I Tested EGO’s new Aluminum Deck Mower (LM2200 SP)

the all new ego LM2200SP aluminum deck mower

EGO’s new aluminum deck mower might be my new favorite mower of all time. One of my major hesitations with EGO in the past has been that they almost always use plastic cutting decks on their mowers. Well – this year they decided to make a big change.

Bottom Line: The new aluminum deck mower from EGO is one of the best electric mowers on the market and has all the bells and whistles you could possibly want. You can check out the price here on Amazon.

Let’s jump right into my experience with this new EGO LM2200SP mower. 

The new aluminum metal deck on the EGO mower

Obviously the most striking part of the new EGO mower is the aluminum cutting deck. If you’ve read any of my old posts about EGO mowers, you’ll know my main criticism of EGO was their plastic cutting decks. 

Well they shut me up. Not only did EGO make a solid metal cutting deck for their new mower, but they made it an inch wider than their other mowers. Metal cutting decks are superior to plastic cutting decks for two reasons:

  • Metal cutting decks provide more weight which help stabilize the electric mower and help it mow in a straight line.
  • Metal cutting decks are more durable and resistant to cracks and scratches. 

EGO’s Touch Drive and Select Cut function

Not only does the new EGO LM2200SP have the sweet metal cutting deck, but it also has all the bells and whistles that you would expect from a high-end EGO mower. I wrote a post where I helped break down all the unique language that EGO uses to describe their mowers, but I’ll distill down the two main terms that apply here.

  • EGO Touch Drive explained – Touch drive is the slick roller feature on the handle of the mower that allows you to control the speed of the self-propelled function of the mower.
  • EGO Select Cut – Select Cut means that the EGO mower has two blades at the bottom that allow for a super clean cut. 

The new LMS2200SP comes with both Touch Drive and Select Cut. These two features combined allow for a super easy-to-use experience with an extremely clean cut. I’m not sure why this mower wasn’t considered a Select Cut XP – which is just the higher torque version of the Select Cut – since the torque on this mower is so high at 11.1 lbs. 

Other nice features on the EGO aluminum deck mower

Some small features on the EGO mower that make it have a “premium” feel are the blade speed adjustment and the nice little headlights. The blade speed adjustment allows for an Eco mode that can help extend the battery run-time, but also a turbo mode for thicker brush. 

The LM2200SP also features dual height adjustment on the front and back wheels so you can completely control the height of the cutting deck. It also comes with a brushless motor, just like all other EGO mowers, which makes it highly durable and able to last for well over a decade. 

Lastly – this mower comes with a massive 10 Ah battery which allows for a ridiculous 70-minute run-time. This is enough power to do any normal job you would do with a push mower. 

The look and feel of the EGO aluminum deck mower

Using this new mower is striking. Firing it up and starting to push it felt instantly like one of the most high quality mowers I’ve ever used. I’ve historically thought of the Milwaukee M18 as one of the most solid and powerful electric mowers on the market, but my mind has been changed. 

From the solid weight to the nice self-propelled function – this mower is very premium and great to use. 

I know it sounds like I am sponsored by EGO – but I’m not. I’m just glad to see them change their ways from their classic plastic deck mowers.

EGO LM2200SP vs EGO LM2156SP  mower

I own both the EGO LM2200SP (the aluminum deck mower) and the LM2156SP (the EGO Select Cut XP I’ve reviewed here). Side-by-side, the new aluminum deck mower is noticeably better looking than the boxier, older looking EGO Select Cut XP.

Both have two blades at the bottom, touch-drive functionality, and take the classic EGO 56V battery – but the 10 Ah battery that comes with the new EGO LM2200SP takes the cake here.

I obviously like the aluminum deck mower a bit more than the Select Cut XP because it has just as much torque (if not more), a better cutting deck, a bigger battery, and all the same functionality. 

My final review: EGO Aluminum Deck Mower

The EGO aluminum deck mower may just be the best electric mower on the market (which means I need to re-do my ranking list of best electric mowers). The new, wider 22-inch aluminum deck, the Touch Drive function, dual cutting blades, and bells and whistles make the EGO LM2200SP an absolute dream.

You can check the ever-changing price on this new mower over on Amazon.

Ranking the Best Electric Lawn Mower Brands of 2025

The best electric mower brands this year are EGO, Greenworks, and Milwaukee – in that order. I have spent the last three years testing out battery powered and electric mowers, including walking each mower on the street until the battery died (this took hours). 

If you are looking for a new electric mower – make sure you include brand quality in your search. It is so easy to buy a cheap electric mower and think you got a deal, until approximately 3 months later when it just stops working.

But this is why we created The Lawn Review in the first place – to put lawn tools to the test. 

Best Electric Lawn Mower Brands in 2025

If you want to see why I’ve chosen these brands and the testing I have personally put into dozens of electric lawn mowers, check out my YouTube channel

EGO is the best electric lawn mower brand

EGO’s electric mowers are the best on the market. I say this as someone who has done extensive testing comparing EGO to every other major lawn tool brand. When I first made a Ryobi vs EGO electric mower video back in 2022, I thought the comparison would be dead even. 

After the first time I turned on the self-propelled function of the EGO electric mower, I knew the battle was over. The noticeable difference in weight, sturdiness, and raw power puts the EGO in a class of its own. We have also heard some major rumblings that EGO is releasing an electric mower with a metal cutting deck.

EGO has many electric mowers that you can use that all have different features. Check out some of the posts below that highlight various comparisons or breakdowns of EGO mowers:

Overall, I love the simplicity that EGO provides by having one battery voltage lineup. It means that you can use your EGO battery with any EGO product without fail, which allows you to buy the tool-only version of lawn tools.

Greenworks is an almost equally amazing electric mower brand

Greenworks is a lesser known but nearly equally great electric mower brand. I’ve had the opportunity to use a TON of different Greenworks tools and really liked their 80V electric mower. When it comes to electric mowers, the Greenworks 80V mower checks all the boxes: a brushless motor, a wide metal cutting deck, a nice battery system, self-propelled functions, and a long run-time. 

I really can’t complain. I put Greenworks as the second best electric mower brand because they sell TOO MANY mowers. For example, right now when I go to their website and search for push lawn mowers I get 56 products. As a consumer, these many choices are overwhelming and it’s part of the reason we created the Lawn Review in the first place.

While most of these mowers are amazing, they range so broadly in application type, voltage, corded and cordless, that it is almost impossible to sort through the noise. I love the simplicity of EGO and Milwaukee keeping a consistent battery line.

Either way, Greenworks is an amazing electric mower brand. Here are a few of my posts related to Greenworks electric mowers:

Milwaukee has the best electric mower but not enough options

Milwaukee made the best electric mower on the market when they made their M18 mower. But then they stopped – exhausting all resources to make this pristine and beautiful beast of an electric mower.

For some reason, Milwaukee just has ONE electric mower across their entire brand. Don’t get me wrong, it is the greatest mower ever, but I’m scratching my head as to why they wouldn’t make one at a lower price point. The Milwaukee M18 is an expensive battery powered mower. 

Something tells me Milwaukee will change this up, although it is unlikely that anything bigger and badder from them is going to be any cheaper. For now, it is tough to call them the best electric mower brand when they really only have one mower – but boy is the Milwaukee M18 a great mower. 

Here are some posts where I talk about my experience with the Milwaukee M18 mower:

What to look for in an electric mower brand

When looking to purchase an electric lawn mower, you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and marketing tactics. Totally forget them and focus on the things that impact you. Below are my recommendations:

Battery powered mower brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

Some brands I trust off the top of my head are: Greenworks, Milwaukee, Makita, Toro, EGO, and Kobalt. SOME Ryobi mowers, although myself and others have had some problems with reliability. Brand quality matters, but it’s also important to look at the specs on each. For example, Greenworks sells like 60 mowers, only a handful of them would I ever consider for this list. EGO also sells a bunch of mowers, and only a few are within an acceptable price range to be on this list.

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Battery interoperability.

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. You’ll see a bunch of these brands that have battery lines that work with a ton of tools. Milwaukee, Makita, and Dewalt are all great options because you can use them for all lawn tools AND power tools – saving you a ton of money on extra batteries.

If you have more questions, check out our guide to electric lawn mowers, where we break this down into a lot more detail.

Self-propelled or not

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it

Have bermuda? Check out our best mower ranking for bermudagrass.

Frequently Asked Questions about electric mower brands

Here are some of the common questions we get about electric mower brands.

Where are EGO electric lawn mowers made?

EGO electric lawn mowers are manufactured in China. EGO is owned by Chervon, which also owns SKIL and FLEX.

Where are Greenworks electric lawn mowers made?

Most Greenworks electric mowers are made in China but recently they opened a manufacturing facility for heavy equipment in Morristown, TN.

Where are Milwaukee electric lawn mowers made?

Most of Milwaukee’s products are made in China, however they do have some operations in Mississippi and other places across the US.

5 Battery Mowers with Durable Metal Cutting Decks

My favorite battery powered mower with a metal cutting deck is EGO’s new aluminum deck mower. I’ve used this battery powered mower extensively and it is easily the best value for the money. I also made a full YouTube review video highlighting the top battery mowers here.

Battery-powered mowers with metal cutting decks simply provide too many benefits and have the best comparison to their gas-powered counterparts. I love them for a lot of reasons, which I will get to – and have also used dozens of battery powered mowers. You can grab the number one choice, the Greenworks 80V mower here.

So here are my favorite battery mowers with metal decks:

  1. EGO 56V LM2200SP Walk-Behind Mower
  2. Greenworks Pro 80V Battery Powered Mower
  3. Milwaukee M18 18V Battery Powered Mower
  4. Dewalt 20V Max Self Propelled Mower
  5. Toro 60V Recycler Battery Mower

Honorable mention, but a little expensive: Stihl RMA 510 V battery powered mower.

5 Sweet Electric Mowers with Metal Decks

Alright y’all – let me start with my very top choice. I’ve been reluctant to name this electric mower brand number one because I had an initially rocky experience, but after using dozens of others AFTER this one, it turned out to actually be the best for the price.

1.) EGO 56V LM2200SP 22-Inch Walk Behind Mower

Folks this new mower from EGO – the LM2200SP – is the best electric mower on planet Earth. It is the newest EGO mower and has a nice 22-inch aluminum cutting deck that makes it the most durable EGO mower. The LM2200SP also comes with Touch Drive technology and Select Cut (two blades). Touch Drive technology is simply an easy way to control the speed of the self-propelled mower.

Aluminum rules.

We don’t just sort mowers by the best seller and then regurgitate the specifications to you. We are actually going to break down exactly why this one is our absolute favorite. 

If I could draw up the perfect lawn mower in a lab, this one would be darn near close. It has all of my favorite things including:

The only EGO mower with a metal deck – which rockets it up the list in my opinion. Metal decks are way more durable, temperature resistant, and provide a little more weight to keep the mower balanced. 

  • Of course it has the brushless motor and 56V battery system with a massive 10 Ah battery
  • Easy push button start that gets you going
  • Folds in half for storing in the winter or tight spaces around the garage or shed
  • A top run time at over an hour! (70 minutes)
  • More powerful than the average gas push mower at 11.1 lbs of torque

This mower is incredible and easily gives any mower – gas or electric – a run for their money. You can check the price here on Amazon.

2.) Greenworks Pro 80V Brushless Electric Mower

I love the Greenworks Pro 80V electric mower, although I didn’t always. The first one I purchased had some sort of error that made it difficult to learn. But I swapped it out and had a great experience with the replacement. 

Greenworks makes this mower with a nice 21 inch steel cutting deck that looks and feels like a gas-powered push mower. A few other things I like about this mower:

  • A really nice dashboard that shows you battery life and allows you to toggle the speed of the self-propelled function
  • A brushless motor
  • It also has a turbo button that allows you to amp up the power (literally) to take on thicker grass
  • Great battery life
  • An 80V battery lineup that can also accommodate their 80V blower

This one has really grown one me, to the point of it being my go-to every weekend mower. Yeah, that’s right. I own 11 push mowers and this is the one I grab every time.

You can grab yours on Amazon for a great price or get it at your local Costco if you’re a member.

3) Milwaukee M18 Battery Powered Mower

Honestly, the Milwaukee M18 mower is the best battery powered lawn mower I’ve ever used. 

It has everything I look for in a mower: a steel deck, really great battery life, batteries that can be used across hundreds of tools, supreme power, and all the bells and whistles. I got to use it extensively when I did a full review of it on Youtube.

My favorite thing about this mower is that it is built solid as a rock. It is heavier than most electric mowers on the market, which I actually like. Some of the lighter electric mowers have a propensity to bounce around with every little divot in the grass. With the M18, you will have an experience extremely similar to a gas powered mower.

You’re probably wondering, “If he is so obsessed with this mower, then why is it not number one?”. And that would be a great question.

The only – and I mean ONLY – downside to the Milwaukee M18 mower is that it has a hefty price tag. If you don’t own the batteries already then you can expect to pay well over a grand for this bad boy. 

Don’t worry – it goes on sale from time to time at Home Depot if you want to check it out.

4.) Dewalt 20V Max 21.5 inch lawn mower

I gotta say, I love Dewalt. They make some great tools – from their sweet Dewalt weed eaters, their leaf blowers, and even their air compressors – all of which I’ve had the opportunity to review.

Their mower is really well built. They made it to mimic a gas-powered mower and it actually looks exactly like one. It has a lot to like, including:

  • A wide 21.5 inch steel deck which is right in the gas-powered range
  • Some nice functionality, like a self-propelled function and increased torque when you get to thicker patches of grass
  • Some cutting heights that give you a lot of range for short grass like Berumuda

But my favorite part is that it comes with two massive 12 Ah batteries. This gives you an absurd amount of run time. I’m talking well over an hour of run time.

Where most mowers fall short and die after about 30-45 mins, this one will lap them completely and get you on to your next task faster. The mower is dang sweet and comes in at a reasonable price point if you grab it at Home Depot online.

5.) Toro Recycler SmartStow Battery Mower

Toro’s 60V Recycler Mower has a lot of really great bells and whistles. Frankly, it has all the features I would want in a battery powered mower. It has:

  • A steel deck
  • A nice 6 Ah battery
  • This cool function that pulls air up so you can cut the grass better
  • Patented LawnVitamins mulching system
  • Personal Pace technology, which adjusts the speed of the mower on your ability to push the mower

But it also has a few downsides. For example, Toro doesn’t have a huge selection of battery tools. That means you don’t get the upside of buying a battery kit and using it across power tools and outdoor power equipment. 

I also felt like some of the features of this mower were a bit gimmicky. The “Vortex” air flow technology doesn’t really seem to do anything. The Personal Pace feature was kind of annoying and unsettling, and the batteries took FOREVER to charge.

This is a good option if you already own a Toro battery or are for some reason a Toro loyalist. Otherwise, there’s a reason it is number five on this list.

You can check the price at Home Depot here.

My experience with battery powered mowers with metal decks

When it comes to evaluating battery powered mowers, I’m VERY seasoned. For starters, I filmed a Youtube video of me testing out five of the most popular in a head-to-head matchup. On top of that, I’ve done countless other Youtube reviews of battery mowers. 

Given all this personal experience with electric mowers, I feel pretty confident that I can tell you exactly what you should be looking for in an electric mower. And most importantly – what to avoid. There is a lot of garbage and marketing gimmicks out there, so let me break down for you exactly what to look for.

What I look for in battery powered mowers

If you’re looking for a new battery powered mower (which you are), you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and people throwing acronyms at you. If you’re like me, you will tune them out.

Below are my recommendations:

Battery-powered mower brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

Some brands I trust off the top of my head are: Greenworks, Milwaukee, Makita, Toro, EGO, and Kobalt. SOME Ryobi mowers, although myself and others have had some problems with reliability. Brand quality matters, but it’s also important to look at the specs on each.

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Battery interoperability.

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. You’ll see a bunch of these brands that have battery lines that work with a ton of tools. Milwaukee, Makita, and Dewalt are all great options because you can use them for all lawn tools AND power tools – saving you a ton of money on extra batteries.

If you have more questions, check out our purchasing an electric lawn mowers, where we break this down into a lot more detail.

Self-propelled or not

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it.

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

5 Lawn Mowers Designed for Bermudagrass: Ranked

The Toro Recycler SmartStow is the best lawn mower for Bermudagrass because it has super adjustable cutting heights that let you cut bermudagrass down to its appropriate low height plus a super wide deck.

Personally, I hate Bermuda grass. I have some nice tall fescue and live in a transitional zone.  My neighbor has Bermuda so that they can be “different”. Okay.

Anyways, I consider Bermuda grass a weed. But my friends just south of me and one of my The Lawn Review colleagues live in Texas – which is home to a lot of Bermuda. And he gave me his list of the best mowers for Bermuda grass.

So, let’s add some background on why this is important and get right to it.

Here are the best lawn mowers for Bermudagrass:

  1. Toro Recycler SmartStow Battery Mower
  2. Milwaukee M18 Fuel Mower
  3. Dewalt 20V Max 21.5 inch Battery Mower
  4. Toro TimeMaster 30 inch Mower
  5. EGO Power+ LM2021 Mower

Honorable mention but a tad pricy: Stihl’s new RMA 510 V electric mower.

5 Lawn Mowers for Bermudagrass

As you can see – with Bermuda grass, you have to be a little bit more selective about what you want in a mower. This is exactly why we spent dozens of hours researching and testing the mowers that are going to be super tailored to Bermuda lawns. Let’s check it out.

Toro Recycler SmartStow 22 inch Battery Powered Mower

We ranked the Toro Recycler SmartStow 22 inch battery powered mower as the best mower for Bermuda grass for a few reasons. First of all, Toro is a well-known name that makes some freakishly popular and powerful mowers. 

This one is flat out sweet – and a good price.

But there are many more reasons than just the fancy name. As we referenced earlier in this article, this one has everything you could want in a mower for bermudagrass. Like these key features:

  • A slightly wider deck at 22 inches (the standard is usually 18-21 for push mowers)
  • Bagging ability (most have this, though)
  • I like that it is battery powered because you won’t have to run to get gas if you are mowing more than once per week.
  • It can cut between 1 to 4 inches, getting you great results for your 1.5 inch bermuda grass
  • Toro created this airflow technology that pulls the air up on grass, allowing it to be more evenly cut – this mower has that.
  • It stores super easily, folding in half and being placed in a tight spot in the garage to get you through the dead season of bermudagrass, which seems to last forever

Toro nailed it with this mower. You know they had bermuda grass folks in mind when they created it – which makes sense given how popular these are in the South. 

You can grab this one from Home Depot for a great price – check the most recent price here.

Check out our top mowers at Home Depot.

Milwaukee M18 Fuel Brushless Mower

What can we say? We are obsessed with this mower and have featured it on all of our favorite battery powered mower posts. 

The reason?

It’s a freak of nature. And we also love that it is the only mower that Milwaukee makes. We frequently joke that they just decided to put all their chips on this hand and walked away from the table a winner.

Just an absolute unit.

The Milwaukee M18 Fuel mower is great for Bermuda grass and has a lot of the same features as the Toro one above, but also costs about twice as much. It has bagged discharge capabilities, 1 to 4 inch height adjustment (that is single point, by the way), a wonderful self-propelled function, an extremely efficient brushless motor that accelerates faster than any other mower, and more torque than most gas mowers.

Yes, it is the cream of the crop and the perfect mower for any of you that already own an M18 battery-powered tool. 

This one is quite expensive though. Milwaukee is definitely a premium brand and hands down has the best mower on this list – but the price is steep.

You can check the most recent price at Home Depot, where it is exclusively sold, right here.

Dewalt 20V Max 21.5 inch Battery Mower

The Dewalt 20V Max mower is one that definitely surprised me. I know Dewalt has been in the power tool business for a long, long time, but are relatively new to the lawn tool space. 

The reason this one isn’t higher up on the list is that Dewalt simply doesn’t have a massive line of lawn tools. They have this 20V brand but also have a 60V line. So you don’t get the same efficiency and battery savings that you do with other brands like Ryobi.

My son likes this one.

But there’s still a lot to like about the Dewalt battery-powered lawn mower, like:

  • 21.5 inch deck gives you a little more width for cutting Bermuda grass
  • 10 Ah batteries – which is INSANELY high
  • Self-propelled function
  • 1.5-4 inch cutting heights – so you’ll have to drop it way down for Bermuda
  • Sweet metal cutting deck
  • Reasonable price – even better if you already have a dewalt 20V Max battery

This really is a great mower, with one of the main downsides being that it’s really hard to find replacement blades because of the unique size. If they get dull, you can sharpen your mower blades instead of buying a new one.

This one is also available at Home Depot for a great price – even less if you get the tool-only version.

Toro TimeMaster 30 inch Mower

Some of you are getting super mad right now because I haven’t featured any gas-powered mowers….until now!

The Toro TimeMaster 30 is the Ray Lewis of mowers. It’s absolutely massive and packs a ridiculous punch. Yes – the 30 in TimeMaster 30 is how many inches wide it is. And if you’re thinking that the width is like a riding mower, then you’d be exactly right. It’s extremely wide.

The TimeMaster is a gas-powered masterpiece that’s amazing for Bermuda lawns. The cut height ranges from 1.25 to 4.25 inches and everything in between. This level of detail is unmatched. Here are some other bells and whistles on the TimeMaster that truly set it apart.

  • 223 CC Engine
  • Self-propel function with traction assist
  • Spin-Stop  function that means you can deactivate the blades but keep the engine running. Great if you have to move a rock out of the way without having to stop and restart the mower.
  • Two side-by-side cutting blades
  • A cool deck wash port that allows you to connect your hose to a tube and it will clean out the deck.
Yeah its massive.

The only downside to this mower is the price. It is the Cadillac of push mowers which means it carries a Cadillac price tag. It does occasionally go on sale so you can check the price here at Home Depot.

EGO Power+ LM2021 Mower

I had to put this EGO mower in here in the ranking of great mowers for Bermuda because we just love EGO products. And we recommend this mower the most because it has a steel cutting  deck whereas most other EGO mowers don’t.

We like this EGO mower for bermuda because it is a great battery-powered lawn system that can be used all across your bermuda lawn. From EGO’s weed eaters to their super powerful blowers, you’ll be covered once you get into this system.

EGO steel deck mower.

It’s also got a great run-time and charges quickly, so you can mow a larger area and do it more often without worrying about trips to the gas station. Great for bermuda grass. 

This one is available at Amazon for a super good price relative to most other EGO mowers.

Bottom line on mowers for Bermudagrass

It’s not hard to find a good mower for Bermudagrass – but since you are going to be mowing more often than most folks, want to collect grass clippings, and need a short cut, there are some mowers that are just flat out more suited for you.

Looking for a mower somewhere else? We were surprised to see some of these at Walmart.

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Reviewing mowers is what we do.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Why is Bermuda grass different for mowing?

Truth is, you can roll any old mower out there and it will get the job done. But if you want not only good-looking green grass but HEALTHY green Bermuda grass, then you should be careful how you cut it. Here’s what to look for:

Flexibility with cutting heights

Bermuda needs to be cut at a height of 1 to 1.5 inches. That’s short. For example, I cut my fescue lawn at about 3 inches. You’ll want to grab a mower that can cut that low but also has more intervals between 0-2 inches that let you customize it based on your needs. Getting a mower that has wide intervals may not allow you to mow with any real sensitivity.

Bagging capabilities

Most of the time, I don’t recommend bagging your grass while mowing. I let the clippings fall into the yard and provide nutrients to the soil. Bermudagrass grows like a weed (and I consider it one), meaning it grows really quickly. If you aren’t bagging the clippings, you’ll find that fungus will begin to thrive in your lawn. 

A wider deck

Bermuda grass grows really quickly. My neighbor is out there about 1.5x a week mowing his lawn (conveniently when my daughter is trying to take a nap). If you have a small mower, say 16-18 inches, then you are going to be out there making a LOT of passes. Getting a mower with a slightly wider deck will help make you a lot more efficient while mowing.

4 Electric Riding Mowers That Made Me Rethink Everything

Electric riding lawn mowers are an excellent way to stay on top of yard work without having to pay for gasoline. You’ll also love not dealing with the headache-inducing maintenance that some gas-powered lawn mowers require. 

As the shift to all things electric grows, so does the supply of electric riding lawn mowers on the market. If you’re dead set on buying an electric lawn mower or even still on the fence, read on to see the best electric riding lawn mowers – I bet we can do some convincing.

We tried our best to stick with just pure electric lawn tractors, but couldn’t resist throwing in a zero-turn in our top picks.

Best Electric Riding Mowers, Ranked:

  1. Greenworks CrossoverT Riding Lawn Mower
  2. EGO Power+ Zero-Turn Lawn Mower
  3. Club Cadet XT1 LT42E Electric Riding Lawn Mower
  4. Ryobi 100 AH Electric Riding Mower

The Best Electric Riding Lawn Mowers: 2023 Ranking

Finding the best electric riding mowers wasn’t too tall of an order. A few of these we’ve used personally and frankly, the market still isn’t very large. The bold companies that have put these out there are making a big bet on the future – and I think they’ll be right.

1.) Greenworks CrossoverT Electric Riding Lawn Mower

Greenworks dubs itself the “final evolution of lawnmowers.” When you see the specs and features of the CrossoverT Riding Lawn Mower, you’ll see why. My favorite thing about this mower is that it cuts up to 2.5 acres on a single charge and only takes 90 minutes to recharge

Holy smokes, those are some great numbers. 

Not only that, but this electric riding mower comes with six 8.0 Ah batteries and three dual-port turbochargers. Again, you can use these same batteries on any of your Greenworks 60V products. 

Aside from its quick recharge time, the CrossoverT is super comfortable, with padded seats, foldable armrests, and advanced back support. Moreover, you won’t waste any energy thanks to innovative microchips that monitor the grass quality in real time. The mower boasts high-torque rear-wheel drive that lets you climb 15-degree inclines – basically better than my car. 

I also love that there’s built-in theft protection – the perfect way to protect your precious investment. To add the cherry on top, the CrossoverT requires absolutely no maintenance other than recharging and sharpening the blades as needed.

It is truly a beast.

Why this mower made our list:

  • Runs for up to 60 minutes with the included 8.0Ah batteries
  • 90 min charge time (!)
  • Cut like a professional with SmartCut Technology that auto-adjusts and senses grass thickness
  • Features a high-padded seat and armrests
  • Designed with an integrated cargo bed that can hold up to 200 lbs. of yard supplies, like big bags of mulch

The folks at Greenworks absolutely crushed it with this riding mower. While it isn’t a zero-turn, it’s a great, affordable electric lawn tractor that absolutely slaps. They sell these at Tractor Supply Co (we have no affiliation) for $4,500 MSRP. 

2.) EGO Power+ Electric Zero-Turn Lawn Mower

Delivering all-electric power comparable to a 22 HP engine (like the one on this Toro zero-turn mower), the EGO Power + Zero-Turn Lawn Mower never fails to deliver. Compared to other electric mowers on the market, this EGO product stands out because it holds six batteries – four of which are included. It also has swanky features like premium LED lights, a USB charging port, and Bluetooth technology. Not bad.

Pretty sophisticated control panel.

It still delivers some serious cutting width, up to 42 inches (about twice the average push mower). This is on the lower end of zero-turn mowers and about average for regular riding mowers. 

Looks pretty dang sweet.

With an adjustable hydraulic seat (WITH ARMRESTS!), you can rest assured knowing you’ll stay comfortable as you accelerate up 7 MPH (or 8 MPH in travel mode). The EGO zero-turn mower can cover up to two acres on a single charge, and recharging only takes a few hours. Given its premium features and three driving modes (Control, Standard, and Sport), some might call this product the Bugatti of electric mowers, and rightfully so. 

Summarizing what we loved about the EGO Power+ Zero-Turn Mower:

  • Supports up to six batteries for longer run time
  • It boasts the electric equivalent of a gas-powered engine with 22 HP
  • Can cut up to two acres of lawn without a recharge
  • Comes with three different driving modes: Sport, Standard, and Control 
  • Features a premium LED interface that gives you complete control over the mower
  • It has a separate charging cord that allows you to charge all the batteries at once
  • You can pop a battery off and straight into your EGO blower or EGO weed eater

These things are absolutely sick, but they come at a cost. If you’re dedicated to electric riding mowers, then you’re going to have to show it at the cash register. You can grab this one from Lowe’s (we have no affiliation) for $5,500. This is on the higher end for a zero-turn mower, especially one with limited run-time, but it’s still great for a homeowner with less than 2 acres.

3.) Cub Cadet XT1 LT42E Electric Riding Lawn Mower

You may have seen the LT42E posted up outside of Home Depot next to its gas counterpart, the Cub Cadet XT1 LT42. The Cub Cadet XT1 LT42E might not seem like the most innovative electric mower, but it provides great bang for your buck. This all-electric mower can mow two acres (roughly 1 ½ hours) on a single charge. It also doesn’t fade as the battery power starts to decline, meaning you won’t have to re-mow areas of grass – most lithium Ion batteries operate this way. 

More expensive but really snazzy.

Recharging the battery takes around four hours, so it’s not as fast as the Greenworks CrossoverT, but still reasonable. When it comes time to recharging the battery, you can use a standard 110-volt outlet. 

There are two brushless motors that fuel the mower’s steel direct drive and twin-blade cutting deck. And since the mower is completely electric, you’ll never need to shift between gears – just push a button and get ready to rumble. You’ll also enjoy a comfortable ride with a premium adjustable cut-and-sew seat. Since this mower isn’t the cheapest product on the market, you’ll be glad to know you get a three-year limited residential and four-year limited battery warranty.

The highlights:

  • Mow up to two acres without recharging the 3000Wh lithium-ion battery
  • Comes with a (somewhat) fast charger that only takes four hours to recharge the battery
  • Features four-gauge wheels for anti-scalping and a 1” – 4” cutting range
  • Forward speed of 5.5 MPH and reverse speed of 3 MPH
  • Comes with a three-year limited residential warranty and a four-year warranty on the battery

This mower is great for a mid-size homeowner’s lawn. I wouldn’t let it do anything super heavy duty, but it is definitely well constructed. 

One downside of this mower is that Cub Cadet doesn’t have a ton of battery-powered items, so you won’t gain any economies of scale with this battery.

You can check out the price of this one exclusively at Home Depot – where they seem to be selling a lot of them.

4.) Ryobi 100 AH Electric Riding Mower

Ryobi turns it up a notch with its 100 AH Electric Riding Mower. This low-maintenance mower has no filters, spark plugs, or belts. It can run up to 2 ½ hours per charge (approximately 2 ½ acres). It has a sleek black and yellow design paired with a comfortable, well-adjusted seat. 

This one made our list of the crazy Ryobi mowers, coming in at #7 and being the only riding mower.

Minimalistic but still great!

If you want to mow at seven in the morning without waking up your kids, this Ryobi mower will do the trick with its quiet cutting and cruise control. The mower features three cutting options – bagging, side discharge, and mulching. It comes with a three-year warranty, and if you ever run into issues, you can take the mower to one of 300+ service centers nationwide. 

This is definitely the lightest-duty mower on this list, only able to boast a 38 inch cutting deck, but still with an impressive run time. It also is  the lowest price, so is actually one of pound-for-pound strongest electric riding mowers on the market.

Summary of why we liked this mower:

  • Get up to 2 ½ hours (2 ½ acres) per charge despite having a smaller cutting deck
  • Quiet cutting keeps you from waking up your neighbors (this is a negative if you don’t like them)
  • 12-position manual deck adjustment – wish this was electric but still nice
  • Get the job done quickly with a maximum speed of 7 MPH
  • Comes with a three-year limited warranty for extra protection

All-in-all, this one is a really good value if you are more price sensitive. It isn’t quite as comfortable as the others, but will definitely get the job done. 

This one is available for just over $3,000 at Home Depot , which is a crazy good value.

The Bottom Line on electric riding mowers

If you’re considering investing in an electric riding lawn mower in 2023, you can’t go wrong with the EGO, Greenworks, Cub Cadet, and Ryobi brands. These companies offer some of the most inventive electric riding lawn mowers that make mowing fun – not a chore.

And that’s what it’s all about, right?

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Our testing methods are…unique.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

What We Look for in Electric Riding Lawn Mowers

There are various things we consider when looking at electric lawn mowers that make or break their performance. Before pulling the trigger on one of these, make sure you’ve done your research (or just keep reading our recommendations).

Battery life on electric riding mowers

The ideal electric lawn mower should have a good runtime (ideally two hours or more). It shouldn’t take more than four hours to recharge the battery. If an electric mower has a low runtime and high recharge time, cutting your lawn will become a much more difficult feat.

Further, you should be able to pop off one of the batteries and use it with a blower, trimmer, or other lawn tool. This is how you can save some serious money – buying the tool-only version of other tools in the same battery line.


Additionally, an electric riding lawn mower should have a comfortable and adjustable seat. After all, you’ll ride it for at least an hour a week – you don’t want dreaded back pain. It sounds ridiculous to make this a sticking point, but it HAS to be comfortable if you are sitting on this bad boy for a while.

Easy to use and control

Moreover, we look at the different cutting options the lawn mower offers. The electric riding lawn mowers we hand-selected have multiple cutting options – bagging, side discharge, and mulching. Lastly, the riding mower should be easy-to-use and relatively maintenance-free.

It’s also really cool that riding mowers can double as little ATVs that pull trailers around your yard.

EGO 56V vs Kobalt 80V Electric Mower Comparison

EGO vs Kobalt lawn mowers is the age-old decision – especially if you’re standing inside a Lowe’s scratching your head. I like EGO, but the Kobalt 80V mower is superior because of its strong metal deck.

EGO mowers are extremely popular right now, but Kobalt has been around a bit longer and comes at a lower price point.

Both are stellar battery-powered mowers that come in at a similar price point. So how do you  pick between the EGO 56V and Kobalt 80V mower series?

For starters, there are a TON of different EGO 56V mowers, so I’ll pick the most comparable to the Kobalt 80V mower, which is the EGO LM2102SP mower.

Let’s get started!

Kobalt mowers vs EGO mowers: Head-to-head comparison

Kobalt and EGO mowers are both beasts in the lawn mower game. To ensure we are doing the best like-to-like comparison from both brands, we’ve chosen the Kobalt 80V 21-inch mower (model KMP 6080D-06) and the EGO 56V 21-inch mower (model LM2102SP). We felt these were the most similar comparison in price, size, and features. 

Which is more powerful, EGO or Kobalt mowers?

We are diving head-first. We want to know which one of these has the most power. At the same amount of resistance, higher voltage means more power delivery. Therefore, the Kobalt is the clear winner as it is an 80V system. 

In reality and out of the worlds of physics nerds, there’s more than just a simple equation. There is certainly a reality around how much power is put out by the spinning of the blades, but that doesn’t always translate to how powerful the mower feels. 

Our EGO mower feels very powerful.

Even outside of science, this EGO mower doesn’t have quite the power that the Kobalt 80V mower has. Here’s why:

  • The Kobalt 80V mower has a higher voltage on the battery
  • The Kobalt mower is about 20 lbs heavier, giving more momentum to the cutting motion and keeping the blades from bouncing off rough patches of grass
  • Kobalt’s mower has an auto-sensing technology that adjusts the performance of the motor depending on the grass conditions. 

As much as I initially thought EGO was going to crush the Kobalt with power, I’m surprised to say that Kobalt objectively wins the battle. As someone who compared the EGO 56V and Ryobi 40V mowers, the EGO felt so much more powerful because of its sturdiness. But Kobalt just happened to one-up them.

Winner: Kobalt’s 80V Max lawn mower

Well, which mower is more reliable? EGO vs Kobalt

When I evaluate the reliability of a mower there are two main things I look at: the motor type and the deck construction. As I mentioned earlier in this post about what to look for in an electric lawn mower, the motor type NEEDS to be brushless. 

Brushless motors provide more torque, a cooler running motor, and a longer life than their brushed counterparts. Up until recently, every electric motor was brushed. You’ll see some of the more premium brands using brushless now, but it will soon be the standard. 

Fortunately, both the EGO and Kobalt mowers have brushless motors. We can go ahead and check that box in both categories. 

When it comes to deck size, these two are very different. The EGO mower (just like most of the EGO mowers) has a tough plastic decking. While most folks don’t have to worry about this, there are definitely durability issues that can impact this mower. Rocks, branches, and root systems can make this decking more vulnerable to breakage. Fluctuations in temperature will also wear down on plastic over time. 

Metal deck is preferred.

On the other hand, the Kobalt mower has a metal decking that is much more durable than plastic. 

Winner: Kobalt 80V Mower.

Usability and comfort

When it comes to usability, there are a lot of different features to evaluate that are relatively subjective. Let’s take a look at the usability features of both:

Kobalt’s features:

  • Self-propelled, rear wheel drive
  • Variable speed control
  • 7-position height adjustment
  • LED headlights
  • Foldable for storage

EGO’s features:

  • Self-propelled
  • Variable speed control
  • 6 position height adjustment
  • LED headlights
  • Foldable for storage

They’re essentially the exact same if you’re just looking at the specifications. But we want a winner, so let’s look a little closer.

LED headlights can be useful…sometimes.

We personally like EGO’s height adjustment for the handles. I’ve heard from several short people that they like to push the handle bars down almost like they’re preparing to store it, but then pushing the mower from the condensed position. I can’t relate, but appreciate that people have found flexibility with this mower using that function.

It’s honestly a tie here, but I could give a slight edge to the EGO mower.

Price and warranty

Just to make things tough for us, the EGO mower and the Kobalt mower both come in at the exact same price. 

The Kobalt mower can be found on Lowe’s website (or at a Lowe’s near you) for about $699. 

The EGO is available on Amazon for the same price, but tends to go on sale frequently, so click here to check the latest price.

Both come with a limited 5-year warranty on the tool and 3-year warranty on the batteries. You can save some serious money on both if you buy the tool-only version. Here is an identical version of the EGO mower without the battery and charger for over $200 cheaper.

Final Winner: EGO vs Kobalt mower

Picking a winner between EGO and Kobalt is tough. I came into this thinking that the EGO was far and away the better choice, but after getting our hands on more and more Kobalt products – we were wrong. The Kobalt is the clear winner of this face-off because it has more power, better construction, and is available at the same price.

The surprise winner.

EGO is still a great option though and is the winner if you already own an EGO product with EGO batteries as it is much cheaper.

You really can’t go wrong with either, but if we are just evaluating the two as though you don’t own any tools – the Kobalt pulls away.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in a battery-powered lawn mower

When looking to purchase an electric lawn mower, you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and marketing tactics. Totally forget them and focus on the things that impact you. Below are my recommendations:

EGO and Kobalt brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

So hot right now.

EGO is known for making seriously high quality, dense lawn tools. Yeah, we used the word dense here because when you pick up their tools they feel solid as a rock. We’ve reviewed a ton of EGO products and made YouTube videos covering EGO’s leaf blowers and EGO’s mowers.

Kobalt lawn mowers are known for being super reliable tools, including their Kobalt string trimmers and leaf blowers (all of which we have reviewed).

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

EGO sadly makes quite a few mowers with plastic decking, but a couple with metal decks. While I prefer metal decks, EGO’s reinforced plastic is actually quite durable. It won’t kill you to use a plastic deck, but it can help it last much longer.

Battery interoperability on EGO and Kobalt

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. Luckily with EGO, they only have a 56V battery line, which can be used across all of their products. The only difference you’ll see is in the amp-hours, which increases the amount of time you can spend doing the job. 

The Kobalt 80V battery can also be used in their sweet blower.

Kobalt has a few different battery lines, with their 80V line being the premium line usable with other 80V products.

If you have more questions, check out our guide to electric lawn mowers.

EGO Select Cut vs Select Cut XP Mowers: Compared

EGO Select Cut and Select Cut XP mowers carry many features that are honestly really confusing. EGO has 13 push mowers on their website. They are all roughly the same size, the same battery voltage, and look the same.

So what’s the difference? Why is one $900 and the other $350? These are the questions we are here to figure out today.

Bottom Line: EGO Select Cut differs from EGO Select Cut XP in that the XP version has more torque.

It’s no secret that EGO mowers absolutely crush the battery powered lawn mower game. They are some of the most powerful, longest lasting, and convenient tools on the market. So deciphering how to know what you’re buying and making the right decision is important.

Let’s get it figured out, together.

Jump ahead:

Breaking down EGO’s mower lingo

If you are like me and were at one point staring at all the different mowers that look the same, then you may wonder what the words EGO uses actually mean. 

One of the classics from EGO.

We spent some time reading through what all of these actually mean and which ones we think you should buy. Here is our quick dictionary for reference when reading through each of the mower’s names.

Power+ naming

Power+ just references EGO’s battery powered line of tools. Basically everything of theirs is Power+. It’s their standard naming convention and basically EGO’s last name. 

Self-propelled function

The self-propelled function is an optional function you can use to move the mower forward using a trigger on the handle. It is really nice for moving the mower over banks and hills or for adding some additional power to a thick cut of grass. The downside is that it can drain your battery – use carefully!

EGO Touch Drive Explained

Touch Drive is a function that allows you to more easily control the self-propelled function. Whereas self-propelled EGO mowers without touch drive use a squeeze trigger, Touch Drive mowers have a trigger inside the handle that allows you to use your palm to initiate the self-propelled function, then a speed dial to adjust how quickly it moves.

EGO Peak Power Explained

Peak power allows you to combine any two EGO batteries to operate the mower (saving you money if you already own one).

EGO Select Cut Definition

Select Cut refers to more than one mower blade on the bottom of the mower.

EGO Select Cut XP Definition

Select Cut XP is a designation given to the highest torque Select Cut option that EGO offers.

EGO Speed IQ

Speed IQ is a tool that automatically adjusts the speed of the self-propelled function based off of the terrain. It will slow down to make sure thicker areas get fully cut and speed up over areas that you may have already passed or aren’t as resistant. 

EGO Select Cut vs Select Cut XP vs Regular Mowers Explained

EGO’s mowers come in Select Cut, Select Cut XP and Regular variations. The main difference among all of these is the amount of torque the motor puts out.

Select Cut as a term refers to the multi-blade system used by the mower. Select Cut XP simply refers to the additional torque offered by XP motors. The EGO Select Cut motors put out about 7 pounds of torque whereas the Select Cut XP puts out about 8.3 pounds. 

EGO Select Cut XP is definitely more powerful than Select Cut and their regular mowers. If you have thick grass or just like dominating the grass when you mow, Select Cut XP is a really great option.

The regular option or non-Select Cut XP and non-Select Cut has a single blade on the bottom – which is also true of many traditional gas-powered mowers.

The 3 Best EGO Mowers: Ranked

Now that we have broken down all the complex lingo related to EGO mowers, let’s use them to formulate and rank the best ones. One thing we want to make sure to take into account is VALUE. 

Sure, the best EGO mower will probably be the most expensive, so we try to really break it down to assess which is the best EGO mower for the money.

Buckle up.

1.) EGO Power+ LM2021 20-Inch Walk Behind Mower

This is not a popular opinion. If you read other folks’ reviews of EGO mowers, this one probably won’t make the list. But we are different here at The Lawn Review and are giving you the absolute insider’s take. 

We don’t just sort mowers by the best seller and then regurgitate the specifications to you. We are actually going to break down exactly why this one is our absolute favorite. 

Nothing beats a steel deck.

If I could draw up the perfect lawn mower in a lab, this one would be darn near close. It has all of my favorite things including:

  • The only EGO mower with a steel deck. Metal decks are way more durable, temperature resistant, and provide a little more weight to keep the mower balanced. 
  • Of course it has the brushless motor and 56V battery system.
  • Easy push button start
  • Folds in half for storing in the winter (or between mows)
  • One of the longer run times at over an hour

This one doesn’t have all the bells and whistles. It’s basically a super durable, not complicated, efficient battery powered mower that is the easiest comparison to gas-powered mowers.

We love this mower because it lacks some of the complexities that drain the other mowers’ batteries like self-propelled functions and multiple blades and variable speeds.

You just push the mower like you always have. But to put the cherry on top, this is one of the most affordable EGO mowers on the market. The price is always changing, but we’ve found it to be the lowest when you buy it off of Amazon.

2.) EGO Power+ LM2133 21-Inch Select Cut Lawn Mower

Next up on the list is the LM2133 mower from EGO. This one does have some bells and whistles, but doesn’t go too overboard. This has all of the standard beautiful features in an EGO mower (56V battery, 21 inch deck, brushless motor), but also has some nice extras.

This EGO mower has the Select Cut functionality, which if you reference our dictionary above, would know that it has multiple cutting blades. The multiple blades help work together to finely mulch the grass, allowing you to move faster and make fewer passes in your yard.

Multiple blades.

You can grab this one on Amazon as well for a great price. If you want to boost the run time from 45 minutes to 65 minutes, get the tool-only version and buy a separate 7.5 Ah battery. This one comes with a 5.0 Ah battery that may not fully get you where you need to go.

3.) EGO POWER+ 21″ Select Cut XP Mower with Touch Drive LM2156SP

This one is obviously the Cadillac of EGO mowers. It comes with every bell and whistle. The belle of the ball. But it comes with a price.

Here are some of the features that make this one unbeatable:

  • Select Cut XP functionality means that this is the highest torque EGO mower on the planet
  • Also has Touch Drive self-propelled functionality, making it the easiest to use and control
  • Longest run time at 75 minutes because it comes with 10.0 Ah batteries, basically double the Ah of their other mowers
Just a freaking beast.

So this is the most powerful, longest running, easiest to control EGO mower. It is truly probably the best battery powered mower available from a technical specification perspective. But it doesn’t have a steel deck, which makes me sad. 

You can buy this one at Ace Hardware for a pretty penny (anywhere between $800-900). We wrote about this one extensively – you can check out our full review of the EGO Select Cut XP LM2156 or LM2150 here.

EGO Mowers: Cutting Through The Noise

I hope this article has provided some clarity around all the different features EGO offers on their mowers. Frankly, they are all trademarked and difficult to understand. 

When you feel confused, take a step back and think through the most important questions: how does this mower perform? Will it last me a long time? How long is the run time? How much does it cost?

Those will steer you past any flashy slogans or popular products to the one you can rely on.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time now.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in a battery-powered lawn mower

When looking to purchase an electric lawn mower, you need to make sure you understand what things matter. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and marketing tactics. Totally forget them and focus on the things that impact you. Below are my recommendations:

EGO brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

It’s true.

EGO is known for making seriously high quality, dense lawn tools. Yeah, we used the word dense here because when you pick up their tools they feel solid as a rock. We’ve reviewed a ton of EGO products and made YouTube videos covering EGO’s leaf blowers and EGO’s mowers.

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Most EGO mower’s have a plastic deck.

EGO sadly makes quite a few mowers with plastic decking, but a couple with metal decks. While I prefer metal decks, EGO’s reinforced plastic is actually quite durable. It won’t kill you to use a plastic deck, but it can help it last much longer.

Battery interoperability.

 A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. Luckily with EGO, they only have a 56V battery line, which can be used across all of their products. The only difference you’ll see is in the amp-hours, which increases the amount of time you can spend doing the job. 

If you have more questions, check out our guide to electric lawn mowers

EGO 56V Blower vs Ryobi 40V Blower: Comparison Guide

EGO vs Ryobi leaf blowers is a new beef. These are the two top battery-powered leaf blower brands on the market and they’re facing off. I like the EGO blower better because it feels sturdier and is more powerful.

Rocky vs. Ivan Drago. They’re both beasts. They’ve both been working their whole life for this. 

And we are officiating. It got messy and involved an unmanned office chair spinning out of control.

Luckily, we got our hands on the EGO 765 CFM leaf blower and the Ryobi 40V 730 CFM Brushless Whisper Series blower. Here is what we tested on both:

And there was only one winner. Let’s dive right in. 

***SPOILER***: We give the advantage to the EGO 765 CFM blower because it’s more powerful with a longer run-time. You can grab it on Amazon for a great price.

EGO 56V vs Ryobi 40V Whisper Blower: A Breakdown

Let me tell you – this wasn’t an easy comparison. These are the two premier battery powered leaf blowers on the market and you honestly can’t go wrong with either.

But c’mon – one of them has to be better, right? 

Let’s find out.

User Experience: EGO compared to Ryobi blowers

Using both the EGO and Ryobi blowers, the first question we got was about sound. One of the main benefits of using battery powered blowers is that they don’t have nearly the same noise levels as gas powered blowers.

Sound and noise from EGO and Ryobi blowers

EGO had a lower-pitched whirring sound whereas Ryobi had a much higher frequency screaming noise. The Ryobi 40V blower is a part of the Whisper series of equipment from Ryobi. While it was definitely a lower decibel level than the EGO, it had an unpleasant high-pitched noise that wasn’t much better honestly.


From a weight perspective, the EGO comes in at 9.4lbs whereas the Ryobi is a little lighter right at 9lbs. Weight is important when using a blower because without a strap, you’re on the hook for holding these during the entire duration of your blowing experience. If you’re going to be out there for a decent amount of time, then you need to make sure you have a lightweight blower to get the job done. Fortunately, these are both relatively lightweight when compared to a gas blower but slightly heavier than many other electric blowers.

Exactly 9.4 lbs.

Controlling these two blowers is easy

From a control perspective, I’m looking for something that gives me total control over the speed of the blower that is easy to adjust and access on the fly.

Both the EGO and Ryobi blowers have a variable speed control trigger, meaning you can control how much power you’ve got at any moment in time. 

Cruise control thumb adjustment and turbo button.

Both have a cruise control function that can be adjusted with the thumb with the same hand that controls the variable speed trigger (for right-handers only).

Both the Ryobi and EGO blowers have a turbo button, which takes it from their base level of CFMs up to their maximum (more on that later).

Overall, both offer similar controls and come in at almost the exact same weight. If you’re looking to pick one based on user experience, the differentiating factor between the EGO and Ryobi blowers is the sound. One is louder, one has a funnier noise – it comes down to preference. Listen to both on our video to see which one you prefer.

Battery Life – EGO vs Ryobi blowers

Both the EGO and Ryobi both have lithium ion batteries, meaning they put out the same amount of power regardless of whether they have 5% battery life or 95%. 

Ryobi’s 40V battery that comes on the whisper series brushless blower is a 4 Ah 40V battery. You can use other 40V batteries from them with higher or lower Ah, but the 4.0 comes standard. The higher the Ah, the longer the battery will run. 

The EGO 765 CFM blower comes with a 5 Ah battery but can handle more as well. 

Run time comparison of EGO and Ryobi batteries

Here at The Lawn Review we like to get a little wild. So our first run-time test is going to compare the two blowers with their triggers and turbo buttons zip-tied down. 

This part took a while.

The results looked like this: 

  • EGO turbo button run time: 15 minutes
  • Ryobi turbo button run time: 12 minutes

Pretty close but 3 minutes matter when you’re standing out in the sun!

Next was the highest speed without the turbo button. Again, we used zip ties and got these results:

  • EGO full speed blower run time: 25 minutes
  • Ryobi full speed blower run time: 16 minutes

The last speed test for us was the low speed test. We zip tied these ones on the lowest setting and well….it took a while.  Here were the results:

  • EGO low speed blower run time: 157 minutes
  • Ryobi low speed blower run time: 90 minutes 

While the majority of the run time differences come down to the difference in Ah between the  two, I didn’t expect them to be that stark. The EGO definitely wins this category.

The last battery test was how long it takes to get to a full recharge using the EGO and Ryobi battery chargers. 

Here’s how long it took:

  • Ryobi 40V battery charge time: 70 minutes
  • EGO 56V battery charge time: 53 minutes

Ryobi pulls this one out with a faster battery run time at under an hour. 

The EGO blower is more powerful than Ryobi

What may be the most important category yet, things start to get really wild when we compare power. I’m talking out-of-control-spinning-office-chair-wild. 

But first, a quick intro into how power is measured in blowers. Both the EGO and Ryobi blower use brushless motors, which means they use magnets to help transfer electrons instead of brushes. Brushes were prone to become fried due to the constant friction inside of the motor, leading to early deaths and overheating.

CFM vs MPH explained

CFM and MPH are the two most important things in assessing power for the blower. CFMs dictate the amount of volume that comes out of the blower whereas MPH refers to the speed at which the air leaves. If you recall from the beginning of this post, high CFMs typically mean a big burst of air. High MPH means the air is moving really quickly. They often have an inverse relationship where one is high and the other is low. 

In both of these blowers, the CFMs and MPH are super high. The EGO has 765 CFMs when on full turbo at 200 MPH. That’s crazy. The Ryobi has 730 CFMs at 190 MPH. These are both insane when on turbo mode. 

To test this, we blew a pile of dirt off of a plywood to compare their relative power.

Scientific? No. Visually appealing? Yes.

The EGO blew away (pun intended) the Ryobi in this test. 

To take it up a notch, we decided to use the scientific and professional face test. Yes, we put Tyler’s face in front of the blowers and had him tell us which was the most powerful. The results were clear:

Okay definitely NOT scientific but fun.

The EGO was more powerful – much like sticking your head out of a plane, whereas the Ryobi was like sticking it out of a fast moving car. Neither felt good. 

Next up was the spinning chair fiasco. Nobody sustained serious injuries during this test. But we attached both blowers to the arms of a spinning office chair and turned them on to see which one would win with both blowing at the same time. 

Things got out of hand.

It was a hard cycle to stop. But the EGO won.

The EGO is definitely the more powerful of the two.

Price and Warranty: EGO vs Ryobi blower

The warranties on both the EGO and Ryobi are identical – a 5 year tool warranty and a 3 year battery warranty. They are great and this gives me a lot of comfort as an owner of both. 

The Ryobi comes in at around $300 including the blower and two 4 Ah batteries. You can grab it from your local Home Depot, where I’ve seen it for the best price.

The EGO 56V blower will cost about $320 and come with the single 5 Ah battery. It can be purchased at Lowe’s or on Amazon with the battery for a great price. 

So which is better, EGO or Ryobi blower?

Let me start by saying that I own both of these so I am trying to be as unbiased as humanly possible. The Ryobi is probably the better deal, but  the performance of the EGO is worth $20 to me. 

The EGO is slightly heavier but much more powerful and has longer lasting batteries. With the turbo button engaged, it is unrivaled in the handheld electric blower space. 

Both are great – but if you’d like to check out the EGO 765 blower, check it out on Amazon. If you’re looking for something a little lighter, we wrote a great post comparing the 765 CFM blower to the 650 blower.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time now.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in an electric blower

 Cordless blowers come in a bunch of shapes and sizes but there are three basic things you need to understand:

CFMs on blowers

Cubic feet per minute. This is a measure of air output on the blower. Higher CFM = more power, but not necessarily more miles per hour. High CFM with a wide nozzle = lower MPH. High CFM with a narrow nozzle = high miles per hour. Ideally, you want both a high CFM with a narrow to medium nozzle for most residential jobs.


What is the point of having a blower if it is hard to use? Have to get one that is lightweight, easy to start, and has some functions that make your life easier. One thing I look for here is how the weight is distributed. I also look for things like variable speed control, sound, and how easy it is to reach or change controls like cruise control.

Motor type

Brushless motors reign supreme. Brushless motors are cooler running motors with more torque, a longer run-time, and last many more years. These are a no brainer when picking a blower.

These are three technical things you need to pay attention to when looking through the specifications. 

5 Best EGO Weed Eaters I Tested This Year

EGO Weed Eaters are top of the line battery-powered tools. My favorite EGO weed eater is the ST1511T because it has serious width and is highly reliable – from the motor to the cutting head.

We’ve reviewed a TON of EGO content and recorded quite a few YouTube videos with their stuff, even giving away an EGO 765 CFM blower at one point – totally free!

But today I want to break down their new line of weed eaters. They basically all look the same, vary wildly in price, and have features that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

So buckle up and let’s get going.

Full ranking of EGO weed eaters:

  1. EGO Power+ ST1511T 15 inch Weed Eater
  2. EGO Power+ ST1623T 16-inch string trimmer
  3. EGO Power+ MHC1502 string trimmer and attachment kit
  4. EGO Power+ ST1502 Battery String Trimmer
  5. EGO Power+ ST1524 String Trimmer

5 EGO Weed Eaters (Ranked)

One thing that I love about EGO’s weed eaters is that they are all straight shafts. Which means they check one of my boxes already. They also all have a brushless motor and use the awesome 56V battery that EGO has so famously committed to. The main differentiating points with these weed eaters are the bells and whistles, so I’ll be extra sure to pick those apart and the minute differences that can cause $100+ swings in each of these.

Let’s get started:

1. EGO Power+ ST1511T 15 inch 56V PowerLoad Weed Eater with Telescopic Aluminum Shaft

I like to cut right to the chase and start with number one – the EGO ST1511T. I’m not sure what the numbers mean, but I know what I love about this EGO trimmer.

This thing has Powerload technology, which if you reference our dictionary above means that you can run the line through the head of the trimmer, press a button, and it will automatically wind it to the appropriate length. On this weed eater, that is a 15 inch-wide cutting swath which is the gold standard for residential weed eaters. 

The absolute must-haves that this one has: a brushless motor, a 45 minute run time (with the 2.5 Ah batteries, you can go higher if you want), and the ability to carry a .095 inch weed eater string. The EGO ST1511T weed eater checks the boxes. Now for the bells and whistles.

Best value in our opinion. Photo cred: Amazon.

This one has two-speed settings, which in reality I always use max speed for a weed eater unless I’m trying to be extra delicate around a bed of flowers or something. But the reason I really liked this one is that it has a telescopic aluminum shaft. That’s a fancy way of saying you can super easily change the length of this without it being complicated.

For me, this was a huge selling point. If you spend any time using a weed eater, you know how easy it is to tweak your back. You can either deal with it, get a strap, or get a weed eater like this one to be perfectly sized to your dimensions. 

For me, this was the winner. It also comes with a foldable split shaft that allows you to fold it if you’d like.

You can grab this one at a number of places, but I’ve found Amazon to be super convenient and often has the best price. You can grab it on Amazon here to see the most recent price or from your local Lowe’s using this link.

2. EGO Power+ ST1623T 16-inch 56V PowerLoad String Trimmer

So this is a slightly more powerful, pimped out version of our number one rating. As a reminder,  this is probably the premium EGO weed eater, but I chose my number one option because it is about $100 cheaper and has nearly similar performance.

The belle of the ball.

The ST1623T EGO weed eater also has a 56V battery, brushless motor, Powerload technology, and more. But it really differentiates itself with the Line IQ technology, which keeps the string at a specific length (16 inches) regardless of whether or not some breaks off.

Up close on the Line IQ.

This Line IQ technology from EGO sounds great, but it can also rip through trimmer line really easily. Usually you can tell that you’re losing string when it starts to rip off and you notice it getting shorter. This is a good sign that you need to back off whatever surface you’re cutting against. With the ST1623T and Line IQ technology, you will quickly burn through string before you learn your lesson. 

Otherwise, this weed eater comes with a carbon fiber shaft and a 4.0 Ah battery, which will give you a nice run time of about an hour. 

This one is also available on Amazon and if you’re looking to spend a bit more, you can get it for a decent price – still better than most gas trimmers. This one is also available at Lowe’s for a great price.

3. EGO Power+ MHC1502 Multi Combo Kit Power Head

We LOVE the EGO multi-tool combo kit. In fact, we did a super long YouTube video about it and have written extensively about it. Yeah, it is kind of cheating that this isn’t purely a weed eater, but if you’re looking for a solid weed eater that can also add on basically every other lawn tool, then this is a no-brainer. 

The attachment still slaps.

The weed eater attachment is great and honestly one that we use all the time, including in some of our biggest weed eater videos. It still has a 15 inch cutting swath and is backed by a brushless motor. 

The full power head.

We love the edger attachment but were most surprised with how great the hedge trimmer attachment was. 

Either way, this is a great one that can be bought at a ton of places, but we got ours on Amazon and bought like 5 different attachments for it. 

4. EGO Power+ ST1502 56V String Trimmer

The EGO ST1502 is a great string trimmer and I can’t knock it at all. It is totally fine,but it doesn’t quite have the bells and whistles the others do.

This thing is more like the Honda Civic of the EGO weed eater world. Reliable, dependable, nothing that can really go wrong. I like that. In fact, it is very similar to our number one option, it  just doesn’t have the cool telescoping handle and the Powerload technology.

But if you’re a normal guy or gal, this thing is going to fit you just fine. I would definitely grab this one if I were testing out EGO for the first time. It’s a low-risk, low-reward weed eater.

Some of the features include a 15 inch cutting swath, a brushless motor, variable speed control (which is actually way better than only having two speeds), and a split shaft for folding. 

Again, not all the bells and whistles but this also means fewer parts that can break down.

This one is also competitively priced and can be found on Amazon.

5. EGO Power+ ST1524 15 inch String Trimmer with Carbon Fiber Shaft

Just like the number four EGO weed eater being a step down from the number one weed eater, this one is a step down from the number two.

It DOES have all the bells and whistles, with the exception of a telescoping shaft. Again, this one has the beautiful brushless motor, variable speed control, a 15 inch cutting swath, Powerload technology and even a freaking sweet black carbon fiber shaft.

The black shaft is really sleek.

This one frankly looks the coolest out of all the EGO weed eaters, but it doesn’t have Line IQ and is even more expensive than our number one choice.

If you have more money than you know what to do with, this one is absolutely sick. But for those of us not dripping in cash, this  one may be too expensive.

The EGO ST1524 string trimmer sometimes goes on sale on Amazon (currently 30% off), but if not then you’re going to pay a heavy price. 

How to instantly improve your weed eater

Upgrade your weed eating game with the ultimate GrassKicker Weed Eater String! While weed eaters and lawn edgers are great tools, it’s not complete without the right string. Our specially crafted line is designed to enhance your weed eater’s performance and give you flawless edges around your yard and garden.

Don’t settle for subpar string that breaks easily and leaves ragged edges. Our team has scoured the market and combined the best colors, shapes, thicknesses, and materials to create a superior line that cuts more cleanly and lasts longer.

With GrassKicker, you can take pride in your perfectly manicured lawn and make a lasting impression on your friends and family. And who knows, your envious neighbors might just start dropping by more often! Don’t wait, elevate your weed eating game with GrassKicker Weed Eater String today! Click the link now to buy.

The bottom line: EGO Weed Eaters 

When I’m looking for a weed eater, the two non-negotiables I have are a brushless motor and a straight shaft. EGO crushes it in both categories, plus adds a ton of cool features. You really can’t go wrong with any of them, but I really liked the PowerLine function and the telescoping shaft. I didn’t like the Line IQ technology and the standard weed eater string that came with the weed eaters.

Why we review string trimmers

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our weekends.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Why would I buy a battery-powered weed eater?

There are a few reasons to check out an electric weed eater when picking out your next lawn and garden tool kit. As compared to gas-powered weed eaters, electric weed eaters tend to be easier to use and maintain. At the end of a long winter season, you may have to refuel your gas powered weed eater and crank it a few times before you can get it to start. 

With the EGO 56V weed eater and other electric weed eaters, you simply place the battery and you are ready to go. 

Another benefit to electric trimmers is maintenance. You will not have to do anything to maintain an electric trimmer other than change out the line. No oil change, no filter change, and no messy gasoline spills. 

If you are a EGO loyalist and have one of their mowers, then you can actually use this same 56 volt battery in both the mower and the trimmer. More on that later. 

Translating EGO’s language

If you’ve been browsing EGO’s website, they have a bunch of different features that have fancy names, but don’t really make intuitive sense. We’ve done the research (and used just about every tool of theirs under the sun) to help decipher and decode what these folks are talking about.

  • Power+: basically anything from their 56V line, which is their most popular battery series line, is Power+. 
  • Powerload: The patented powerload technology basically just means that after you put the weed eater string through the head and even it out, that it will self-wind itself (with some help) to wind it all in there.
  • Line IQ: This is a device that keeps the cutting swath at the ideal length at all times. Most other string trimmers just have string that breaks off and you can bump the head to make it a little longer. 
  • Carbon fiber shaft: the shaft is made of carbon fiber which is super strong and light material.
  • Telescopic shaft: you can change the length of the shaft to be shorter or longer.
  • Brushless motor: a motor powered by magnets instead of brushes that generate electricity. Results in more torque, a cooler motor, and longer life. 
  • Cutting swath: the width from point-to-point of the sides of the weed eater string.

I think that covers it and will help make sense of the descriptions we use when talking about each of the EGO weed eaters.

EGO 650 vs 765 CFM Leaf Blower Difference Explained

The EGO 650 CFM and 765 CFM are two of the most popular battery powered leaf blowers. The two blowers are virtually identical, with the 765 CFM having noticeably more power and a higher price tag.

Not convinced? Go read some of the comments on our YouTube review of the EGO 765 blower.

They are some of the sleekest and most powerful lawn tools on the planet. And there’s a good reason why.

We’ve written extensively and made a TON of video content about these blowers purely out of requests. We are even giving one away this month to one of our lucky newsletter subscribers. 

These bad boys can be found on Amazon or at Lowe’s, where EGO has some exclusivity, but not at Home Depot.

Let’s check out why these two blowers are quickly becoming famous, then compare them to see which one makes the most sense for you.

Jump ahead:

The EGO 765 CFM blower: Overview

The EGO LB7654 blower is an absolute unit. One of the most powerful handheld electric blowers (I think it actually may be THE most  powerful) on the planet, it was designed for absolute lawn enthusiasts.

This was the zip tie test.

Here are a few things we love about this blower:

  • It’s really versatile. It has a nice variable speed control trigger on the side with a cruise control function. This is awesome for taking the stress off of your fingers when trying to keep the blower at a consistent speed. 
  • The EGO 765 comes with a few different nozzle heads. As I’ve come to learn (shoutout to our YouTube subscribers), a lot of folks use these blowers to dry off their cars. There’s some versatility with this as though EGO kept that in mind when making it. 
  • It has a really nice molded rubber grip that makes it easier to hold onto. It is a bit heavier than other electric blowers, so it’s a thoughtful touch.
  • The 5.0 Ah battery has a run time of 25 minutes while on full-speed. With the turbo button, you can get 17 minutes of run time. Yes, we actually tested this with zip ties. We are weird but are dedicated to you. 
The speed control thumb thingy.

EGO 765 Specifications Breakdown

Pop quiz – if this thing has 765 CFMs coming out of the end, do you think it is a wide-mouthed blower with a lower speed? 

Well, it’s not. It actually has BOTH super high CFMs AND high MPHs. It’s sort of a freak of nature like that. This means that the blower can do big piles of leaves AND use an extreme jet stream to destroy wet, stuck leaves. 

That’s what makes this blower really stick out. The turbo button takes this blower to a level no other electric handheld blower has been before. 

Comparing the 765 CFM to a Stihl gas blower.

We compared the EGO 765 CFM blower to our Stihl BG86C handheld gas blower and it was pretty wild. On turbo, the EGO was actually more powerful. 

At just over 12 lbs, it is noticeably heavier than a lot of other electric blowers. You can separately purchase a sling that helps offload some of the weight. Some of our YouTube commenters that purchased the tool talked about the strain on their wrists turning it side to side. But it was also noted that the exchange in power made it worth it. Up to you!

The EGO 650 CFM Blower: Overview

The EGO LB6504 blower is also a freak of nature. If it weren’t for it’s bigger brother, the 765 CFM blower, this would still be one of the most powerful handheld blowers on the planet. 

The EGO 650 CFM blower has many of the same features as the EGO 765 CFM blower, including:

  • A cruise control button. It isn’t as easy to use as the 765 blower because it doesn’t have the thumb-controlled portion, but it does have a little knob that you can twist to set the speed. 
  • The turbo button cranks this up to 650 CFMs, which is still extremely high!
  • Multiple nozzles, including a flat nozzle that is really great for blowing leaves around your patio or near the end of your driveway. Talk about a jet stream. 
  • A brushless motor that can also be found on the 765. Brushless motors use magnets to power the motor instead of brushes. This allows for a cooler running motor, more torque, and significant durability. It’s a must have for an electric lawn tool. 

EGO 650 CFM Blower Specifications

Just like its 765 CFM big brother, the 650 CFM blower marries both high CFMs and high MPH to produce an absolute wind cannon. 

Photo courtesy of EGO.

In contrast to the 765 CFM blower, the 650 CFM EGO blower weighs about 2.5 lbs lighter, putting it back into the normal range of handheld blowers. This is a lifesaver for anyone with wrist or shoulder issues, giving you more mobility when moving the blower side to side.

EGO 765 CFM vs 650 CFM Blower: Similarities and Differences

Since these blowers look almost identical, I wanted to summarize the notable differences between the two blowers. Let’s start with similarities:

Comparing it to the gas was a joke!

Similarities between EGO 765 and 650

  • Aesthetics – unless you’re up close you can’t tell them apart
  • Both have cruise control
  • Both have a turbo button that amps up the CFMs
  • Both take the 56V battery
  • Both are extremely well-made

Differences between EGO 765 and 650

  • CFM and speed differences, obviously
  • 765 weighs 2.5 lbs more than the 650
  • 765 costs about $50 more than the 650
  • 765 comes with a nice thumb adjuster on the cruise control
Both take this great 56V battery.

So which is better? EGO 765 CFM vs 650 CFM blower?

Tough to give a concrete answer here. So I’ll do my best: the 650 CFM blower is a better value for the normal homeowner. It packs more than enough power, is $50 cheaper, and still comes with all the perks of the 765 CFM blower, just a little bit weaker. Either way, these are for sale for a cheaper price on Amazon than they are at Lowe’s.

The EGO 765 CFM blower is on Amazon for a little a great price with the charger. Without the charger it comes in at just about $50 less (but changes all the time).

The EGO 650 CFM blower is on Amazon for a great deal with the charger. Without the charger, it is on sale for UNBELIEVABLY Low (this is a steal).

The 765 CFM blower, however, has unrivaled power and speed. There are definitely times where the additional speed boost would come in handy, so it is also a great option. Also, if you just LOVE EGO products and want the newest and best tools, you have got to go with this one.

The Bottom Line: 765 vs 650 CFM EGO blowers

At the end of the day, they both have incredible specifications, amazing warranties, and extreme power. You can’t go wrong. Do you want to shell out a bit more money for some crazy power? That’s what you need to ask yourself. 

Oh and by the way, we own the 765 CFM blower 🙂.

Check this out if you want to see us compare the EGO 765 CFM blower to the Ryobi 730 CFM blower

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in an electric blower

Cordless blowers come in a bunch of shapes and sizes but there are three basic things you need to understand:

  • CFM – Cubic feet per minute. This is a measure of air output on the blower. Higher CFM = more power, but not necessarily more miles per hour. High CFM with a wide nozzle = lower MPH. High CFM with a narrow nozzle = high miles per hour. Ideally, you want both a high CFM with a narrow to medium nozzle for most residential jobs.
  • Usability – what is the point of having a blower if it is hard to use? Have to get one that is lightweight, easy to start, and has some functions that make your life easier.
  • Motor type – brushless motors reign supreme. Cooler running motors with more torque, a longer run-time, and last many more years. Brushless is a no brainer when picking a blower.

These are three things you need to pay attention to when looking through the specifications. 

About EGO

EGO is still relatively new to the lawn tool space. They started back in 2014 and have absolutely exploded in recent years. They are owned by the parent company Chervon, which also make SKIL and FLEX brand tools. 

EGO has quickly become synonymous with power. All of their tools (including the blowers we are reviewing today) are top-of-the-line when it comes to power. When we’ve gotten our hands on the products, the first thing we always think is “solid”. Their products are generally heavier than other brands and feel really tight and well-constructed. 

Becoming fast favorites by homeowners.

Their mowers are heavier, stronger, and faster. Their EGO string trimmers are freaks of nature. Everything is built for performance.

So let’s look at the 650 and 765 CFM blowers.

What are CFMs in leaf blowers?

I know I briefly touched on this a few paragraphs above, but the distinction is important – especially for comparing these two.

CFM stands for cubic feet per minute. Basically it is a measurement of airflow out of the end of the blower. The typical relationship you see is the higher the CFMs, the wider the mouth of the blower. It can also result in lower miles per hour of air speed, because so much more air is moving out of a wider opening. 

It’s like taking a deep breath, relaxing your mouth and blowing out compared to taking the same breath and whistling. Same amount of air is coming out, but just much faster when you whistle. 

High CFM blowers, wide mouthed blowers are great for moving large piles of leaves. Lower CFM blowers that are narrow are good for providing a jet-stream of air that is great for wet grass clippings and small amounts of leaves. 

Keep that in mind as we move forward.

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