Craftsman’s Electric Mower Surprised Me With Serious Power

craftsman mower review

The Craftsman V20 mower was surprisingly powerful and provided a solid cut, despite some weird nuances.

We break down the Craftsman V20 mower.

Craftsman is one of the most popular outdoor power brands in the game – with a presence in mowers, automotive tools, and even some household appliances. One of the GOATs in the power tool game just introduced a lawn mower from their new V20 series. 

Bottom Line: This is a great mower for the money – a brushless motor, sleek design, and really easy to use. You can grab it at Lowe’s!

Jump ahead to read more.

Craftsman V20 Brushless Electric Mower: Features and Benefits

As mentioned before, Craftsman is a big name in the tool space. They are bringing their immense knowledge and product lineup to the big stage with the arrival of their new V20 mower. We were lucky enough to get our hands on this mower for a pretty thorough inspection.

Using the Craftsman V20 Brushless Mower

Right off the bat, this mower doesn’t have the standard design you normally see from a gas mower. It has a slightly odd look where it appears flat and kind of goofy. It has smaller plastic wheels that feel cheap, but has five different settings for height adjustment of the cutting deck. It also has the ability to fold in half for easy storage. 

To start the mower, you simply place the safety key in the “ignition”, press the start button on the side, and hold down the bar to initiate the motor. Then simply keep the bar held together and begin walking – just like a normal gas push mower.

Safety key + ignition.

At first glance, the mower appears cheap and plastic-y. In fact, one thing I noticed that I didn’t love right away was that the batteries don’t have an available battery life indicator that you can see while you are mowing. If you take the batteries out, you can check the battery life, but not while you mow.

From a functional perspective, it does have a 3-in-1 cutting system. This is pretty standard for push mowers. The capabilities are mulching, side discharge, and bagging the grass clippings.

The Craftsman V20 mower does not have a self-propelled function, which is honestly fine by us. 

Craftsman V20 battery charge time and run times: tested

The Craftsman V20 brushless mower has an advertised run time of about 50 minutes. Well – we put that to the test in our backyard.

We got about 27 minutes into mowing our lawn before it died. Yikes! Granted, the lawn was a little wet but still – that’s barely half of the advertised time!

Separate charging stations (would rather have one).

When we took them in to charge, it took each battery well over 3 hours to charge. Not great! 

I honestly expected a bit more from the batteries on this, but with a 20V battery you won’t see the same run time you would from an EGO or Ryobi battery, with much higher voltages. 

You can see the batteries, just not how much juice there is.

Definitely a lot to be desired when it comes to batteries, but I can’t overstate how nice it is to have one battery system for several tools. Despite the underwhelming run time, I would still recommend the Craftsman V20 mower to anyone who already owns V20 tools.

Price and Warranty of the Craftsman V20

The Craftsman V20 battery powered mower is on sale for about $329 right now at Lowe’s. Not bad actually. You can also get the version without the batteries and chargers for a lower price – another benefit to owning the batteries already. 

Mower deck looks pretty good – a single blade that gets things done.

The Official Review: Craftsman V20 Brushless Electric Mower

We wanted to hate this mower. We really did. It looked like a toy and was mostly plastic. The battery run-time wasn’t what was advertised.

But boy is it hard to hate. Despite all of the quirky things about it, it cut my super long fescue lawn like my gas mower does. It got the job done without all the bells and whistles. 

you can see it on my face – impressed!

It’s lightweight, easy to maneuver, easy to store, and does what it is supposed to do.

You can grab it at a Lowe’s near you.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our days now.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Lowe’s Wheelbarrow Buying Guide

Lowe’s is a great destination for all things yard tools. But before you get excited with your new lawn haul from Lowe’s, make sure you have a way to move it when you get home.

Arial view of me using one of these wheelbarrows.

Namely, a wheelbarrow. You absolutely need one for your backyard if you are moving rocks, dirt, grass clippings, or really anything. 

Before you go grab the cheapest one off the rack, make sure you know what to look for in a wheelbarrow from Lowe’s.

Wheelbarrows for sale at Lowe’s: Which is best? 

Lowe’s wheelbarrows are about what you would expect. They have a pretty wide variety, including a few brands that you can only get at Lowe’s, like Kobalt. 

Let’s check out the huge selection you have to pick from, one-by-one. 

True Temper Wheelbarrows from Lowe’s

True Temper provides some of the highest-quality, top of the line wheelbarrows at Lowe’s. Let’s check them out. 

True Temper 8-cubic feet Poly Wheelbarrow with Dual wheels

The True Temper 8 cubic feet poly wheelbarrow with dual wheels is a big boy. One of the largest wheelbarrows available at Lowe’s, this thing can haul.

One downside of massive wheelbarrows is that when they are full, boy are they heavy.

To help offset that load, this wheelbarrow has 14.5 in pneumatic tires. Pneumatic is just a fancy way of saying they have air in them. 

This is one of the most expensive wheelbarrows at Lowe’s, but for good reason. It is going to help you get your job done the quickest.

Two wheels, full hearts, can’t lose.

True Temper 6-cu ft Wheelbarrow Flat-free tires

The True Temper 6 cu ft wheelbarrow with flat-free tires is pretty sweet. Although smaller than the 8 cubic feet wheelbarrow, it has a few premium bells and whistles that make it sweet. 

I like the comfort grips on this True Temper wheelbarrow. The typical wooden handles can get your hands pretty raw after a few uses.

I also like the flat-free tires on this, which are usually made of solid rubber. There is nothing worse than getting a dang flat tire on your wheelbarrow, essentially making it useless.

This is my favorite True Temper wheelbarrow, although I do wish it had a second set of wheels. The dream wheelbarrow from this group would be one with two flat-free tires and comfort grips. A hybrid of these first two.

Basic, with modern upgrades.

True Temper 6-cu ft Steel Wheelbarrow

The steel 6 cu ft wheelbarrow from True Temper is by far the most basic wheelbarrow offered, but also the most inexpensive. 

While simple in design, this is the classic wheelbarrow. Functionally, it operates exactly like the more expensive wheelbarrows, but without any of the features.

If you are a new homeowner or someone looking just for a run-of-the-mill wheelbarrow, this is your best bet. 

You can get the quality of True Temper with the affordability of a drink in New York City. Yep, this is for sale for about $50. 

The classic red wheelbarrow.

Craftsman Wheelbarrows at Lowe’s

Craftsman, also known as CRAFTSMAN, is a big name in all outdoor equipment, so it is sort of a no brainer that they have wheelbarrows.

Craftsman offers a steel wheelbarrow as well as a Poly wheelbarrow, which is basically a super hard plastic. 

Craftsman 6 cubic ft steel tray wheelbarrow

The Craftsman Steel wheelbarrow offers six cubic feet of capacity for heavy materials. It has a single air-filled (pneumatic) tire along with steel handles. This is definitely one of the more basic types of wheelbarrows.

While it looks similar to the basic True Temper steel wheelbarrow above, it does come with some additional features. The first of which are steel handles instead of wood, allowing for slightly easier handling and maneuvering.

It also has some metal rods that come down from underneath the steel tray, providing a bit more reinforcement.

Basic wheelbarrow

Craftsman 6 cubic feet wheelbarrow (poly)

This Craftsman wheelbarrow is definitely a modern upgrade, and at only a slightly higher price point than  the steel wheelbarrow.

The Poly Tray is lighter weight, allowing for more of your effort to go towards moving materials, not moving a big steel tray.

Another huge plus in this Craftsman wheelbarrow is that it has two wheels in the front, meaning side-tipping is extremely difficult. 

This wheelbarrow is a big upgrade and I definitely recommend it over the simpler steel version.

The two wheels make this bad boy sturdy.

Kobalt Wheelbarrows at Lowe’s

Kobalt is one of those in-house brands that you can really only find at Lowe’s. They definitely have some great equipment, but again – they can only be found at Lowe’s. 

Let’s check out some of their wheelbarrows, which are surprisingly affordable.

Kobalt 7 cubic feet steel wheelbarrow with flat-free tire

Remember the big fat-free phase? Well Kobalt has reinstated that with its new flat-free tires. Wow, time is a flat circle.

Anyways, the seven cubic feet wheelbarrow is their “best seller”, with two flat-free tires in the front that will not ever run out of air and will keep your wheelbarrow perfectly balanced. It does have a steel tray, meaning it will be slightly more expensive than some of the poly competitors in the market.

Love the tires.

Kobalt 6 cubic feet steel wheelbarrow with flat-free tire

A simpler version of the 7 ft version, the 6 cubic feet steel wheelbarrow is slightly smaller and comes with a single flat-free tire.

A single tire is not the end of the world, but does require a bit more focus when using. To avoid any tippage, you have to make sure not to overload the steel tray.

Sadly, steel trays are pretty heavy and limiting for how much you can load in there without tipping. I definitely recommend the two wheeled version to keep yourself upright.

Modern spin on a classic.

Marathon 5-cubic ft Poly Wheelbarrow

The Marathon 5-cubic ft Poly Wheelbarrow is way underrated. Maybe one of the highest value wheelbarrows out there, it often is overlooked because, well, it looks like it was made for Grandmas.

But Grandmas are smart! This is a 5 cubic ft wheelbarrow,making it one of the smallest offered at Lowe’s. But it comes with two air-filled tires that help balance the maximum load of 300lbs.

One thing I love about the Marathon wheelbarrow is that it has a single handlebar across the front, making carrying and maneuvering way easier than those crazy wooden grips. It is definitely the most ergonomic wheelbarrow we have reviewed on here so far. 

Grandma = a good thing.

Nature Spring 5 cu-ft wheelbarrow

The Nature Spring 5 cubic ft wheelbarrow is…well…it looks familiar. Basically it is identical in almost every way to the Grandma wheelbarrow above.

The only noticeable difference is that it has a foam handle wrap around the handlebar.

Otherwise, it is about twice the price. Yikes. If this is a must-have, then go for it. Otherwise, go with the Grandma one (Marathon) above.

Expensive Grandma = less good.

Folding wheelbarrows at Lowe’s

There are a few unique wheelbarrows at Lowe’s that can fold or be easily compressed for storage purposes. Let’s break them down.

Bosmere 3.25 cubic feet Folding Poly Wheelbarrow

This wheelbarrow is definitely different. While likely the least sturdy and most likely to fall and anger you deeply, it is also the lightest. This wheelbarrow is built for light work.

The Bosmere folding wheelbarrow can fold in half and be easily stored. It also has some cool features not found on other wheelbarrows, namely some storage pouches on the back for small tools and other items. 

While I wouldn’t trust this with anything except for leaves and grass, it can definitely come in handy if you aren’t moving big heavy stones.

Watch out for strong breezes!

Creative Outdoor Folding Garden Wheelbarrow

The Creative Outdoor Folding wheelbarrow can easily lay flat on the ground with lightweight material. The big plus of having a wheelbarrow like this is that it is easy to rake or sweep items into for quick disposal.

Picture the dust bin of all dust bins, ready to take in a huge pile of whatever and be easily picked up and rolled into another pile. 

These have a nice canvas material that make them durable for all terrain. Another plus is the ease of storage.

Got some good features here!

Allsop 6 cubic feet Steel Wheelbarrow

Not sure why this is called a steel wheelbarrow since the only steel on it is the handle. But this wheelbarrow is another folding wheelbarrow similar to the one above (except about twice the price). 

It does not seem functionally different in really any way. If you are looking for a folding one that lays flat, go with the one above (in my opinion). 

Same-same, but not different.

Best Wheelbarrow at Lowe’s

So this is a tough question. There are a lot of things to like about each wheelbarrow, but if we had to pick one, it would be the Kobalt 6 cubic feet steel wheelbarrow with two flat-free tires.

This has everything we appreciate in a wheelbarrow – a large tray, steel handles and support (not wood), two tires, and tires that are never going to be flat. 

Check it out at your local Lowe’s!

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We have a lot of experience testing tools….

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

We also wrote a comprehensive review of Mulch at Lowe’s as well.

My experience with wheelbarrows

If you are anything like me, you grew up with a simple metal wheelbarrow with a halfway inflated front tire that flipped onto its side every time you went to pick it up.

And then later on you evolved to one of those big plastic wheelbarrows with two legs. Which seems great, but when you try to move it you can only waddle like a penguin or scrape your achilles tendon into oblivion.

If you cannot tell, I have had a hate-hate relationship with wheelbarrows my entire life. Until now.

What to look for in a wheelbarrow

When purchasing a wheelbarrow or yard cart, I try to look for things that don’t hurt me. Let me explain:

  • Load reducing features: Anything that will use leverage to make the load feel lighter and not destroy my hands and back.
  • Multiple functions: Because if you are going to take up space in the garage, you darn well better do more than just haul dirt.
  • Tires that don’t go flat: These are super important for steering, supporting weight, and providing a safe experience.
  • Sturdy: One rule here – don’t fall over.

Guys its a wheelbarrow – this shouldn’t be hard. Do not hurt the operator and you are in the top decile of wheelbarrows on the market.

7 Best Cordless Trimmer and Blower Combo Kits

The best cordless trimmer and blower combinations are the ones that work together like MJ and Pippen. My favorite is the Greenworks 40V string trimmer and blower combo because it has a great battery system, brushless motor, and is very inexpensive.

Here’s a scenario. You just mow your lawn with one of our top-ranked electric mowers. You pop the battery off, and get to trimming around your driveway and garden beds with the trimmer, then quickly pop the battery onto your blower and finish the job.

You can grab the best string trimmer and blower combo on Amazon for a great price.

This is the dream scenario – efficient, seamless, emission free, and easy. While many of these tools can be bought directly from the manufacturer, Home Depot, or Lowes – we have found Amazon has them bundled into easy to assemble and low-cost kits. The trimmer and blower combinations listed below are going to get you there. 

The top 7 trimmer and blower combinations

7. Craftsman V20 String Trimmer and Blower Combo Kit, Cordless (CMCK297M1)

Craftsman provides some great household tools, from air pressurizers to vacuums. Craftsman does a great job in their V20 series by providing a pair of tools that help roll-up your garage into a convenient and easy-to-use kit.

Let’s start with the Craftsman V20 string trimmer. The string trimmer has an automatic line advancement, meaning you won’t have to constantly stop to lengthen the string in the trimmer when it runs low. The trimmer can also function as an edging tool, providing even more versatility to the overall combo kit.

The blower is also perfect for homeowners doing smaller jobs. A 350 CFM, 100 MPH blower has variable speed controlled by a trigger to match the size of the job. While this isn’t the most powerful blower on the market, it is definitely enough power to clear out your garage, patio, deck, or driveway. 

This product comes in at a great price and is actually listed as “Amazon’s Choice” for string trimmer and blower combo kits. You can find it on Amazon for a DEAL. Grab it today to take on any job around your home.

Sleek Craftsman design looks great in the garage.

6. BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX* POWERCONNECT 10 in. 2in1 Cordless String Trimmer/Edger + Sweeper Combo Kit (LCC222)

This one is super popular – and for good reason. The price on this blower combo kit is nearly impossible to beat.

One thing I love about both of these tools is that it takes Black and Decker’s super popular 20V max battery. For example, I have this battery and use it on my power drill. I could easily take it off of that and pop it onto the blower or trimmer.

While the trimmer here is pretty basic, it is going to be just fine for small yards. If you live in a townhome or otherwise have a tiny yard, this is all you will need.

The blower will leave a lot to be desired from a power perspective. It is super small and has an even smaller opening. BUT – this  may be all you need if you have a small yard. And as a positive, it is super quiet. Like eerily quiet.

You can buy this for right a super low price on Amazon, where it has almost 7,500 reviews (averaging 4.5 stars).

The low power, high value trimmer and blower kit.

5. Dewalt String Trimmer, DCST925 and DCBL720 Combo Kit (DCKO975M1)

While Dewalt isn’t recognized as much as some of the others for breadth of lawn equipment, they definitely have a solid core product line. We have reviewed their battery-powered mower in addition to the blower featured in this combo kit.

To summarize, the blower is pretty good but not great. It has a wide opening, which allows for a large jet stream of air, but the speed of the air isn’t as high as I would like. We review the whole thing in this blower review.

The string trimmer looks really sweet. In particular, we really like the squeeze handles at the top. Many manufacturers have normal triggers, but the squeeze triggers are so much easier to use and don’t cramp up your hands. 

This kit is great, but is a little on the pricier side. You can grab this kit on Amazon for cheap or so, depending on where you grab it. Check it out on Amazon to see where the best deal is today.

Dewalt has the great handle on the trimmer.

4. WORX WG928 GT 3.0 Grass Turbine 2 20V Batt/Charger Included String Trimmer Blower Combo Kit, Black and Orange

Well, that’s a mouthful but I wanted to make sure you knew which one I was talking about if you are perusing the online stores.

Here’s the thing I love about WORX. They have some great trimmers that double as edgers (see our GT Revolution review here). The trimmer listed here looks like it could double as an edger as well, has an intuitive, adjustable handle, and (my favorite) a battery that goes underneath the handle. The GT 3.0 trimmer is great trimmer aside from this combination kit.

The blower is okay. Probably on the lower end as far as speed goes. But that’s alright – you don’t need a ton of power unless you have a large yard or are working with wet leaves/grass. Remember to mow while it is dry and you will be fine.

Buy this trimmer and blower combination set on Amazon (currently on sale). This is a good deal – and people love this combo set. It has almost 17,000 reviews – by far the most of any of the combo kits out there.

The awesome trimmer and blower in the Worx combo kit.

3. EGO Power+ ST1502LB 15-Inch String Trimmer & 530CFM Blower Combo Kit with 2.5Ah Battery and Charger Included, Blower & Trimmer, Black

Why can’t they just name these products something simple? Like “EGO Combo kit” or something?

Anyways, this is one of the more impressive combo kits on the market. EGO has great stuff, but they tend to be pretty expensive. This combo kit is no exception. 

The blower is a beast at 530 CFMs, which means it is probably blowing air well north of 100mph (not listed in the specs). It also has a brushless motor, which means it is built to last. You can’t get much higher quality than this EGO blower. 

The trimmer looks pretty standard – it is definitely bigger than most of the other trimmers on this list at 15 inches. Both of these products take a 56V battery – which can be used with a bunch of their other products.

As far as combos go, this one can handle much more than small yards. I think this would work for medium to large yards as well (if  that suits you).

You can find it on Amazon for a good price today. I definitely recommend for larger yards.

EGO has the coolest looking lawn tools.

2. Ryobi One ONE+ 18-Volt Lithium-Ion String Trimmer/Edger and Blower Combo Kit 2.0 Ah Battery and Charger Included

While I am not a huge fan of Ryobi’s ONE+ series, I have to give it to them – this battery can do just about anything. I generally prefer the tools in their 40V battery line because they are heavier duty than the 18V battery in the ONE+ series. 

The main thing you are getting with this purchase is convenience. This is a relatively small Ryobi trimmer that can double as an edger (sorta). It is 10 inches, making it one of the smaller trimmers on here.

The blower will be great for things like a garage or patio, but honestly won’t get you very far in a bigger yard. The reason I ranked this set so highly is because Ryobi’s 18V battery in the ONE+ series can be used in a ton of other tools. That takes this product from a 2-tool kit, to about a 100-tool kit if you have the battery. 

The price is pretty dang good as well, selling for a good deal on Amazon right now, including the battery. Go grab it on Amazon and start building out your tool collection today.

Ryobi ONE+ blower and trimmer are super convenient.

1. Greenworks 40V Cordless String Trimmer and Leaf Blower Combo Kit, 2.0Ah Battery and Charger Included

Greenworks is hands down one of my favorite lawn tool brands on the market – especially in the battery-powered world. They differentiate themselves on one thing: quality. The 40V combo kit here is no exception.

The trimmer is relatively basic, but also comes with a nice edging guard that helps you edge the yard as well. It is 12 inches, putting it right in the sweet spot for edgers here. It also has the automatic line advancement, meaning you won’t have to take any breaks to readjust the trimming  line.

The  blower is great as well. It has over 390 CFM of power at 110 mph speeds. This is perfect for small jobs around the yard as well as patio, deck, garage, or any other hard surface. 

You will get 45 minutes of run time with these, which is more than enough for even medium sized yards. The 40V battery also works with 60+ other lawn tools from Greenworks including mowers, chainsaws, and anything else you could ever need if you move to a larger yard.

You can grab this bad boy on Amazon today for a ridiculously low price. There is a reason over 7,000 people have rated this combo kit 4.5 stars.

My favorite – Greenworks high quality blower and trimmer kit – for cheap.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take our tests seriously.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

The benefits of a battery-powered trimmer

There are a few reasons to check out an electric weed eater when picking out your next lawn and garden tool kit. As compared to gas-powered weed eaters, electric weed eaters tend to be easier to use and maintain. At the end of a long winter season, you may have to refuel your gas powered weed eater and crank it a few times before you can get it to start. With electric weed eaters, you simply place the battery and you are ready to go. 

Another benefit to electric trimmers is maintenance. You will not have to do anything to maintain an electric trimmer other than change out the line. No oil change, no filter change, and no messy gasoline spills. Just the normal string change and you are good to go.

Benefits of battery-powered blowers

Obviously you have two options when selecting a leaf blower: electric or gas.They are worlds apart in just about every aspect. Electric leaf blowers tend to be cheaper, less powerful, but easier to maintain. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I used to have a Ryobi leaf blower attachment that came on their 3-in-1 tool kit. I have now gone through two of the leaf blower heads in which they start making a high pitch scraping noise when I am using it. 

There are exceptions in the electric leaf blower world. One of those is the Ryobi 40V Brushless whisper series blower. It is quiet, extremely powerful, and built to last. It is, however, one of the most expensive electric blowers you can buy.

Gas blowers are superior from a power and durability standpoint. They are super strong, last many seasons, and quickly get the job done. They do require maintenance, gas, and crank-starts, which are a little more difficult for most people. I always recommend an electric blower for smaller yards, whereas larger yards are better served with gas blowers.

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