Makita 18V LXT 21 inch Mower Review + Video

makita lxt mower reviews

Makita’s 21 inch 36V LXT brushless mower is a beauty to look at. They make awesome power tools, some really good lawn tools, and amazing mowers….right? I was underwhelmed with this Makita mower.

I got my hands on the new Makita 36V LXT mower and put it to the absolute test. In fact, over on our Youtube channel this mower was the MOST requested mower review we’ve ever done. Tons of folks were leaving comments on our other mower videos asking about this Makita LXT mower because it looks sweet, is a decent price, and is front and center at just about every Home Depot in the country.

Let me give you my honest thoughts on a number of categories.

The Makita 36V (18 x 2) Brushless Electric Mower Review

I went and grabbed the Makita mower from my local Home Depot. Many people think I get these things sent for free. I do not. So you can trust my experience on this one as the old wallet took a big hit.

Set-up and starting the Makita LXT mower

Unlike most electric mowers these days that have a super easy set-up process that doesn’t involve any tools, the Makita LXT had a few tools I had to use to get it all assembled. While it wasn’t overall difficult to assemble, it did take about twice the time as some of the other mowers I assembled. In fact, I did a 5-way head-to-head electric mower challenge and this one was the longest set-up.

Starting the mower is a little bit complex, too. I appreciate the safety aspects, but it was pretty cumbersome to get started. You press down the red button on the right side of the mower, then pull the handle bar down which engages the blade, then pull another bar over to get the self-propelled function. 

Using the Dashboard on the Makita LXT electric mower

One thing I really liked about the Makita mower is that it comes with a little dashboard panel near the handles. It has a battery light indicator that is super helpful compared to others, some of which make you take off the battery to check how much juice is left. It also has a lever that allows you to control how quickly the self-propelled function goes (ranging from turtle to rabbit).

Lastly there’s this little button that acts as a “quiet mode” which really doesn’t serve much of a purpose. It sends the RPMs down to a lower level, which basically makes the mower less effective. I don’t really get it.

The frame and body of the Makita LXT mower

One thing that this mower has that a lot of the competition doesn’t: a steel deck. So many electric mowers have plastic decks which I am not a huge fan of. I like the weight of a steel deck as well to help keep the mower on the straight and narrow.

One huge benefit of this is the single height adjustment. For folks that don’t know, they make mowers now that can be adjusted at one side of the mower to set the height for the whole mower. I only realized how great this was after having a mower that required it to be adjusted at each wheel separately. Such a nightmare. The heights range from 1.25 inches to 4 inches – great for bermuda or tall fescue. 

The wheels on this Makita mower are also a nice, solid six inches and don’t look or feel plastic-y like some other mowers out there. I also like that the battery housing holds four 5 Ah 18V batteries from Makita, which should get you a decent amount of time. When you want to switch between the first set of batteries to the second, you have to stop and switch a knob that indicates which batteries you want to draw from. Not unusual, but still kind of inefficient.

Battery run time and charge time tests on the Makita mower

Makita can claim whatever they want about the run-time of this mower. I am going to put it to the test to see what is real.

With this mower, I ran it in my yard with a timer to see exactly how long I could mow before the batteries died. With the first set of two batteries, I only got basically my front yard and part of my back – with 38 minutes and 29 seconds. With four batteries, you can probably get a full 80 minutes.

When it comes to charge time, it is also important to see how quickly you can reuse the batteries after a mow (or in the middle of it if they die). I popped two of these dead batteries on the charger and found that it took them about an hour and five minutes to charge (not 45 minutes like advertised).

Cost and value comparison for Makita LXT

The cost of the Makita LXT mower varies by size and batteries, but the one I got that came with two batteries and a 21 inch cutting deck cost about $689. Fully loaded with 4 batteries will run you about $789. 

You can grab any of these variations at Home Depot and adjust the price, where it often goes on sale.

Would I recommend the Makita 36V LXT mower?

This is a tough one. On paper, this is a fantastic mower. Steel deck, Makita’s great brand quality at places like Home Depot, a bunch of bells and whistles, and some great batteries.

But man – this thing was a disappointment when I actually used it. Not a great cut, some weird functions that didn’t make sense like the “quiet mode”, and a huge price tag. To be honest, I think you can do better with one of the best battery powered mowers we wrote about.

I WOULD recommend this mower to someone who already has some nice Makita 18V batteries that can save a ton of money by purchasing the tool-only version from Home Depot for a lower price.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

My experience with battery powered mowers

What I’m about to say may be extreme, but I think I may be the most experienced battery-powered mower reviewer (if that is a word) on the planet. I’ve used just about every battery mower on the market and consider myself a snob.

In fact, I own 11 mowers – which my wife of course loves (just kidding). Eight of them are battery powered push mowers and five of them are all 2023 models. It has been a weird year.

Anyways – I saved you the time of having to compare and contrast all the meaningless specifications and thought I could translate it into plain English.

Toro Power Sweep Blower Reviews: 6 Years Later

The Toro Power Sweep comes from a household brand known for creating top notch tools for landscaping, lawn care, and other home equipment. Oh yeah, and the sales to back it up – including one from me who bought this a few years ago for my first house.

But does this budget conscious product live up to the powerhouse name?

The Toro Power Sweep boasts nearly 1,300 reviews on Home Depot with an average 4.7 out of 5 star rating. Not too shabby for a $60 blower. This is the main reason I bought it back when I was a lawn tool noob.

At first glance, this puppy seems like a great buy. Lots of reviews, high rating, low cost. What’s not to love? 

This was the first blower I ever owned. When I was a new homeowner, not making a ton of money, and needed to purchase several tools on a budget, this was an easy decision. But that was nearly 6 years ago. So does it hold up? 

Let’s get started:

Toro Power Sweep 160 MPH 155 CFM Review

You’re standing at Home Depot (or maybe shopping online) and want to figure out whether or not this thing is garbage. Well – its been sitting in my garage since 2017 and I still use it every week – so here are my thoughts.

Mine is obviously the older model but still works great.

CFMs and Power

CFM is basically the performance of the blower when combined with MPH. How efficiently does it move leaves and debris around?

I gotta be honest, while the Toro Power Sweep served its purpose for me when I was on a budget, it comes clocking in at only 155 CFM. For comparison sake, EGO has two blowers that boasts 765 CFM & 650 CFM. Nearly 5 times as powerful! And I’ve been using this thing for six years! 

At 160 MPH, you’re still getting good speed but it’s in a concentrated, flat nozzle instead of a large, round nozzle. If you put a large, round nozzle on this blower it would basically be a hair dryer.

It’s a classic case of you get what you pay for.

Yes, it’s cheap and serves its purpose. But if you live in the Southeast like me, you spend a lot of time blowing leaves in the yard. You blow the yard, then turn around and it seems like there’s a fresh layer of leaves laid everywhere.

Looking back, I think I would have bit the bullet and spent more money to save time in the yard.

However, if you live in Texas, Arizona, or other areas where you don’t have a lot of trees and just need to blow grass clippings or debris out of your garage, this blower is still a great value.

Usability & Reliability

A big positive for the Toro Power Sweep Blower is that it’s very lightweight. It’s only 4.6lbs and since it’s not that powerful, it won’t have a lot of pressure pushing against your shoulder to keep it steady. 

This can come unplugged if you don’t use the anchor back there at the top.

On the reliability side of things, like any other corded blower, as long as you have access to an outlet, you have power. However, if you have a large yard with a lot of acreage, you’ll need a very long extension cord to be able to cover your entire yard. 

Not to mention, most people’s preference now is to cut the cord and go battery powered when it comes to electric tools. At this point in my life, there are few things more annoying than accidentally pulling the extension cord out of the wall and untangling the cord.

But then again – I’ve used it for six years and haven’t had any issues with reliability. It just won’t die. There’s also a great Toro Ultra 3-in-1 blower like this that is awesome.

Cost and where I bought this blower

This blower comes in at a whopping $59 from Home Depot which is hilarious. Much like the Costco hot dog, the price on this thing is somehow immune to inflation because that’s how much I paid for it back in 2017.

Simple to use – just a single button.

My Experience: Toro Power Sweep Review

Drum roll please….. It’s a strong maybe

If you don’t have a lot of trees that drop leaves and don’t have a large yard, then this is a great buy and it’s super cheap.


If you have a large yard or (not and) you live in an area where it’s raining leaves everyday in the fall, pass on this one and get something stronger, like the EGO 765 CFM Blower.

They’re more expensive, but you’re buying your time back. 

And what’s the point of spending time working on your immaculate lawn if you don’t have enough time to sit back and enjoy it at the end of the day?

Why we created The Lawn Review

The reason we started the Lawn Review in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And they aren’t cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

Yeah, we’ve review a lot of blowers with our face.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Toro and Innovation

Something that many of you may be scratching your head around is….what is Toro? They’ve been around since 1914 and started out by building the top engine for US farm tractors during the industrial revolution. ‘MERICA!!! 

Shortly after, in 1922, they started specializing in golf course fairway care equipment, and fast forward 100 years, they naturally branched into home lawn care equipment.

One of the greatest GOATS of all time.

Needless to say, Toro has been around quite a while, has established itself as a top seller in the marketplace, and has found a niche in electric lawn tools. 

Check out our review of a popular battery powered Toro Mower here.

They offer low price, medium-to-high quality products that….work. Toro is super popular in some of the big box stores like Home Depot. 

What to look for in an electric blower

Cordless blowers come in a bunch of shapes and sizes but there are two basic things you need to understand:

CFMs on blowers

Cubic feet per minute. This is a measure of air output on the blower. Higher CFM = more power, but not necessarily more miles per hour. High CFM with a wide nozzle = lower MPH. High CFM with a narrow nozzle = high miles per hour. Ideally, you want both a high CFM with a narrow to medium nozzle for most residential jobs.


What is the point of having a blower if it is hard to use? Have to get one that is lightweight, easy to start, and has some functions that make your life easier. One thing I look for here is how the weight is distributed. I also look for things like variable speed control, sound, and how easy it is to reach or change controls like cruise control.


It’s important to have reliable equipment – hands down. For homeowners, having a blower that can easily start and requires minimal maintenance is key. The engine doesn’t get as much use as a professional landscaper, so hopefully doesn’t require the same maintenance schedule. For professional landscapers, you need to have a blower that starts quickly and isn’t a headache requiring frequent tinkering and minor replacements.

These are three things you need to pay attention to when looking through the specifications. 

Black & Decker 14-inch String Trimmer Review: 2024

The Black & Decker 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch String Trimmer was the first string trimmer I ever owned. Put simply, this weed eater gets the job done while still being a super budget friendly and lightweight tool.

In all it’s condensed glory!

Black and Decker String Trimmers are nearly a household name. I mean who doesn’t own a Black and Decker product? Even my two year old son has a toy Black and Decker tool box!

But there are so many options with Black and Decker trimmers that it is nearly impossible to compare. 

Bottom Line: The Black and Decker 14 inch trimmer is one of the best lightweight and light duty string trimmers on the market at a ridiculously low price on Amazon.

Jump ahead:

Black & Decker String Trimmer, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch: My Experience

Black and Decker sell a million weed eaters. How did I pick this one? Well, I just scrolled on Amazon and found a cheap one. I had a really small yard when I first bought it, so I wasn’t looking for anything fancy (and couldn’t afford fancy).. I’ve changed and now like really fancy things (but still can’t afford them).

The Black and Decker 14 inch trimmer is easy to use

This Black & Decker string trimmer feels natural to hold. Whether you prefer to hold the handle from the side or from the top, this features a twist and lock mechanism for your preference. I usually go from the side so I can use it for edging.

The twist and lock mechanism.

It’s also very light weight at only 5.3 pounds, so your arms won’t get too tired holding it. For comparison sake, many gas powered weed wackers are over 10 pounds plus the weight of gas in the tank.

Lastly, this tool features a small plastic wheel that you rest on the ground while edging the curb. This helps guide you to keep a straight line for perfectly edged grass.

The little wheel that helps me edge.

One thing I love about it is the automatic feed spool feature, which will automatically send out more trimmer lines when you start to run low. The feature itself is cool, but the actual weed eater string in the replacement spools is super cheap. I knew that when I bought it, but you can’t do a great job edging your lawn without a thicker string.

This all may seem like great features… but it’s not all sunshine & rainbows. More on that in the price & value section below.

Black and Decker’s 14 inch trimmer is corded

This particular tool isn’t battery-powered, but is a great corded electric string trimmer. While it isn’t going to provide you the same portability that a battery powered string trimmer provides, it gives you reliable power without being concerned about the battery charge. As long as your house has power, you have power. Your only concern with this will be making sure you have a long enough extension cord to cover your yard.

The 6.5 amp motor isn’t as strong as a lot of the gas powered string trimmers on the market, but most of our readers don’t need the biggest and baddest on the market. At some point, there’s a diminishing return for how much you pay. My personal opinion, if you’re buying a string trimmer to clean up your edges and trim close to your home, you really don’t need too much more than what this tool offers.

If you have dense brush, a larger yard, or just love power – there are some great gas powered weed eaters from ECHO or even Stihl that will get you there.

The Black and Decker 14 inch String Trimmer is cheap

While this Black & Decker string trimmer has some great features, I wouldn’t feel good just making you seem like it’s everything you need for under $60. Yes, it’s very cheap, which made it a good option when I was young, didn’t have a lot of money, and was a new homeowner acquiring a lot of tools at once to take care of my yard.

But it’s true what they say… you get what you pay for.

The locking mechanism comes undone fairly easily, causing the shaft might twist and turn while you’re trying to get clean edges… which means not clean edges. 

The small plastic wheel is nice, but it only works well if the locking mechanism is working to keep it twisted at the right angle. Otherwise, it will just fall over or the friction from the wheel will pull it back. In general, the locking mechanism is definitely a “loose lock.” Like one of those annoying doors in your house where the deadbolt doesn’t quite fit into the door frame. 

It’s either really light or I’m really strong.

But once again, this puppy is only going to run you $60 (at the time of this writing) and it’s tough to beat that price. Mine lasted me for years, so I was certainly willing to overlook a few annoyances to save a lot of money. 

The Final Verdict: Black and Decker string trimmers

The Black & Decker 6.5 amp, 14-inch String Trimmer is an excellent lawn tool. It’s incredibly budget friendly, does what a string trimmer is supposed to do, without all the unnecessary bells and whistles that usually make tools “look cool” but don’t add to performance.

If you’re on a budget and don’t mind dragging a cord behind you, this is the string trimmer for you. You can grab this one on Amazon for a really good price.

Why we review string trimmers

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool testing seriously.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for in a string trimmer

Cordless weed eaters come in all shapes and sizes. They aren’t highly complicated pieces of equipment, but they do have a few nuances. Here is how I see it:


Obviously this is subjective, but feel is everything to me. I have had weed eaters in the past where the handle is off to the side, making me torque my shoulders and back. Bad. You are going to be using this often and for a long time, so make sure it is comfortable.

Luckily, with corded weed eaters you don’t have a battery or gas tank that adds extra weight – but you do have to pull the cord around with you.


brushless motors are king here. They are longer lasting and more durable. Brushless motors also produce more torque and less heat. With Black and Decker having a more “budget-friendly” line, you may not be able to find this without spending the big bucks. EGO weed eaters, Milwaukee’s M18 weed eaters, and some Ryobi weed wackers all have brushless motors.

Power Source

Depending on your situation, you may need to consider the power source. If you have a large yard with a lot of acreage, you may need gas to cover the whole area, while smaller yards (an acre or less) can get away with a battery or corded tool.

Curved vs Straight shaft

I always, always, always prefer straight shafts. They are so much easier to use and control. Curved shafts are better for smaller areas that require “mowing”, whereas straight shafts are better for precision and clean lines.

Greenworks 80V Electric Mower Reviews: My Experience

My Greenworks 80V Mower is a bit of an enigma. I love Greenworks and they make great products, so I am scratching my head a bit.

My 80V mower is a beast. Basically the same amount of power as my gas Honda mower with the convenience of battery. 

But it also had a few problems. A battery that didn’t work. A really hard time trying to back it up when in self-propelled mode. 

Today – I will break down our brutally honest (as always) thoughts about this mower.

Jump ahead:

How I tested out this Greenworks 80V mower

I got this Greenworks mower sent to me by the folks at Greenworks (they don’t pay us or anything). After assembling it, I went straight out into my yard and played with every function on it as I took it to my tall fescue.

I tested out the battery run time, the bells and whistles like self-propelled functions, how it did with my grass, and finally how it compares to my gas mower and other battery mowers I’ve used.

Basically, I put this thing through the dang GAUNTLET and documented it all on my YouTube channel – check it out!

Greenworks 80V Mower: Feature review

The Greenworks 80V mower is one of the most confusing I’ve ever reviewed. There are some features that are great and I really love. Then there are some that leave me scratching my head and wanting to ask Greenworks, “What were you thinking?” or “Did you even take this through quality control?”

It reminds me a lot of Thanksgiving dinner. We’re all happy to be there and enjoy time with family… but once I’ve been hanging around each other for a few hours, and my crazy uncle has had a few too many Miller’s, it just starts turning into nonsense. 

Looks great on its face!

That being said, the big question is if this one gets the TLR stamp of approval or denial. Without further adieu, here’s the review of the Greenworks 80V Mower:

Ease of use on the Greenworks 80v mower

Starting off with the ease of use, I really like the feel of this mower.

Most electric or battery powered mowers have a hard plastic deck, which can feel fragile and low quality. Greenworks chose a 21” steel deck, like most gas-powered mowers, making it much more durable. Because of the heavy steel deck, I never felt like I was being jostled around my yard as I was going over bumps & divots while mowing. 

I also like that it is featured with a cruise control speed setting. For some of our readers, this is a key feature if you have a hilly yard and want some assistance from the mower pushing up hills. It’s also great to go at a slower pace when I’m going through damp or thick grass to make sure I get a quality cut and prevent the mower motor from overworking. 

Easy to figure out!

As for the downsides… Greenworks is a great partner, but we’re not going easy on them. One of the most frustrating things about this mower was that the bottom flap on the backside would roll under the mower and prevent it from rolling backwards and the back tires wouldn’t roll at all. This caused me to pivot a lot more and tore up my yard in several spots.

Seems like something is wrong with the back tire.

Then there were several times where I would turn on the turbo button and it would cut off. I still can’t figure out what was going on, but it’s frustrating that a key selling feature wouldn’t work at all.

Power output: Greenworks 80V mower

I really loved the brushless motor on this. If you’re not familiar with brushed vs. brushless motors, brushed motors require a brush in the internal components of the motor to convert the energy from the battery to the energy in the motor. Brushless motors typically use magnets for this process. Long story short, it simply means there is less friction to convert the energy, which means less energy to produce power, less wear & tear on the motor, and longer lasting batteries. Anytime I see “brushless” on a tool, it’s typically the better performer.

A nice comfortable handle helped me feel better.

On top of that, when I hit the turbo button, this bad boy hits 3200 RPM!! Impressive for a battery powered mower, since that’s comparable to most gas-powered mowers performance.

Battery life of the 80V battery on Greenworks mower

Because this Greenworks battery powered mower has a steel deck, I anticipated the battery life would be lackluster. After all, it would make sense that more power would be needed to move a heavier mower. I was pleasantly surprised to get about 65 minutes of run time, giving it an edge over other brands like Ryobi & Ego. This is one of the best run times for battery mowers. I have a little under a half acre, so this was plenty of run time for me. 

Pretty cool to have both.

If you have a bigger lawn the handles have an indicator to show how much battery life you have, which can help you plan out if you’re going to need additional batteries (I always like to grab extra batteries anyway, just in case).

This is supposed to automatically switch over..but didn’t!

That being said, one of the major downsides was that this mower is supposed to automatically switch to the second battery when the first one dies. That didn’t happen. I had to take out the battery, pop it back in, and restart the mower. So a key feature and selling point of this Greenworks mower was a total bust.

Price and value

When looking at any mower, it’s going to come down to the overall cut quality. When we combine ease of use, power output, battery life, and performance, the cut quality was top notch and I was satisfied with how my yard looked at the end of an honest day’s work in the lawn.

The price, at the time of this writing, is $629. Which can be on the pricier side of mowers, but it does come with a 4 year limited tool & battery warranty. That can be a great perk, knowing that I am getting a tool that Greenworks will replace for the next 4 years.

Why we I started The Lawn Review

The reason I started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool reviews seriously!

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What to look for when buying a battery-powered lawn mower

If you’re looking for a new battery powered mower, you need to make sure you understand what things matter on the mower. You will get hit with a lot of technical specifications and people throwing acronyms at you.

Below are my main criteria when buying a mower.

Battery-powered mower brand quality

Quality is going to be super important here. Just about everyone is in the electric mower game these days and there are a ton of junky mowers out there. Avoid anything from a weird brand on Amazon that takes 9 years to ship. It is probably being 3D printed in a Laotian bathroom. Go for brands that have consistent quality and focus on the details, not just flashy colors.

Some brands I trust off the top of my head are: Greenworks, Milwaukee, Makita, Toro, EGO, and Kobalt. SOME Ryobi mowers, although myself and others have had some problems with reliability. Brand quality matters, but it’s also important to look at the specs on each.

Luckily, Greenworks is on this list so we are in good shape!

Metal where it matters: the deck 

Most electric mowers are plastic-y. Probably to reduce the weight of the mower so that the battery can get you further, but it feels cheap. Make sure to get metal where it matters – namely the deck. The deck is the part that covers the blades. Don’t get plastic here – a rock can rip through it.

Battery interoperability.

A ten dollar word used here, but really just make sure to buy a mower with a battery that is compatible with other electric tools. You’ll see a bunch of these brands that have battery lines that work with a ton of tools. Milwaukee, Makita, and Dewalt are all great options because you can use them for all lawn tools AND power tools – saving you a ton of money on extra batteries.

If you have more questions, check out our guide to electric lawn mowers, where we break this down into a lot more detail.

The Greenworks 80V series is a good one – including their awesome blower.

Self-propelled or not

Self-propelled mowers are lawn mowers that slowly crawl forward when mowing the lawn. They propel forward the mower, taking off a lot of the “pushing power” required by traditional push mowers.

Self-propelled mowers are ALWAYS more expensive because they have the additional power and functionality that makes life easier. They have their place, but because of the cost can often seem not totally worth it

Our Review: Greenworks 80V Mower

Does this get the TLR stamp of approval?

Reluctantly, I’m going to give this a yes. Like 55% approval rating. Barely making the cut (pun intended).

Though there are some downsides (battery not switching, not rolling backward, turbo cutting off), I think the pros outweigh the cons. The battery life is top notch, I couldn’t ask for better cut quality, the steel deck made it easy to handle, and the warranty is a great add-on to make my money stretch for at least 4 years. 

If you’re in the market for a mower this season, the Greenworks 80V Mower is a great choice and can be found on Amazon or at Costco.

Greenworks 24V Portable Power Cleaner Review: 2024

The Greenworks 24V Portable Power Cleaner is a handheld miniature pressure washer that can be super convenient for taking with you on a paddle boarding trip, mountain biking, or even just around the backyard pool.

We got our hands on this nifty little gadget and decided to write up our thoughts. If you want to see it in action, check out our Youtube video review of this power cleaner.

In short, this power cleaner is a really cool tool that I’m sure has tons of uses to wash cars or windows – but isn’t something that I would regularly use. It’s cool and it was fun to play with, but also had a few little things that really annoyed me during our testing. 

Otherwise, jump ahead for our in-depth review of all the claims that this power cleaner makes:

Greenworks 24V Power Cleaner: Breakdown

The Greenworks 24V power cleaner is a product meant to be used on the go. Meaning it doesn’t have all the crazy motor action used by normal pressure washers. It also doesn’t even require a hose. Yep – let’s explain.

Let’s get to work!

The Greenworks power cleaner is convenient

Frankly, usability and convenience are everything when it comes to a power cleaner. If you don’t have those – well then you might as well be chained to a classic pressure washer. 

The first thing I’ll call out about this power cleaner is that it takes a 24V Greenworks battery. No plugs required, allowing you to be ultimately mobile. The 24V battery works in a ton of other light-duty tools from Greenworks ranging from weed eaters to their 24V shop vac

The next great thing about this Greenworks power cleaner is that it can use a variety of water sources. You can plug a hose directly into the power cleaner and get rocking, but it also comes with a 20 foot hose that attaches to it and can draw water from any fresh water source. Simply drop the end of it in a bucket full of water, a hose, a lake, or anything else and get to rocking. Pretty darn cool. 

We put it in a bucket and got to work.

One huge downside to this (and something we recommend for Greenworks to fix ASAP) is that the hose attachment that allows you to suck up fresh water isn’t very long and floats on top of the water. During testing, it frequently would pop out of the water and cut the power cleaner off.

We also used it in the pool!

A bobber or weight or something else that could keep this thing underwater would be super helpful. 

Nozzle tips on the Greenworks power cleaner

The power cleaner has another unique feature – a snap-on nozzle head with five different options for nozzle angles. You simply rotate the nozzle through the different angles to select the one that’s right for you. Normal watering, 0 degrees, 15, 25, and 40 degree angles are all available.

Nozzle tip with 5 options.

In addition to the nozzle tips, there’s this neat little soap dispenser that can pop on as well, allowing you to apply detergent or window cleaner to your exterior windows, car, or anything else before doing a full on wash. 

Greenworks 24V power cleaner: measuring the power

The Greenworks 24V power cleaner claims to have 600 PSI of pressure coming out of the end of the wand. We obviously put it to the test with our handy PSI meter.

During our test, we found it to actually reach a max PSI of 700. Greenworks is selling themselves short here! 

Nice little surprise!

As mentioned earlier, GPM is also an important metric to watch for when buying a power cleaner. Greenworks claims a 0.8 GPM. We tested this one as well, and found that it was slightly below 0.8 GPM – not bad.

When it comes to actual pressure output and the applications you can use this for, the answer is not much. These are great for muddy dirt bikes, stand up paddle boards, car washes, and a few other things. But as far as blasting away dirt from a deck or concrete or really any other pressure washer-type of application, it won’t get you very far. In all honesty, it isn’t much better than most garden hose nozzles.

Battery life and run time on Greenworks 24 power cleaner

This is where the case for the Greenworks power cleaner really breaks down. Up to this point, this was a kind of cool, handy little cleaning tool. But the battery life isn’t great. We tested the run time on this and it lasted for 17 minutes. You might be thinking that 17 minutes isn’t all bad since it will still cover most quick clean-up jobs. 

But man, the charge time for this 4.0 Ah battery is over 3 hours long. I don’t know about you, but 3 hours of charge time for 17 hours of run time seems a little…..whack. 

In addition to the weak run-time, I found the battery really hard to pull out of its waterproof casing. The design isn’t very intuitive, although I appreciate that they protect it.

Convenient waterproofing but hard to access.

Our final review: Greenworks 24V Power Cleaner

The Greenworks 24V Power Cleaner is a great tool for somebody. But I didn’t find that many applications that I would personally use it for that wouldn’t be covered by either a normal garden hose or a regular pressure washer.

If you have neither, this one can be handy. I personally liked using the Worx Hydroshot better.

But if you’re interested in this one and already have a 24V Greenworks battery – then it’s a great option and is available for a competitive price on Amazon.

If you’re looking for an alternative – check out our review of the Kobalt Power Cleaner.

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool testing seriously.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

GPM and PSI on electric power cleaners

GPM stands for gallons per minute. GPM measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.

If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.

For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.

Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.


Eley Hose Reel Review: 2024 Buyer’s Guide

The Eley hose reel is for anyone who works in a garden and wants to use almost indestructible tools. We share the same opinion. The Eley hose reel is a pretty slick product, and if you are on the fence about buying it, you’ve come to the right place.

Sick of this plastic crap?

Looking at all the reviews of the Eley Hose Reel made us want to check it out ourselves. So, what we can say in the beginning (without spoiling too much) is that it is a very impressive, high-value product. We looked into its durability, the company’s values, and their story.

Bottom Line: The Eley Hose Reel is an absolute tank and built to last for decades. If you have gone through many hose reels (like me), and none lasted, you must still be looking for one. You can grab the Eley Hose Reel here.

Looking for a hose that can last as long as the Eley? I like the FlexZilla garden hose.

Jump ahead:

Eley Hose Reel Review: Features & Benefits

A garden hose reel that will check all the boxes -it’s one of life’s simple pleasures that surprisingly makes a huge difference. I used to have an old plastic one I got from Home Depot, then found the Eley because I cracked off the handle trying to power through the pain with it. I found that the old Rubbermaid hose reels had to be at just the right angle, with both hands helping to pull in the hose and somehow reeling it in as well. A nightmare.

The two-wheeled hose reel.

Here are a few things we loved about the Eley Hose Reel.

You can use the Eley Hose Reel as a lefty

My wife is a lefty. My son is. I’m not. Which means we got the left handed version. Depending on which model you get, you can set it up for either right-hand or left-hand rewinding. All those lefties out there – someone at this company was thinking about you too!

He helps pick out tools as well.

The Eley Hose Reel will last through an atomic bomb

One of the things we love most about this product is that you don’t need to strain yourself to get the job done. The sleekness of the design makes it easy to use yet powerful in its task. It is well-engineered, and it can hold about 125 feet of hose.

The wall-mounted version also slaps.

It is able to make the job so easy because it has two cone-shapes on either side of the reel, which automatically forces the hose to fall into formation (shout-out Beyonce) and smooth itself out. This means all the force you’re applying to reel it in is being maximized for a super easy reel-in.

Winding up the Eley Hose Reel is easy

Being comfortable is another thing that Eley thought about once they started designing this reel hose. Depending on the model you get, you can install it perpendicularly or parallel, so you can use it with ease. The handle has a comfortable grip. There is a braking system too, that helps you set just the right amount of drag.

Just stays in place like it should.

I got the two-wheeled version, which is the most popular, but they also have a wall mount and a wooden pole mount that allow you to put it under your deck or on the side of your house. Very nice!

Durability: Eley Hose Reel’s claim to fame

If you want to claim years of use whenever you buy a certain garden product, then expect nothing less from this one as well! As a garden hose reel, it is created from aluminum alloy construction. This means it will not break, leak, or rust. The stainless steel hardware only adds to the ingeniousness of the design, making it truly unbreakable.

The Eley Hose Reel is a worthwhile investment

Eley is so sure that you are getting a quality product that their dang hose reel comes along with a 10-year no-break warranty. This is how confident they are in the product they’ve created. It is a little bit on the pricier side, but you can’t really beat the warranty. In 9 years from now if Hulk Hogan comes over and wants to reel in your hose and he breaks it, then it will STILL be under warranty (and Hulk will be like 80 years old). 

You can grab the Eley Hose Reel from their website here.

Eley Hose Reel: Final thoughts of wisdom

Taking pride in having the best garden products in your backyard feels amazing! If you want to up your game and ensure you have all the equipment you need, add the Eley hose reel to your collection. At the end of the day, we loved it, so why not give it a try?

We don’t think you will ever have to look for another hose reel after looking into Eley. If you haven’t already bought this product, well now is the perfect time to do that! 

Why we started The Lawn Review

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take our tool testing seriously.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

Why buy a hose reel?

If you are a lawn aesthetics lover like us, you must spend a lot of time in your backyard. As it happens, every garden needs constant work (sometimes even every day). Along the way, you will need some tools to elevate your mobility and efficiency around your favorite space. 

Now, we can all agree water is essential. Whether you want to wash away dirt from something, make sure that your plants are watered properly, or need a sip yourself, you need a long hose that can help you achieve that. But, once you start using the hose every day, you will notice that it gets in the way a lot.

One of my favorite memories of my friend’s dad was a time he got super mad that his hose got tangled. He picked up the hose and threw it as hard as he could, and it only went like 2 feet because it was a hose. We died laughing.

This is when you start looking for a hose reel. It is the perfect addition to all those garden enthusiasts out there. It can help you clean up the space and untangle yourself quickly

About Eley’s hose reel products

All of their products are made with an aluminum reel with rust-proof metal construction. This includes stainless steel hardware, powder-coated finishes, and oversized tubular frames. You can even opt for a flat-free model. It is the kind of model you can use for many years without any hassle – and it is affordable too!

Family owned.

They essentially create high quality, indestructible lawn tools that are rhino-guarded in a way. Tough interior, well constructed, and tough exterior. Basically, these things are bulletproof. 

If you want a great hose to go along with this reel, check out the FlexZilla garden hsoe.

Greenworks 3000 PSI Pressure Washer Reviews: 2024

My Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer boasts a big game. 3000 PSI at 2.0 GPM (as claimed on the box) puts it in the same category as many gas-powered pressure washers. 

We spent a ton of time putting this to the test as seen in our YouTube video reviewing the Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer.

Bottom Line: We love Greenworks and we loved their 3000 PSI electric pressure washer, but we found that the claims weren’t totally what you would expect. This is still probably the best electric pressure washer we’ve ever used, so don’t get it twisted.

Here’s how we analyzed this pressure washer (jump ahead):

Testing out the Greenworks 3000 PSI Pressure Washer: Our Experience

We put the electric Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer to the test with some serious tools, including a pressure gauge to test all of their claims. The results were….interesting. Check it out.

Power test: GPM and PSI on Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer

When we got the Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer, we were shocked at its claims. 3000 PSI and 2.0 GPM. That’s a killer combination found only on gas pressure washers. But looking at the fine print, we saw this:

Okay. So not really 2.0 GPM at full blast. Not exactly what we thought but not necessarily false advertising. Anyways, we put it to the test.

So most folks (and many people that have commented on our YouTube video) have pointed out that pressure washer PSI is measured at the exit point of the motor, where the hose connects. This is true, but doesn’t necessarily tell you how much PSI will actually come out of the pressure washer wand, which is what matters.

So we tested it. 

PSI test: electric pressure washers

The Greenworks pressure washer claims 3000 PSI. This measurement is supposed to be made at the hose connection point, but we tested it at the end of the wand to see how much is actually being delivered.

Testing the PSI!

We found it to be somewhere between 2500-2700 PSI, which is surprisingly good. 

GPM test

Greenworks also claimed this electric pressure washer had 2.0 GPM, which is really only true if it’s barely running. The real measurement is around 1.1 GPM when it is fully operating. But we had to test that as well. We measured how long it took to fill up a 5 gallon bucket of water.

GPM test!

It ended up being right at 5 minutes – equating to 1.0 GPM. Close enough!

Durability of the Greenworks electric pressure washer

One thing we loved about the construction of the Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer was the steel frame that is super easy to pick up and drag. It also has 10 inch never-flat tires, which make it really easy to lug around a job site (or your yard) without worrying about running over nails or having low air in the tires.

We love the construction and storage on this one.

This pressure washer also has a 14 Amp brushless motor. Brushless motors provide more torque, a cooler run time, and overall last a lot longer. The crazy thing about Greenworks is that they backed up this brushless motor with a 10 year warranty! That is insane but also gives me a ton of confidence in this tool lasting a long time.

We love this pressure washer for home use.

Performance and usability: Greenworks 3000 PSI pressure washer

The Greenworks PRO 3000 PSI electric pressure washer comes with a few bells and whistles that make it easier to use than some of its competitors. 

The first is the on-deck nozzle holder that keeps the five nozzles snug on top of the machine. They stay there even when you take the pressure washer vertical for storage. 

Lots of nozzles!

Another cool feature of this pressure washer is the inline GFCI box that allows you to plug it in virtually anywhere. Most other heavy duty electric tools have the GFCI as a part of the plug, limiting where you can plug it in. 

It also has a one-gallon soap tank attached to the unit that allows you to use the pressure washer on things like cars, windows, and houses to remove old dirt and grime. Nice!

Performance-wise, this thing really blew us away. It is one of the strongest electric pressure washers on the market, probably the strongest in the residential space. It went toe-to-toe with our Honda pressure washer in regards to PSI.

Performs pretty well!

But honestly, we were very shocked with how well this performed. All the confusing claims and issues around PSI and GPM shrunk away after actually using the tool and realizing how powerful it was.

Cost and value

The Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer is cheaper than others in the space, like the Ryobi 3000 PSI pressure washer.

A good investment.

Right now, it is for sale on Greenworks website for just under $400. We think this is a great value because it is in a very affordable range, but also has a 10 year motor warranty. It’s actually kind of a steal, especially if you’re considering renting a pressure washer.

Official review: Greenworks 3000 PSI electric pressure washer

When we first got this pressure washer and reviewed the claims, we were tempted to slam it and say that the marketing is misleading.

And then we tried it.

And it was pretty dang powerful. So as much as it pains us, we are eating crow on this one. This is probably the best electric pressure washer on the market. There are other really good ones as well, but man – did our minds change after using this pressure washer. 

You can grab it on Amazon where it frequently goes on sale, or from your local Lowe’s (maybe even Costco!).

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool testing seriously!

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

What features to look for in a pressure washer

Greenworks electric pressure washers make it relatively easy to knock off one of the biggest must-haves on your list: a reliable and powerful engine. But there are a few other things we recommend truly making sure are available when searching for a new pressure washer.

Nozzles Matter

  • When choosing a pressure washer, you should pay attention to the nozzles included in the package. Two types of spray nozzles are available, adjustable spray nozzles that can be controlled and quick-connect nozzles with predefined spray patterns.  
  • The predefined spray patterns typically come in different angles, allowing for you to quickly switch between a broad, lower pressure spray or a narrow, higher pressure stream.
  • Quick connect nozzles are super convenient, but they’re almost like airpods – you can lose them!

Soap tank availability

  • Additionally, you may want to consider a soap tank-equipped pressure washer. Some of these pressure washers have “foam cannons” where you can simply add some soap and it will mix it in with the water. Pretty cool.
  • I recommend a soap tank for cars and windows.
Soap Canisters on Sun Joe’s pressure washer.

Wheels on pressure washers

  • Despite these seemingly minor features, they can have a big impact, especially with larger units. No sense in lugging around one of these in your yard and tripping all over the place.
  • Some pressure washers have a tendency to flip over and be top heavy, so make sure the base is sturdy.
  • If you’re on the job site, keep an eye out for never-flat tires that will protect the wheels in case there are spare nails laying around.

Hose types

  • There’s a big difference between how easy or difficult it is to use a pressure washer based on the kind of hose that comes with it. Stiff, rigid hoses make it extremely difficult to have any maneuverability without messing up the job or knocking over the base.
  • Length is also important for pressure washer hoses as you can end up in a tight spot, literally, if you don’t have enough reach.

GPM and PSI on electric pressure washers

GPM stands for gallons per minute. GPM measures how quickly water is leaving the end of the electric pressure washer. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and is a measure of pressure that is being applied out of the electric pressure washer.

If this is confusing to you, you’re not alone. In reality, if you are looking for power, you want both. They work hand-in-hand to deliver water from the machine at a high rate and effective and efficient volume.

We were satisfied with the PSI on this one.

For reference, a pressure washer can have a high PSI but a low GPM, meaning it is able to have a high pressure but generally not over a large area. Having both a high PSI and high GPM means that it’s coming out fast and it’s producing a more effective stream.

Likewise, you can also have a low PSI and higher GPM. This is a good ratio for cleaning cars because you get a lot of water at a safer pressure.

Looking for something lighter? Check out the Greenworks 24V Power Cleaner.

SKIL 40V PWRCORE Power Head System Review: 2024

SKIL’s 40V PWRCORE Power Head System is brand new to the market. SKIL has been around for quite some time, but is just now getting into the Power Head System game.

Nice power comes from the top.

We’ve had the chance to review a few weed eaters with attachments that are all a part of a power head system, and SKIL has just made our list.

Today, we will deep dive into a bunch of features that make the SKIL PWRCORE 40 pretty nice. We also have a corresponding Youtube video that shows it in action.

Bottom line: The SKIL PWRCORE 40 multi-head system is a shockingly good system if you have SKIL tools and can save money on the batteries. You can grab this one at Lowe’s or on Amazon for a great price.

Jump ahead:

SKIL PWRCORE 40V Attachment Capable Power Head: Features

The SKIL PWRCORE 40V power head system that we got came with both weed eater and edger attachments, although more are likely to come soon. I expect a pole saw, cultivator, and snow blower attachment at least to be added in the next few months.

Overall really easy to use.

Let’s take a dive into our experience with the weed eater and edger attachments on the SKIL PWRCORE 40V system.

Using the SKIL PWR CORE 40 is easy

The SKIL Power Head comes with a nice molded rubber grip that feels super comfortable to use, almost like a pistol grip. One thing that I immediately noticed and liked was the safety feature. While I wouldn’t normally want a safety feature on my Power Head, it has the ability to move left and right to accommodate the primary hand of any user. 

The D-loop handle is pretty common on most premium power head systems, but I like that this one is slightly more adjustable to accommodate differences in height and hand position. 

Moves left and right.

Connecting the attachments into the power head is a breeze. You simply pop it into the head (there’s an arrow that shows you how to use it), then tighten it. Assembling the power head with each attachment was super simple as well.

SKIL PWR CORE has some serious power

The SKIL PWR CORE also comes with a variable speed trigger that lets you have complete control over the speed of the motor. On top of that variable speed trigger, there is a power switch that lets you move between levels 1 and 2 to have even further control over the speed and power of this unit.

One huge callout for this weed eater attachment is that it has a 16 inch cutting swath, which is comparable to some commercial weed eaters and definitely puts it in the higher range of residential weed eaters.

One thing that struck me immediately was how small the weed eater string was that came with this tool. It honestly looked like dental floss. We replaced it immediately, but found that .095” (the best size) string didn’t fit – so we had to settle for .080” string.

Big cutting swath!

Once the string was replaced, this thing had some decent power. The weed eater performed nicely, but so did the edger attachment. Fortunately, the edger attachment is a universal one and can fit any power head system. At a 9” radius, this edger attachment is pretty heavy-duty. 

The edger attachment can easily get down to 3 inches underground to help trench up the borders of your yard. It is easy to change the height on for anyone looking for a more shallow edging.

PWR Jump battery feature on the SKIL PWR CORE

One thing I like about this SKIL PWRCORE Power Head System is that it comes with a Power Jump charger. It supercharges your battery for the first 15 minutes of the charge, meaning it does 30% battery capacity upfront. And when you connect it, you’ll notice that it goes into overdrive and even makes noise trying to get the battery some instant juice.

This thing actually sweet.

The overall runtime claim is about 50 minutes on a fully charged battery. We put that to the test. Our classic zip-tie system on the trigger and safety (it was hard to do) held them down so that we could see how this thing does on full blast of the lower power setting 1. The SKIL PWRCORE 40 lasted for about 28 minutes before giving out.

After fully charging it again, we set it up on level 2 and ran it at full blast, where it lasted for about 23 minutes. Not bad, as we anticipated much more battery drain on the level two power setting.

Not bad!

Once the battery was totally dead, we timed how long it took to fully recharge – took about an hour and a half despite the advertised hour. 

The SKIL PWR CORE 40 is inexpensive

The PWRCORE Power Head System from SKIL comes in at right around $200 and comes with the weed eater head. Fortunately, it comes with a two year battery warranty and five year tool warranty.

One thing I like about this power head and describe it as a “high value” tool is that it comes with a brushless motor. This is how SKIL is able to put such a good warranty on this system.

Final Review: SKIL PWRCORE 40 Power Head System

This new power head system from SKIL has a lot to like. The brushless motor, large cutting swath, and universal attachment system at a relatively low cost make it a high value tool.

But they also made some claims about run time and battery charge time that were just plain false. And while this power head system has the capability of becoming really powerful, the fact that we couldn’t fit a higher, more appropriate-sized weed eater string made us feel like it couldn’t reach its full potential.

This is a MUST BUY if you already own the SKIL 40V battery and/or have a bunch of universal attachments as you can save a lot of money.

EGO’s is a bit nicer.

But if you are in the market for a new power head system and want to start from scratch, I’d research another like this EGO Multi-Head Power System.

What to look for in a battery-powered attachment system

If I would have read this article a few years ago, I would have made a different decision and likely saved hundreds of dollars. But I learned the hard way and want to make sure you don’t have to.

Here are the things I look for in a battery-powered attachment system:

A brushless motor

The first time around, I bought a brushed motor and I deeply regretted it a few months later. The main difference between brushed and brushless motors is how electricity is transferred from the battery to the motor. Brushed motors have a process that relies on friction. I quickly realized this when the palm of my hand was getting extremely hot while using the attachment system.

Brushless motors run cooler, more efficiently, provide more torque, and last longer. They are quickly becoming the gold standard in battery-powered lawn tools – but not everyone has caught up.

Universal attachments

Some of these weed eater attachment systems have the ability to take on any attachments. That’s a benefit to those of us that are looking to save money or have an existing attachment system that’s broken but the attachments work just fine. You can find attachments on Facebook marketplace or other second-hand stores for a way cheaper price. 

A high performing weed eater

Don’t just buy a weed eater with attachments because it is attachment capable. Buy a battery-powered weed eater that freaking dominates and also has the ability to add attachments. 

Good attachments

If I don’t mention this, I will get an email from one of you saying “you didn’t say to buy one with good attachments” so here you go. Obviously you want an attachment system that can accommodate high performing attachments that you will actually use. Avoid bundles that give you attachments that aren’t as good as the individual tools. The goal is to replace your other tools, not supplement them with an additional cost. 

A snow shovel attachment from EGO.

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

We take tool testing seriously.

As guys who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

Milwaukee M18 Weed Eater Review: 2024 Update

Milwaukee’s M18 weed eater is a freak of nature. I like the Milwaukee string trimmer because it comes from a super deep bench of M18 batteries and has unbelievable torque and power despite low voltage.

But when they make a lawn tool, it does not miss. If you don’t believe me check out their Milwaukee M18 lawn mower or their Milwaukee M18 hedge trimmer.

Bottom Line: The Milwaukee M18 string trimmer has an impressive cutting swath, great battery system, is comfortable and easy to use, and a highly durable motor. This weed eater is darn near perfect. You can grab it from your local Home Depot by using this link.

Jump ahead:

Milwaukee M18 Brushless String Trimmer: Features and benefits

We already know Milwaukee’s M18 series is built to provide serious power, so let’s break down exactly what makes this a great weed eater. I’m going to look specifically at power, comfort, durability, and price. All of these things together paint the picture of how much value this weed eater has.

Milwaukee’s M18 string trimmer provides serious power

Weed eater power is impacted by a few things. One of the most important is the battery voltage, but also the cutting swath and rotations per minute, or speed, of the string trimmer.

When I look at voltage, usually lower voltage means less power. Somehow, Milwaukee has managed to make their 18V battery provide more power than other 18V battery lines, like Ryobi. Interestingly, they have a High Output battery line that performs better in different temperatures and overall delivers power more efficiently. While you won’t get the same power as you would from an EGO 56V weed eater, it is going to still be a noticeably powerful tool.

The next way to look at power is the cutting swath. The gold standard for a battery-powered weed eater is about 15 inches. Anything above a 15 inch cutting swath puts you in commercial territory. The Milwaukee M18 string trimmer has up to a 16 inch cutting swath, putting it right at the top of the competition. 

Lastly, RPMs are also a good indicator of how much power is being delivered. At 6,200 RPMs, this is up there as one of the most efficient weed eaters, providing a ton of spinning force which will help rip through grass with ease. 

Comfort and usability on the Milwaukee M18 Weed Eater

The next most important thing to assess after power is how comfortable the M18 weed eater is to use. Frankly, there is nothing particularly special about the Milwaukee M18’s design to imply that it is more or less comfortable than other weed eaters.

Here are some features that come with many other battery-powered weed eaters that are also on the Milwaukee M18 weed eater:

  • Variable speed trigger
  • 2-speed control settings
  • Easy-load trimmer head (no disassembly required)
  • D-shaped handle
  • Split-shaft for storage

These are relatively common across the dozens of weed eaters we have used, so there isn’t really anything special here. One thing I do NOT love about this weed eater is the battery placement. The M18 battery is at the very, very tip of the weed eater instead of embedded lower in the handle, making the balance a little trickier. It requires a minor increase in downward force / torque of the shoulder that makes it uncomfortable after a few minutes of use. 

Hate to say it, but the Milwaukee 2828 M18 Weed eater is very “average” in the comfort and usability department. 

One last thing I want to point out with this weed eater that’s a huge advantage is the length. At almost 74 inches long, it is the ideal length for a straight shaft weed eater. Longer shafts allow  you to be more precise when cutting.

The Milwaukee M18 weed eater has a durable brushless motor

If you’ve read any of our other reviews, you will know how much emphasis we place on brushless motors. They are EVERYTHING in battery-powered tools and of course super important for weed eaters. 

Brushless motors provide more torque, a cooler running motor, and a more durable life than their brushed counterparts. When it comes to electric tools, they should really be required. I would never buy a brushed motor again. 

Luckily, the folks at Milwaukee included a brushless motor on the M18 string trimmer kit. This instantly puts it in the upper tier of weed eaters in the ranks of durability because it will outlast every single brushed motor out there. 

Another great thing about this one is that the M18 battery system is darn reliable. You can use it on so many of the other Milwaukee tools and because they have 200+ tools on this system, you are going to have no concerns about the durability of the battery. 

Again, Milwaukee backs up their tools AND batteries with a 3 year warranty. If you’re worried about durability – don’t be. 

The Milwaukee M18 string trimmer is inexpensive

The Milwaukee M18 weed eater comes in at a STUNNING price of just under $200 – including the M18 battery. I was simply aghast when I saw the price. If you already have the M18 battery, you can buy the tool-only version for $180. 

Holy cow – this little piece of news changes the whole game. You can grab this at Home Depot for a great (ridiculous) price.

Best Weed Eater String for Milwaukee Weed Eaters

The Milwaukee M18 weed eater can take .080” or .095” weed eater string. We developed our own weed eater string after testing dozens of strings and combining the best elements of each into one .095” string. We think it absolutely rocks, but we are biased. It does fit in this weed eater and will definitely add more power. You can grab it below for a really low price.

Final Review: Milwaukee M18 Weed Eater

At first glance, I love the Milwaukee M18 weed eater. I thought: “Milwaukee makes freakishly powerful tools – so this one has to be great”. I saw it was brushless and had a big cutting swath, which confirmed my beliefs. But nothing about it really seemed special. It has totally stock features and doesn’t stand out from the crowd.

But then I saw the price and thought “Wow” this is a super valuable weed eater. It has amazing power, great durability, and an awesome warranty – all for under $200. 

If you’re in the market – and PARTICULARLY if you already own Milwaukee products – then you won’t regret buying this bad boy.

Why we review weed eaters

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time.

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something.

How to instantly improve your weed eater

Upgrade your weed eating game with the ultimate GrassKicker Weed Eater String! While weed eaters and lawn edgers are great tools, it’s not complete without the right string. Our specially crafted line is designed to enhance your weed eater’s performance and give you flawless edges around your yard and garden.

Don’t settle for subpar string that breaks easily and leaves ragged edges. Our team has scoured the market and combined the best colors, shapes, thicknesses, and materials to create a superior line that cuts more cleanly and lasts longer.

With GrassKicker, you can take pride in your perfectly manicured lawn and make a lasting impression on your friends and family. And who knows, your envious neighbors might just start dropping by more often! Don’t wait, elevate your weed eating game with GrassKicker Weed Eater String today! Click the link now to buy.

What to look for in a weed eater

Weed eaters AKA string trimmers come in all shapes and sizes. They aren’t highly complicated pieces of equipment, but they do have a few nuances. Here is how we evaluate a weed eater at The Lawn Review.


Obviously this is subjective, but feel is everything to me. I have had weed eaters in the past where the handle is off to the side, making me torque my shoulders and back. If you can, get as many adjustable pieces as possible to make this customizable. It doesn’t seem like you use a weed eater for a long time, but the work is precision work that requires a steady hand and focus.


Brushless motors are a non-negotiable when it comes to battery powered weed eaters. Without a doubt,  they are the best option to ensure you have maximum torque, more durability, and a longer life. These things are top notch performance and will be the only option when others start to catch on.

Curved vs Straight shaft

 I always, always, always prefer straight shafts. They are so much easier to use and control and are much longer than curved shafts. Curved shafts are good for clearing out a small piece of land unable to be mowed. But if you want to actually do some good trimming and edging, a straight shaft is much better. Curved shafts are difficult to maneuver and to create a straight line for edging. 

ImoLaza Smart Sprinkler Controller: Our Review

The ImoLaza Smart Sprinkler Controller solves a huge problem: water waste. With a smart controller you can rest assured that watering your yard is efficient and effective.

Have you ever driven through your neighborhood in the pouring rain and seen your neighbor’s irrigation system watering their yard?

Personally, our HOA has a system like that and it drives me crazy because I am the one paying for that water! 

It’s a huge issue for water conservation efforts but it also can hurt your lawn pretty badly. Overwatering your lawn can result in nutrients getting washed away and fungal growth throughout your yard. Not good!

Today, we are going to walk through the ImoLaza Smart Sprinkler’s features and benefits.  These things are one of the huge trends in lawn care towards technology.

Let’s get started!

Why we review lawn tools

The reason we started this website in the first place was because we had so much trouble trying to find reasonable, understandable, honest reviews for lawn equipment. And it’s not cheap! After hours and hours of research, trying products and returning them, and messing up our yards – we started this site. 

How we spend our time now….

As people who had to learn the hard way, we want you to know exactly what you are signing up for before you purchase a piece of equipment. That’s why we are committed to providing honest, easy-to-understand reviews that mean something. 

If you’re still rocking the manual sprinkler, check out our post about the best sprinkler run times.

The ImoLaza Smart Sprinkler Controller: Features and benefits

Smart sprinkler controllers are the lawn watering product of the future, conveniently available now for the early adopters. Let’s walk through our experience with the ImoLaza controller system.


The ImoLaza smart sprinkler felt like unboxing a new Apple product. It was well packaged and  well-presented upon opening, no parts scattered throughout. 

Nice looking box!


Installing the ImoLaza Smart Sprinkler controller took us about 20 minutes. One thing that was immediately shocking to us during installation was using the app to walk through the instructions. You simply download the app, create a login, and then follow the directions.

Well packaged and presented.

It was really nice setting this up over my existing irrigation system. The guide was super easy to follow, with the ability to screw in each wire to the appropriate valve location without relying on old fashioned spring clips that tend to come undone. 

Once the wires were all configured, mounting on the wall was also super easy. I chose to mount this inside my garage to avoid any exposure to the elements. If you do want to hang it up outside, you’ll need to purchase an additional cover that helps protect the electrical unit. 

Mounting was really straightforward as it came with a mounting guide. I simply hooked it right onto a stud in my garage (not me, the wooden stud).

Programming the smart sprinkler

Programming the sprinkler was also straightforward. When you have 8 zones, it is easy to confuse them and get lost trying to figure out which one is which. Luckily, the app asks you to take pictures of each zone so that you can associate its location with the control in the app. This  makes it easy for stupid people like me to never lose track of my zone. 

Easy to follow wire instructions

The customization that you can apply to your zones was a huge differentiator. You can input the type of grass, the type of sprinkler, the grade of the lawn, how much sunlight it gets, etc. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

Crazy enough, it can take into account things like temperature, wind, and moisture to assess whether or not it is a good time to water your lawn. Obviously you don’t want to water your lawn if it is freezing outside, the wind is going wild and spewing water everywhere, or if it is actively raining or just finished raining. 

With the ImoLaza smart sprinkler, you don’t have to worry about rushing over to the device to make sure it doesn’t turn on. It does that for you.

And even if it didn’t do that for you, you can still control it from the App.

Using the app

The ImoLaza app is pretty slick. It tells you a few things that are really important and definitely luxury item:

  • Whether or not your system is online and connected
  • The current temperature and weather
  • Several days forecasted weather
  • The next scheduled sprinkler run
  • The last completed sprinkler run
  • How much water you are using by day ANDmonth
  • Then has a full schedule you can look at and modify
  • Your zones, with pictures

It is really impressive to have this much control over your yard. If you are starting your lawn from scratch or just aerated and overseeded, this thing is going to be a lifesaver. 

It gives you surgical precision into exactly how much water you want in your yard and even reports out on how much you are using. No more leaks that run up your water bill. 

Screencap from the app from ImoLaza’s website

One of the other huge benefits to this sprinkler controller is the ability to make changes while you are 500 miles away. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify the sprinkler schedule. For example, your yard treatment crew comes while you are on vacation and applies lime to your yard. You need to follow up with a few days of intense watering. Simply pull out your phone, open the app, increase the frequency, and continue enjoying your vacation. No concerns about coming back to a suboptimal yard. 

Lastly, ImoLaza has a thing called Smart Cycle soaking, which allows you to cycle watering between zones. This has been shown to not overwater any areas that may overlap. It gives each zone time to soak in the water before starting the next cycle.

Final thoughts

Smart sprinklers give you an astonishing level of control over the water levels in your yard, including the ability to make meaningful steps forward in terms of water conservation. This will save you a good bit of money over the long run by reducing water output, ensuring your grass has optimal health, and making sure the other investments you make in your yard are worthwhile.

You can grab the ImoLaza smart sprinkler controller on Amazon in either a 4 or 8 zone configuration.

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