inches allows you to get an extra FOOT on each pass. Those things add up over the course of a mow and will save you some serious time. 

This thing is huge.

Lastly, Toro has made maintenance a breeze on this mower. It has a strict “no oil change” policy. Instead of changing out the oil, you just add more. I actually have no clue how this works other than burning oil off, but I’m not here to ask questions. I am here to have the best mowing experience of my life. 

I also love the deck washout system, which is also found on the TimeCutter above. You can connect your hose to the deck of the mower and it is designed internally to funnel the water in such a way that it cleans out the entirety of the deck.

It’s the details for me!

Quick summary of what I love about the TimeMaster 30:

  • Massive cutting deck
  • SmartStop function
  • Self-propelled
  • TWO blades

The TimeMaster is for sale exclusively at Home Depot and it’s price often changes – check it here.

Best Toro Mower for Small Yards: Toro Recycler

The Toro Recycler is your all-American lawn mower. This is the mower you see in everyone’s garage or shed with the classic “TORO” print on the collection bag on the sides. If you’ve seen it (which you definitely have), then you know what I’m talking about. Sadly, the newer versions don’t have that. BUT that’s a good sign because the old ones clearly last FOREVER.


At 22 inches, the Toro Recycler is THE perfect width for lawns on the smaller side. I’m not talking townhouse mower small, but probably up to ½ acre or so, which is what most of us have here in America. 

The Toro Recycler has all the well-engineered parts that make the TimeMaster so incredible. It has the personal pace self-propelled function, the no oil change philosophy, a deck washout, and a well-made engine. 

It even has a really cool feature that is front-wheel drive for the self-propelled function. This function is wonderful if you have to mow over steep banks or hills. Instead of the rear wheels having the self-propelled motor, which results in spinning and getting stuck, the front wheels have it. This makes it so the mower creeps over any inconsistencies in the lawn and is particularly useful for hills. It helps pull the mower forward instead of pushing from behind.

Just an absolute classic.

The other unheard of bell and whistle that comes with this mower is their vortex technology. I’ve never seen this on any other push mower. Basically, the mower has this airflow opening that flows air from the ground up through the blades, causing the grass to stand up. It’s like using Electric Shave or whatever that makes your hair stand up before you shave. What in tarnation?

The Toro Recycler comes in two varieties, one with the front-wheel drive (called high-wheel drive) and a classic rear-wheel drive. Both are for sale at Home Depot.

Quick summary of what I love about  the Toro Recycler:

  • Great size for the average yard
  • Nice FWD self-propelled function
  • Vortex technology that lifts the grass before a cut

Best Battery-Powered Toro Mower: Toro Recycler SmartStow 60V

It flies under the radar completely, but the Toro Recycler SmartStow 60V mower is one of the best battery powered mowers ANYWHERE.

Yeah, we have all heard of EGO, Greenworks, Ryobi, and all the other battery powered brands. But the Toro 60V should be right at the top of that list as well.

Here’s why: it basically has all the same features as its gas counterpart. Yes, that means an incredible steel deck, the vortex airflow thing, front wheel drive self-propelled functionality, and the ability to fold in half like a lawn chair for easy storage.

Photo cred: Toro. I mean you can’t beat that pic.

Honestly, I can’t imagine what else I would add to this mower to make it any better. The only drawback when compared to some of the big name battery brands is that the Toro battery line is generally underdeveloped. Brands like EGO have hundreds of tools built around a single battery line, making it easier to get more of those tools and use the same battery. 

But as a standalone piece of equipment, Toro absolutely knocked it out of the park. I actually like that they don’t have 1,000 different mowers like Ryobi does. They go with the one shot, one  kill method. Milwaukee has a mower that is built the same way. 

Milwaukee’s mower. Just built different.

This one is definitely expensive, though. The main downside is that it is over $700. This is high for most battery powered mowers, but actually pretty reasonable when compared to some of the higher-tiered gas mowers.

All around a good buy. They sell it at Home Depot for a great price.

Final words: Toro mowers legacy

Toro mowers are world-class. You can’t go wrong with really any of their mowers and I’ve yet to see a decline in quality.

Like I mentioned earlier, I guarantee your grandpa had a Toro mower sitting in his garage that could crank up in one pull even after 15 years. These things last. 

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Our testing methods are extreme.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Toro lawn tools

Toro is a well known company that serves lawn equipment for homeowners. Toro also is one of the preferred products for golf courses, sports fields, and agriculture. They clearly know what they are doing.

I’ve reviewed other Toro equipment, like their recycler push mower. One thing that stood out to me in that review is their engineering. I truly believe they have quality equipment and there’s a few ways to tell. The first is how heavy and solid their equipment is. Their quality stands out to me as top tier. 

Unmistakable brand.

Another thing I noticed when reviewing the recycler mower is the attention to details. The mower just grinds and grinds and grinds until it produces a fine consistency that feeds your lawn. Other mower manufacturers do not put considerations like this into their products. They even have a patent for the fine grass clippings that nourish your yard.

Things I look for in mowers

Knowing what to look for in a mower varies on the type of mower.

  • Zero-turn mowers: For zero-turn mowers, I am looking for comfort. If you have a zero-turn mower it is because you have a big job in front of you. You’re going to be sitting in this thing and steering it precisely for a while. There’s nothing worse than being uncomfortable. I also look for things like a hydrostatic transmission to allow for longer transmission life. Lastly, I want durability – reinforced casters and a deck that won’t crack under pressure. 
  • Push mowers: Push mowers have less to worry about as they are a much less costly investment. Still, push mowers can come with some great bells and whistles that make them way better to use. One of these is a self-propelled function, which I love on gas-powered mowers. Deck width is also important – if you have a medium-sized yard, then a wider deck is better. For smaller yards, a narrower deck. Otherwise, easy height adjustments, deck cleaning ports, and easy-start engines are must-haves.
  • Battery mowers: Battery powered mowers have a lot more room for error. For one, you have a super finite battery life that will take you out of the game if you kill too much battery. Gas mowers at least refill easily and then let you get on your merry way. But with battery mowers, you will see many made with a plastic deck. Avoid these unless they are super duper thick. I also generally avoid self-propelled functions on these because they crush the battery life. Lastly, you NEED to buy one with a brushless motor. 

4 Best Lawn Mowers for Under $200: Expert Picks

Cheap lawn mowers are the staple for every new homeowner that doesn’t really care about their lawn, but needs to keep it short. Luckily, you don’t have to drop $600 for a crazy nice mower.

Mowers are relatively simple machines – they require blades that can spin and cut the grass. Heck – they don’t even need gas or batteries, some of them can just be powered by elbow grease. Before you break the bank trying to keep up with your neighbors (their grass is always greener), check out our list of mowers for under $200.

**Spoiler: we recommend the Sun Joe MJ401RE corded electric mower that can be found for mega sale here.**

Best lawn mowers for under $200

Remember those old push mowers with the spinning blades? Can you imagine using those? If you can’t, then you should try harder because this is your price range. You may spend a tad more and get one that plugs in.

Me buying a mower on Amazon.

American Lawn Mower Company 1204-14

If you ever got bored at your grandparents’ house and went surfing through their shed, you may have dusted off a manual reel mower. Yes, these used to be the dominant residential mowers back in the 40s and 50s, but times have changed – for some people.

The American Lawn Mower Company makes the classic reel mower still – and it is actually pretty popular. It has over 9k reviews on Amazon and comes in well below our $100 price point. 

When you think of inexpensive lawn mowers, you are thinking of a reel mower, of which we will review a few of today.

Check out the positives and negative of the American Lawn Mower Company 1204:


  • Quiet
  • Inexpensive
  • Adjustable height
  • Foam handles


  • Slightly smaller frame
  • Things can get stuck in the reel (true of any reel mower)

It is super popular on Amazon for a reason (I suspect nostalgia) and on sale for those interested.

The nostalgic, childhood favorite.

Sun Joe MJ500M

One of my personal favorites in this space is the Sun Joe MJ500M 16-inch manual reel mower.

Here are a few positives and negatives of the Sun Joe MJ500M


  • Reputable brand
  • Removable grass catching bag
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Price (can find super cheap used ones)
  • Decent width
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Plastic wheels
  • Wobbly handles

The good thing is that this is 100% emissions free :). And it has no battery or anything that can clutter up your garage. 

If you’re looking to save a quick buck and aren’t afraid to use a little bit of muscle, check it out for a super low price on Amazon – Sun Joe MJ500M.

Greenworks RM1400 Reel Lawn Mower

The next best (in my opinion) manual mower is the Greenworks 14-inch Reel Lawn Mower RM1400. This is almost identical to the Sun Joe MJ500M listed above, but is slightly more narrow. A more narrow blade width simply means you will have to do more passes in your yard. 

Some things I like about the Greenworks RM1400:


  • Great company
  • Removable grass catching bag
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Plastic wheels
  • Not super sturdy handles
  • Narrower
  • Slightly more expensive than Sun Joe

Greenworks is a great brand and very well-trusted in this space. If you want to boogie outdoors and use this mower, you can find it on Amazon for a great price.

Give your child the gift of upgraded nostalgia.

Sun Joe MJ401E-RM

One thing I love about Amazon is that it has a renewed/refurbished store. If you are one of those who returns about 50% of your purchases to Amazon and wonder, “what happens to it?”, then here is your answer. It gets cleaned up and sold for a discount. 

That’s what is happening here with the MJ401E-RM. It is usually a little over our price point of $100, but can be purchased on the cheap if it is refurbished.

Although it has the appearance of a large tortoise, this is a nice electric mower that will be able to tackle a decent-sized job. Sun Joe is a great brand and this is a wonderful all-around mower. 

Things to love about the Sun Joe MJ401E-RM


  • Easier to push than a manual mower
  • Comes with a nice little bag
  • Lightweight, easy storage
  • No gas fumes
  • Easy to start


  • Corded, so requires an extension cord
  • Plastic decking which is less durable

This is honestly a great, great deal and can be found on Amazon for super cheap right now.

Looks like a turtle but totally rocks.

Summary: Super cheap lawn mowers are still around

Well, there you have it folks. These are going to be the best bang for your buck and some of your only options if you are looking to save a buck. You can do a great job with any of these mowers, but if I had to pick one – I would probably go with the Sun Joe electric mower. The price point is just too good considering it isn’t a manual reel mower. 

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we test our tools.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Expectation setting

Before we start envisioning a crisp, cool afternoon while crafting a beautiful lawn, let’s check in with reality. When you buy an inexpensive mower, you are paying for the pieces, not the power. You are the power! So cross off self-propelled, riding mowers, or zero-turn mowers from your list. These mowers are going to be the dial-up of the lawn care world. 

The proper attire for mowing the lawn.

You are going to get a cheap piece of lawn equipment – and that is fine! You aren’t paying for a lot! But before you open up the wallet for just anyone, let’s find the one that is right for your needs.

Interested in what other tools cost? Check out our cost guide.

Cub Cadet CC800: Wide walk-behind beast

The Cub Cadet CC800 is a wide area walk-behind mower from Cub Cadet. If you think this is your ordinary push mower, you better chill. 

This thing is pretty dang big but super easy to use. You might not be familiar with walk-behind mowers, but they are another term for self-propelled push mowers. That means you just grip it and rip it – through your yard.

Let’s get started with the review below:

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We have unusual testing methods.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Cub Cadet’s history

Their first lawn tractor was designed and engineered in the early 1960s here in America. They did not develop another type of equipment until the early 90’s, when they developed a snow blower. Their first 30 years were dedicated solely to lawn tractors.

While they do not have the same reputation as some of the older brands like Husqvarna, they absolutely are known for their innovation. In fact, they work on some pretty neat pieces of equipment. They develop consumer-centric upgrades like electronic power steering, robotic golf course mowers, and the first mobile app for maintenance.

When to buy a large walk-behind mower

Okay – I’ve been through this a few times, but never with walk-behind mowers this large. With most push mowers, the deck size is about 21 inches. If you think about this in terms of yard passes, a push mower will have the highest number of passes you have to make in your yard to cut the whole thing.

Riding mowers, or lawn tractors, are around 36-42 inches and zero-turn mowers are anything above that. Basically, if you have a big yard, you will want a riding mower or zero-turn mower.

There is this weird in between world where large deck walk-behind mowers like the Cub Cadet CC800 live. They are perfect for people who have between 10,000 sq. ft and ½ acre. Basically it can still be covered with a push mower, and is too small for a riding mower, but you still want to get it done more quickly. Kind of niche, but actually a ton of American households fall into this group.

The second group is someone who mows a lot of small yards as a business. My co-founder, Tyler, used to own a landscaping company and had a walk-behind mower just like this one. They help you do smaller yards at a much faster rate. 

The Cub Cadet CC800: Feature review

The Cub Cadet CC800 is a high end walk-behind mower. Basically the nicest one available. There are some others that have a pretty big deck, like the Toro recycler, but not many others come close. Let’s check out some of its features.


No shortage here. The Cub Cadet CC800 has 11.5 horses in the back. One thing to love about this mower is that it outsourced its engine. Yeah, sounds like a weird thing to like, but Briggs & Stratton is the best in the game when it comes to small engines. All the top brands have Briggs and Stratton own the manufacturing over their mowers. There simply isn’t a better option on the planet. 

The Cub Cadet CC800 also has a 33 inch cutting deck. This is almost on par with most lawn tractors and riding mowers. This is huge! In combination with the 11.5hp engine, you have a walk behind mower on absolute steroids. The CC800 is the Mike Tyson of mowers.

Kinda looks like Mike Tyson?

The CycloCut (where the CC in CC800 comes from) mowing system ensures an even discharge of grass from the deck, meaning that it won’t get clogged up and force you to stick your last good arm inside.


Alright, walk-behind mowers to me have always been girly. Just push the dang thing like a man! I have been given a new lease on life with the CC800 and am finally confident in my masculinity. I have no shame walking behind this mower because it is a beast. A few things I love right off the bat:

  1. The ability to go into reverse. While this is not all that common while actually mowing, it is great for storing. Being able to reverse into the garage or shed, or even into the back of the trailer makes this a super easy to use mower.
  2. Electric start. No more cranking the pull string every 10 minutes. This thing has a push button start that allows you to get going right away. The push button start is also reliable and can save you a ton of time.
  3. A single point for having to change the height of the mower. With most push mowers, each wheel has its own adjustment on the front of the mower. The Cub Cadet CC800 has a single lever that will adjust the height of the big ole deck.

One complaint I have seen from others is that the drive controls use a single lever, meaning there is no variable speed control. You are either going full speed or you are sitting still. Fine for most people, but you have to be really nimble when navigating around tight corners or garden beds.


Again, off the bat I can tell you that Cub Cadet has a great reputation in reliability. The other thing you need to know is that Briggs and Stratton is super trustworthy. They totally dominate this space because they simply provide the best engines for mowers.

Small things matter when it comes to durability. One of those is the hour meter that comes on board the CC800. The hour meter keeps track of how long you are going between oil changes, letting you know exactly when to change the oil. 

The front wheels on this resemble a zero turn mower and allow for super easy steering.

The CycloCut system will also help the engine from stopping up or from allowing one side of the mower to cake up with grass. The deck wash also allows for a quick and comprehensive clean that will keep this puppy moving all day. 

It does come with a three year limited warranty for residential owners, but nothing for commercial owners. 

Cost and value

The Cub Cadet CC800 costs around $2,000 at Home Depot, but the price changes a lot so you can check it here. This is a pretty good deal for what you are getting and about half the price of a zero-turn mower. 

The product is great for folks with a bigger yard who don’t want to fork over three grand for a zero turn. It is also perfect for those of us with smaller yards that don’t have time to waste.

The official review: Cub Cadet CC800

FeatureCub Cadet CC800Comparable walk behinds
Difficulty to useSlightly more difficult due to no variable speed controlAverage difficulty
DurabilityAverage durabilityAverage durability
MaintenanceRelatively easy to maintainRelatively easy to maintain
ValueMedium valueMedium value
For lots <10,000 sq. ftNot recommendedNot recommended
For lots <1 acreRecommended Recommended 
For lots >1 acreNot recommendedNot recommended

The Classic Honda Lawn Mower That You Can’t Find Anywhere

I don’t know about you but when I think about Honda, I think about the Honda CRV vehicle, not a mower. But Honda has been in the mower game for quite some time now and really makes a fantastic product.

Like most people, I love a fresh cut lush green lawn. I think there are few things in life so wonderful than the smell of freshly cut grass. Man does this mower make that end result easier to achieve than ever!

Let’s review:

The Honda HRN Lawn mower engine: GCV170

The Honda GCV170 is a fantastic walk-behind mower. The GCV170 is a self propelled push mower, which is great for medium sized yards. This mower uses a more than capable – 170cc Honda engine. The Honda GCV easily adjusts the mowing speed with the push of a thumb via the Smart Drive Self Propel.

A mower with a similar engine is the Troy Bilt TB160, which uses the Honda GCV160 engine.

Though more expensive than most, it offers features not often duplicated by other push mowers such as an adjustable throttle control, clipping director and an auto choke feature.

Today, we will review the many features offered with the Honda GCV170, a how-to guide and highlight it’s pro’s and con’s. 

My thoughts about the classic Honda mower

The Honda GCV170 offers an easy-to-start auto choke system, variable speed throttle and the flexibility to control how your grass is cut with a simple to use clipping director. This flexibility enables you to handle most any job on small to medium sized yards (i.e. simple grass cutting, quick leaf pickup, mulching, etc).

A mower with a similar engine.

The power supplied by the 170cc Honda engine makes tackling a ¼ to ¾  acre yard a breeze. In addition to the power and flexibility offered, this mower is surprisingly light and easy to handle and store. 

Honda 21 in. 3-in-1 Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind Self Propelled Lawn Mower with Auto Choke: Set Up

I purchased my Honda GCV170 from Home Depot, basically ready to use. I just had to install the mower handle with a simple tightening of one screw. It’s also important to remember to add fuel and oil to your engine prior to first use. Mowers usually ship “dry” so it’s always necessary to add prior to first use.

Important note – This does not use “mixed gasoline” like a blower or trimmer so remember to add only pure gasoline to the fuel reservoir. The oil should be added to the oil reservoir on the side of the mower. 

After you’ve reviewed the owners manual and properly set up your mower, ensure your deck height is uniform across all four wheels and pull the starter cord. It may take a few pulls to get the engine started after it’s been sitting for a while.

Honda HRN Lawn mower grey know that helps you get it set up and adjusts the height.

Features of the Honda HRN Lawn mower

The Honda GCV170  I purchased has a 21 inch mulching blade with the MicroCut® Twin Blades System. This is a fairly standard length for a push mower. The mower also came with a bagger for catching clippings if you don’t want to use the mulching functionality. I rarely use the bag unless I have an excessive amount of leaves during the fall season. 

The mower also offers two handlebar heights for short or tall users. To adjust the mower height you just need to twist the two grey knobs on each side of the mower handle so that it swings freely then move the hole to the other setting.


You can see the grey knows of the Honda HRN lawn mower at the top.


As previously noted, the engine used is a 170 cc engine with 6.9 ft – lb torque. The mower engine puts out about 4.4. HP. So that’d be like mowing your yard with four and a half horses right? That’d be interesting! More than enough to get the job done on a flat and slightly sloped yard. The engine is extremely durable and basically hands free. 

The awesome GCV engine. Photo cred: Honda engines.

Maintenance and reliability

It also is incredibly easy to change the air filter on this. It’s just a square air filter that’s easy to find at most big box stores and online. 

The reliability of this machine is honestly pretty astounding. I didn’t use mine for a year or so and didn’t winterize it and it ripped up perfectly fine. I’ve also left it out in the rain and it started up no problem. Heck I bet I could even run this bad boy underwater. The engine just simply will not stop. It also comes backed with a pretty good warranty – 3 year warranty. Pretty much most things that could go wrong with a manufacturing defect will have already gone wrong by the end of year 3. 

DISCLAIMER: I forgot to change the oil for over 2 years and it still ran perfectly fine. To engage the blade you must hold down the safety bar above the throttle, once you let go the mower engine will continue to run but the blade will stop.   

Where to buy Honda GCV170 HRN lawn mower

You can also grab the Honda HRN from Home Depot (for a good price) like I did.

Our recommendation for the Honda HRN lawn mower

I would absolutely recommend you purchase the Honda GCV170 mower. It is small enough for most adults to handle with ease, yet powerful enough to tackle most jobs.

There are tons of cool features to the mower, such as the easy to use clipping director. At about a $500 price tag, this mower is a tad more expensive than others but it’s incredibly reliable and worth the money in my opinion. I’ve had this mower for many years and have been more than pleased with it. Many of my neighbors and friends have asked me what mower they should buy and this is pretty much always my go to recommendation.

If you like Honda GCV motors, you’ll love Honda’s GCV-engine backed pressure washers.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time – comparing lawn tools!

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.


Replacement Parts List

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The Toro TimeMaster 30 Mower is a Wide-Bodied Beast

The Toro TimeMaster 30-inch push mower is an absolute workhorse. This mower is one of the more expensive push mowers on the market, but there is a reason. I have reviewed a few Toro products, including their recycler mower and their classic and popular zero-turn mower. My favorite thing about Toro is their focus on quality and the user experience. This mower really does it all and I am excited to share it with you.

Today, we will review every aspect of the Toro TimeMaster and compare it to some of the competition. Let’s get started:

Toro’s TimeMaster 30 inch mower features

Okay – this mower has some features I have never seen before in a push mower and I am excited to dive in. This thing offers some truly sweet, convenient and smart engineering that separates it from all of its competition. Let’s get started.

The Toro TimeMaster 30inch mower is a beast!

Power output is unrivaled

The TimeMaster 30 inch mower boasts a Briggs & Stratton 223cc OHV engine. For context, most push mowers range between 18 and 24 inches. This thing is big and means business. When you think about each pass you make in the yard, the TimeMaster can take an additional 10-12 inches and reduce the number of total passes. Hence, the name TimeMaster. 

Not only does this have a 30 inch cutting area (which features 2 blades vs 1 big blade), but it also has a recycler system. As I mentioned in my review of the Toro Recycler mower, Toro has thought through how to have an even healthier yard. For those of us that go bagless, Toro has a patented “Lawn Vitamin” product that takes your grass clippings and grinds them into ultra-fine vitamins for your yard. I am a huge proponent of this feature. 

You generally don’t see two blades on a push mower, those are generally on lawn tractors and zero-turn mowers.

The Spin-stop feature is super helpful

The fact that I did not know this feature existed until now shows just how small my mind is. Have you ever gotten annoyed by having to stop mowing to move things in your yard? The worst part is having to restart the mower each time you want to move a stick out of the way. Well, Toro thought of how annoying that was and created a safety stop. 

The safety stop feature means that you can stop the mower from moving and step away from your mower. When you step away the blades stop spinning, meaning you do not have to worry about any danger from leaving it unattended. When you come back to the mower to start mowing again, the blades will start back up and you can continue the job. I do not know how I ever lived without this. 

Usability and the self-propelled function: Toro personal pace

There has rarely been a more usable push mower. The beautiful thing about this gas powered self-propel mower is that you have total control. The TimeMaster features what it calls “Personal Pace”, which means that you can adjust the speed at which the self-propelled motor runs. 

While this is nice for going at your own pace, it’s super helpful for when you get near garden beds or other structures. Changing the pace gives you more maneuverability to trim around the edges of structures and need to be more agile. This is particularly important when you have a mower that is as large as the Toro TimeMaster 30 inch. 

The wide front body of the Toro TimeMaster 30.

Maintenance: not really required

Something neat that Toro does with their push mowers is a deck wash-out system. They have a nozzle that you can hook your hose up to, and it does the rest. There are grooves inside of the steel deck that allow for water to run through them and knock off any clumps or fine clippings. 

Toro also realizes that changing the oil in your mower is not how you like to spend your weekends. That is why they created the “no oil change” mower. Yep – you just do not change the oil. I guess it just burns off or something, but you just have to simply refill it when you see it getting low. No mess or spills. 

The deck washout port on the mower – allows for easy cleaning.

Toro always backs their mowers up with a serious warranty. This one is a 3 year full warranty, not just an engine warranty. They also have a three year guaranteed to start warranty. These are both remarkable warranties that speak to the confidence in the mowers’ ability to run for a long time. 

I love that this mower is easy to store as well. One of my concerns with a mower of this size is that it will take up a ton of room in our garage. This thing folds up so that it really only take up about 30 inches of garage space. 

This one is a bit expensive

The Toro TimeMaster 30 costs somewhere between $1,750 and $2,000 depending on where you buy it.

Home Depot has it for a great price (check here) and you can buy online and pick it up.

Our overall review: The Toro TimeMaster 30 inch mower

Difficulty to useLess difficult than other gas mowers thanks to self-propelled function at your own pace
DurabilityMore durable due to size and weight, backed by significant warranty
MaintenanceEasiest to maintain with no oil change required
ValueHigh value for a push mower
For lots <10,000 sq. ftLess recommended
For lots <1 acreVery highly recommended
For lots >1 acreNot recommended

We really like this mower for short grass like bermudagrass because it has a super wide deck, is easy to use, and bags a ton of clippings.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Rigorous testing methods.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Self-propelled mowers

Self-propelled push mowers do exactly that – they creep along so that your pushing force is minimally needed. When you reach a hill or other incline, it will help provide additional thrust so that you are not having to lean in and haul the mower uphill. These mowers can be found in both electric and gas styles. 

The downside with electric self-propelled mowers is that the mower burns through battery life when this functionality is on. While helpful, you may not be able to complete your yard in a single trip. 

The Toro Recycler Gas Mower Is An American Classic: Here’s Why

The Toro 22in Recycler Lawn Mower is one of the best selling lawn mowers on the market. The Toro Recycler mower comes with a self-propelled system that will help it march forward. It also comes with a bagger, although you may not need it (more to come on this). 

The battery version I own.

Today we are going to review all aspects of the Toro 22 inch recycler lawn mower and compare it to similar mowers in its class. Let’s get started:

Quick Spoiler on this Toro mower:

  1. The mower has all the amazing fundamentals – a great cutting deck, solid width, nice brand
  2. The Personal Pace was really distracting to use
  3. I think the ventilation thing here is not as nice as I thought after using it for a while
  4. It will last you forever
  5. It is very good – but slightly disappointing considering Toro’s reputation

Why would I buy a recycler mower?

For those that don’t like to mess around in the yard, the 22 inch recycler mower is great. This bad boy truly takes care of business in the yard and is the most no-nonsense mower I have reviewed.

Recycler mowers, specifically the Toro 22 Briggs and Stratton, cut your grass into extremely fine shreds of grass that can benefit your yard. Toro has trademarked this process as “Lawn Vitamins”. The fine clippings are healthy for your yard and can promote growth in peak season. 

The classic logo!

So should I use the bag?

I used to be one of those weirdo type-A individuals who liked to put a bag on my mower and make sure that no grass clippings got into my yard. And then I got scolded by our lawn treatment company that this was actually doing damage to the health of my yard. 

The beauty and simplicity of the Toro 22in recycler is unmatched.

Now I am one of those weirdo type-A individuals who does not put a bag on their mower, but does not allow for a single blade of grass to get into the street or driveway. I love letting the grass clippings flow into my yard, knowing that I am feeding nutrients back into the soil. In fact, I make sure to blow loose grass clippings back onto the top of my grass – which drives my even weirder neighbors up the wall (to my satisfaction).

The Toro Recycler 22 inch mower: Features and benefits

Now that we have learned about recycler mowers, let’s breakdown the individual functions of the Toro for a better understanding.

If you’re interested in checking out the battery-powered brother of this mower, then read our review of the Toro Recycler Battery Mower.

The durability of the metal cutting deck

The 22 inch steel deck gives this machine great reliability. I love 22 inch mowers because they always provide a neat, clean cut. Smaller blades tend to be more jarring to the grass, whereas longer blades just provide a smooth, wide cut across the yard. 

Toro is known for having highly durable mowers. They back this up with a 3-year engine warranty and 2-year full warranty. With the proper maintenance, this thing will last you much longer than 2 or 3 years. 

If you take a drive around your neighborhood on Sunday afternoon, you’ll see a bunch of Toro mowers with their classic red look out in peoples’ yards. It is a timeless classic in the lawn mower space. Many of these are 10+ years old. It’s truly the Honda Accord of the lawn mower world.


Another thing I love about the Toro 22 in recycler mower is the lack of maintenance. The first mower I owned required an oil change every season. This required me to spill oil everywhere (including all over the engine) as I tipped it on its side and tried to catch it in some sort of pan. 

The Toro Recycler requires no oil change. I’m not sure how it works, but you simply keep an eye on the levels and top the oil off when needed. No mess required. 

Cleaning this mower is also a breeze. They have a port at the top of the deck that allows you to hook your hose to. Simply connect your hose, turn on your water, and let the design of the inside of the deck wash away old, dried grass clippings. Due to the fine nature of these grass clippings, you are much less likely to get clumping and more likely to get mounds of fine dust buildup.


The Toro recycler has a self-propelled function that you can actually control the speed of. Unlike some of the electric mowers I’ve reviewed, you can use this function without worrying about killing the battery. 

As much as I enjoy getting a nice forearm and glute workout when I mow, it’s nice to have a little bit of help when I am tired or sore. 

Another feature I like about this mower is the 22 inch blade. Having a longer blade is always helpful in getting a cleaner cut and better looking stripes in your yard. The downside of this mower is having a slightly tougher time navigating nooks and crannies.

I want these.

My backyard is not very large and has pavers, a small patio in the back corner, some tree roots, and a lot of mulch. Navigating a push mower around tends to be a lot of work as each pass I make doesn’t go very far. Having a 22 inch mower will cover more area, but be harder to flip around on a dime. 

Front drive functionality

This mower also uses front-wheel drive for the self propelled function, meaning things like hills and uneven terrain are less of an issue. The neat part about the front drive on this Toro recycler is that it will do more of the work for you than rear drive mowers. The front-drive gets more traction and pull because of how the weight is distributed. 

Yeah, it walks itself. Photo cred: Ace Hardware.

This is a great feature if you have any a lawn that is more difficult to mow or at an angle. It takes a lot of the load off!

Value and cost

As mentioned previously, this mower is a boss. It is relatively heavy, has a big blade, and is gas powered. It is going to get the job done and provide nutrition to your yard while it does it. For those reasons, I love it.

Looking through the pricing, I am seeing it listed anywhere between $350 to $450 depending on where and when you buy it. If you can get it below $400 then you are likely getting a pretty good deal.

Compared to other mowers of its class, this mower actually comes at a great price. Many other similarly priced mowers lack some of the functionality, power, and blade size that this mower has. For its class, I think this is one of the highest value mowers you can purchase. 

Vortex technology

I would deeply regret if I didn’t talk about this. Toro has what they call Vortex technology, which pulls air in from the blade and causes the grass to stick up, ensuring an even cut throughout your yard.

Those little vents pull air in with magic.

Not sure how this is possible other than pure magic. I haven’t seen ANYONE else think like this, which scares me. Toro is way ahead of the game here.

Where to buy the Toro Recycler

You can grab this one from Home Depot, where the price is always changing. You can check out the electric version that we reviewed of the Toro Battery Recycler.

The official review of the Toro 22 inch recycler mower:

Difficulty to useLess difficult
DurabilityMost durable
MaintenanceEasiest to maintain
ValueHigh value
For lots <10,000 sq. ftRecommended
For lots <1 acreHighly recommended
For lots >1 acreNot recommended

Toro 22in recycler mower parts diagrams and user manual

For a parts diagram to the Toro 22in. Recycler lawn mower check here:

For the manual to the 22in Recycler, check here:

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The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

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