5 Tips I Learned The Hard Way

#1 Do NOT: Overwater Your Lawn

This builds shallow roots and invites fungus to the party. Lots of people do this and end up rowing weeds and killing good grass.

#2 Do NOT: Mow Your Grass Short

This burns the roots and lets weeds slip in easily. Shorter grass looks better, but overall will not be as healthy and sustainable.

#3 Do NOT: Skip Fertilization

Put down a SLOW RELEASE fertilizer. These fertilizers are totally fine in the Summer. The ones that get you into trouble are the quick release fertilizers. Avoid!

#4 Do NOT: Ignore Your Weeds

If you don't control weeds now, they will come back later. It is not fun being in the heat but boy does it pay off!

#5 Do NOT: Forget To Put Down Ironite

This stuff keeps your lawn GREEN in the Summer. It is almost like a miracle drug that includes Iron and Sulfur to green up your grass.

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